Thank you for considering contributing to Fabrics! We welcome any and all contributions, be it bug reports, feature suggestions, code improvements, or questions. Your help is greatly appreciated!
If you encounter any bugs, have questions, or need hints, please feel free to create an issue on the repository. We are here to help and appreciate your feedback!
To begin contributing, please follow these steps:
Fork the repository here to your GitHub account.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine using:
git clone
Create a new branch for your contributions:
git checkout -b ft-<feature-name> # features
git checkout -b fix-<feature-name> # fixes
Make your changes, fixes, or improvements on this branch.
Commit your changes with descriptive commit messages:
git commit -m "ft[<your-scope>]: Add a concise commit message here" # featuers
git commit -m "fix[<your-scope>]: Add a concise commit message here" # fixes
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin your-feature-branch
Create a pull request (PR) from your branch to the develop branch of this repository. Ensure that your PR description clearly explains your changes and their purpose.
Congratulations! You have submitted your contribution for review. We will review your PR as soon as possible and provide feedback.
When contributing code, please follow the existing code style and adhere to any guidelines outlined in the repository.
For more detailed information on contributing to this (or any other open-source) project, please visit first-contributions .
We look forward to your contributions! Thank you for helping to make Fabrics better.