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File metadata and controls

257 lines (181 loc) · 10.8 KB

{%= name %} [![npm version][npmv-img]][npmv-url] github release ![License][license-img]

Get all commits since given period of time or by default from latest git semver tag. Understands and follows both the SemVer and the Conventional Commits specification.

Please consider following this project's author, Charlike Mike Reagent, and ⭐ the project to show your ❤️ and support.

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If you have any how-to kind of questions, please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents.
For bugs reports and feature requests, please create an issue or ping @tunnckoCore at Twitter.

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Project is semantically & automatically released on CircleCI with [new-release][] and its New Release GitHub App.

Table of Contents


This project requires Node.js {%= engines.node %}. Install it using yarn or npm.
We highly recommend to use Yarn when you think to contribute to this project.

$ yarn add {%= name %}


In this example, we show how this package can be used in combination with [parse-commit-message][] and [detect-next-version][] to make robust automation, pblish & release flow.

This actually is used in the @tunnckocore/release-cli and the Release GitHub App.
In the CLI commits are collected from git log using this module, in the App commits are from the GitHub API.


import { applyPlugins, plugins, parse, check } from 'parse-commit-message';
import gitCommitsSince from 'git-commits-since';
import detector from 'detect-next-version';

async function main() {
  const { rawCommits } = await gitCommitsSince({ cwd: 'path/to/repo' });
  const commits = applyPlugins(plugins, check(parse(rawCommits)));

  // detect-next-version, also can accept rawCommits (array of strings) directly,
  // but that is that way just for demo purposes.
  const result = await detector('my-npm-package', commits);

  console.log(result.increment); // => 'patch'
  console.log(result.isBreaking); // => false
  console.log(result.lastVersion); // => 0.1.0
  console.log(result.nextVersion); // => 0.1.1


Generated using docks.

Gets all commits since given options.from or since last semver tag (by default). In return you will get useful metadata and rawCommits. Where rawCommits is an array of commit message strings. Optionally you can pass a options.plugin functin which is passed with (rawCommit: string, result: object) signature and will be called on each commit. This behavior can be used to do fun stuff on per each project basis. Such as parsing each rawCommit or whatever.


  • options {object} basically passed to [git-raw-commits][] and [git-semver-tags][]


  • Promise<object> resolves to an object with { from, to, cwd, rawCommits }


import gitCommitsSince from 'git-commits-since';

async function main() {
  const result = await gitCommitsSince({ cwd: 'path/to/git/repository' });

  // the @ means HEAD or the latest commit
  // => { from: 'v0.1.0', to: '@', cwd: 'path/to/cwd', rawCommits, options }

import gitCommitsSince from 'git-commits-since';

// Using the plugin API
async function main() {
  const plugin = (rawCommitString, result) => {
    // log each commit

    result.qux = 12345;

    return { foo: 'bar' };

  const res = await gitCommitsSince({ plugin });
  console.log(; // => 'bar'
  console.log(res.qux); // => 12345


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{% if (verb.related && verb.related.list && verb.related.list.length) { %}

See Also

Some of these projects are used here or were inspiration for this one, others are just related. So, thanks for your existance!

{%= related(verb.related.list, { words: 9 }) %}

back to top {% } %}


Follow the Guidelines

Please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents for advices.
For bugs reports and feature requests, please create an issue or ping @tunnckoCore at Twitter.

Support the project

Become a Partner or Sponsor? 💵 Check the Partner, Sponsor or Omega-level tiers! 🎉 You can get your company logo, link & name on this file. It's also rendered on package page in [][npmv-url] and []({%= name %}) sites too! 🚀

Not financial support? Okey! Pull requests, stars and all kind of contributions are always welcome. ✨

OPEN Open Source

This project is following OPEN Open Source model

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is built on collective efforts and it's not strongly guarded by its founders.

There are a few basic ground-rules for its contributors

  1. Any significant modifications must be subject to a pull request to get feedback from other contributors.
  2. Pull requests to get feedback are encouraged for any other trivial contributions, but are not required.
  3. Contributors should attempt to adhere to the prevailing code-style and development workflow.

Wonderful Contributors

Thanks to the hard work of these wonderful people this project is alive! It follows the all-contributors specification.
Don't hesitate to add yourself to that list if you have made any contribution! ;) See how, here.

Charlike Mike Reagent

💻 📖 💬 👀 🔍

Consider showing your support to them. 💖


Copyright (c) 2018-present, Charlike Mike Reagent <> & contributors.
Released under the Apache-2.0 License.

[npmv-url]:{%= name %} [npmv-img]:{%= name %}?icon=npm

[license-img]:{%= name %}

[downloads-weekly-img]:{%= name %} [downloads-monthly-img]:{%= name %} [downloads-total-img]:{%= name %}