- idx:wallet:id
- don't use FT.SEARCH to check for wallet's existence
- refactor searchWallet to be generic
- search has paths in api /wallet/tags, /wallet/owner
- wallet owner, idx:wallet:owner index
- serach on wallet owner, add sample in Readme
- in api when query is bad, return 400 malformed query
- titles formatting in Changelog
- uuid to generate transaction Id
- Single thread locking / unlocking
- Distributed locking using redis - redlock
- Use single thread locking / unlocking to prevent race conditions on balance
- initial structure
- gitignore
- Readme
- Changelog
- Dockerfile
- cli env vars + dot env
- redis connection
- gin router + empty first function
- skeletons postwallet and posttransaction as closure over rdb
- Implemented genesis function
- Implemented create wallet if not exists
- Implemented post transactions, verify balance then execute and update balance, using optimistic log - not thread safe
- Implemented search wallets by tags