HA_repl test is aimed to test CUBRID HA replication feature. We convert existing SQL test cases to HA_repl test cases automatically to check data replication between master node and slave node.
This section introduces how to execute ha_repl test with one HA instance environment.
We need prepare at least 2 servers.
No. Role User IP Deployments 1 Controller ctl6 CTP
Test Cases2 CUBRID master zll CTP
Please refer to CTP installation guide to install CTP on all role nodes.
Please install CUBRID on CUBRID master and slave
There is a way to avoid installing CUBRID on master and slave manually. It's to set parameter
in ha_repl test configuration fileha_repl.conf
For example:cubrid_download_url=
There are two approaches. The first is to create our own test cases. Log into the controller node, then create an arbitrary folder exampled as
, and then put our test cases under the folder. See example below:File ~/with_online/example1.sql:
drop if exists t; create table t(i int,j varchar); insert into t values(1,'a'); insert into t values(2,null); create index idx1 on t(i) with online; select /*+ recompile*/ * from t where i=2; insert into t values(2,3); select /*+ recompile*/ * from t where i=2; drop table t;
The second is to accept to use existing SQL test cases as Ha_repl test cases. Please check out the test cases on controller node as below.
Log into the controller node, then execute:
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/CUBRID/cubrid-testcases.git git checkout develop cd cubrid-testcases/sql/ $ ls _01_object _08_javasp _14_mysql_compatibility_2 _22_news_service_mysql_compatibility _28_features_930 _02_user_authorization _09_64bit _15_fbo _23_apricot_qa _29_CTE_recursive _03_object_oriented _10_connect_by _16_index_enhancement _24_aprium_qa _29_recovery _04_operator_function _11_codecoverage _17_sql_extension2 _25_features_844 _30_banana_pie_qa _06_manipulation _12_mysql_compatibility _18_index_enhancement_qa _26_features_920 _31_cherry _07_misc _13_issues _19_apricot _27_banana_qa config
Log into controller node, and create Ha_repl test configuration.
default.testdb = xdb default.ssh.pwd=****** default.ssh.port=22 # master and slave node env.ha1.master.ssh.host = env.ha1.master.ssh.user = zll env.ha1.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha1.slave1.ssh.user = zll env.ha1.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1727 env.ha1.ha.ha_port_id = 58091 env.ha1.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha1.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 31091 env.ha1.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 31091 # Use this CUBRID build to test instead of manual installation # cubrid_download_url= # Use our own test cases scenario=${HOME}/with_online # Use existing SQL test cases # scenario=${HOME}/cubrid-testcases/sql
$ ctp.sh ha_repl -c ~/CTP/conf/ha_repl.conf
Console output:
$ ctp.sh ha_repl -c ~/CTP/conf/ha_repl.conf ====================================== HA_REPL ========================================== [HA_REPL] TEST STARTED (Thu Sep 05 19:54:57 KST 2019) [HA_REPL] CONFIG FILE: /home/ctl6/ha_repl.conf scenario=${HOME}/with_online env.ha1.slave1.ssh.host= env.ha1.slave1.ssh.user=zll env.ha1.master.ssh.user=zll default.ssh.pwd=****** default.testdb=xdb default.ssh.port=22 env.ha1.master.ssh.host= ----------END OF FILE---------- Available Env: [ha1] connect zll@ success connect zll@ success BUILD ID: BUILD BITS: 64bits Continue Mode: false BEGIN TO CHECK: connect zll@ success connect zll@ success =================== Check zll@ ==> Check variable 'JAVA_HOME' ...... PASS ==> Check variable 'CTP_HOME' ...... PASS ==> Check variable 'CUBRID' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'java' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'diff' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'wget' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'find' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'cat' ...... PASS =================== Check zll@ ==> Check variable 'JAVA_HOME' ...... PASS ==> Check variable 'CTP_HOME' ...... PASS ==> Check variable 'CUBRID' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'java' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'diff' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'wget' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'find' ...... PASS ==> Check command 'cat' ...... PASS CHECK RESULT: PASS java.runtime.name=Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment sun.boot.library.path=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/amd64 java.vm.version=17.1-b03 env.ha1.slave1.ssh.host= java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. java.vendor.url=http://java.sun.com/ path.separator=: java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM file.encoding.pkg=sun.io sun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD user.country=US sun.os.patch.level=unknown java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification user.dir=/home/ctl6 default.ssh.port=22 java.runtime.version=1.6.0_22-b04 java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment java.endorsed.dirs=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/endorsed os.arch=amd64 java.io.tmpdir=/tmp line.separator= java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. os.name=Linux default.ssh.pwd=****** sun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 java.library.path=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/amd64:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/../lib/amd64:/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib env.ha1.master.ssh.host= scenario=${HOME}/with_online java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification java.class.version=50.0 sun.management.compiler=HotSpot 64-Bit Server Compiler os.version=3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64 env.ha1.slave1.ssh.user=zll user.home=/home/ctl6 user.timezone=Asia/Seoul java.awt.printerjob=sun.print.PSPrinterJob java.specification.version=1.6 file.encoding=UTF-8 user.name=ctl6 java.class.path=/home/ctl6/CTP/common/lib/cubridqa-common.jar java.vm.specification.version=1.0 sun.arch.data.model=64 java.home=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. user.language=en java.vm.info=mixed mode java.version=1.6.0_22 java.ext.dirs=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/ext:/usr/java/packages/lib/ext sun.boot.class.path=/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/resources.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/jce.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/local/cubridqa/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/classes java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. file.separator=/ java.vendor.url.bug=http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi default.testdb=xdb sun.cpu.endian=little sun.io.unicode.encoding=UnicodeLittle env.ha1.master.ssh.user=zll sun.cpu.isalist= AUTO_TEST_BUILD_ID= AUTO_TEST_BUILD_BITS=64bits Convert Root: /home/ctl6/with_online 0 Finished covert files: 1 ============= DEPLOY STEP ================== connect zll@ success connect zll@ success Start deployAll ==> Begin to update CTP on zll@ [INFO] START (Thu Sep 05 19:54:59 KST 2019) grepo_service_url: rmi:// [INFO] begin to fetch ... REPO: cubrid-testtools BRANCH: develop PATH: CTP CLIENT SHA1: d4dffcbe35546683f4133ee0a115a31df83cf2e9 [INFO] fetch done: NO CHANGE [INFO] got package file: /home/zll/CTP/.dailyqa/cubrid-testtools_develop_CTP.zip [INFO] begin to expand files ... [INFO] expand done [INFO] DONE Thu Sep 05 19:55:00 KST 2019 DONE DONE. ==> Begin to clean on zll@ ++ cubrid service is not running. ==============Clean_CUBRID Process============== ++ cubrid service is not running. ==============Release shared Memory============== ==============Stop monitor======================= ==============Clean Processes======================= DONE. envId is ha1. Master deployment finished.master ==> Begin to update CTP on zll@ [INFO] START (Thu Sep 05 19:55:01 KST 2019) grepo_service_url: rmi:// [INFO] begin to fetch ... REPO: cubrid-testtools BRANCH: develop PATH: CTP CLIENT SHA1: d4dffcbe35546683f4133ee0a115a31df83cf2e9 [INFO] fetch done: NO CHANGE [INFO] got package file: /home/zll/CTP/.dailyqa/cubrid-testtools_develop_CTP.zip [INFO] begin to expand files ... [INFO] expand done [INFO] DONE Thu Sep 05 19:55:02 KST 2019 DONE DONE. ==> Begin to clean on zll@ ++ cubrid service is not running. ==============Clean_CUBRID Process============== ++ cubrid service is not running. ==============Release shared Memory============== ==============Stop monitor======================= ==============Clean Processes======================= DONE. envId is ha1. Slave deployment finished.slave1 DONE. ============= DISPATCH STEP ================== Test category:ha_repl Total: 1, tbd: 1, skipped: 0 Total: 1, tbd: 1, skipped: 0 DONE. ============= TEST STEP ================== connect zll@ success connect zll@ success Creating database with 64.0M size using locale en_US. The total amount of disk space needed is 164.0M. CUBRID 10.2 ( (64 debug build) @ cubrid heartbeat start @ cubrid master start ++ cubrid master start: success @ HA processes start @ cubrid server start: xdb ++ cubrid server start: success @ copylogdb start ++ copylogdb start: success @ applylogdb start ++ applylogdb start: success ++ HA processes start: success ++ cubrid heartbeat start: success @ cubrid broker start @ cubrid broker start @ cubrid broker start ++ cubrid broker start: success Creating database with 64.0M size using locale en_US. The total amount of disk space needed is 164.0M. CUBRID 10.2 ( (64 debug build) @ cubrid heartbeat start @ cubrid master start ++ cubrid master start: success @ HA processes start @ cubrid server start: xdb ++ cubrid server start: success @ copylogdb start ++ copylogdb start: success @ applylogdb start ++ applylogdb start: success ++ HA processes start: success ++ cubrid heartbeat start: success @ cubrid broker start @ cubrid broker start @ cubrid broker start ++ cubrid broker start: success [TESTCASE] /home/ctl6/with_online/example1.test 11706ms ha1 [OK] ============= PRINT SUMMARY ================== Test Category:ha_repl Total Case:1 Total Execution Case:1 Total Success Case:1 Total Fail Case:0 Total Skip Case:0 DONE. ============= BACKUP TEST RESULTS ================== ./ ./feedback.log ./deploy_ha1.log ./dispatch_tc_ALL.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha1.txt ./test_status.data ./test_ha1.log ./monitor_ha1.log DONE. TEST COMPLETED. [HA_REPL] TEST END (Thu Sep 05 19:55:57 KST 2019) [HA_REPL] ELAPSE TIME: 60 seconds
Test results:
During running of test cases, test logs are generated in directory
. After test finish, all files undercurrent_runtime_logs
will be backuped as a.tar.gz
file.$ cd ~/CTP/result/ha_repl/ $ ls -l total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 ctl6 ctl6 173 Sep 5 19:55 current_runtime_logs -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 1944 Sep 5 19:35 ha_repl_result_10.2.0.8368-b85a234_64bits_0_2019.9.5_7.35.50.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 1825 Sep 5 19:55 ha_repl_result_10.2.0.8368-b85a234_64bits_0_2019.9.5_7.55.57.tar.gz $ ls -l current_runtime_logs/ total 28 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 1684 Sep 5 19:55 deploy_ha1.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 37 Sep 5 19:55 dispatch_tc_ALL.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 37 Sep 5 19:55 dispatch_tc_FIN_ha1.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 472 Sep 5 19:55 feedback.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 18 Sep 5 19:55 monitor_ha1.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 2917 Sep 5 19:55 test_ha1.log -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 154 Sep 5 19:55 test_status.data $ tar zxvf ha_repl_result_10.2.0.8368-b85a234_64bits_0_2019.9.5_7.55.57.tar.gz ./ ./feedback.log ./deploy_ha1.log ./dispatch_tc_ALL.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha1.txt ./test_status.data ./test_ha1.log ./monitor_ha1.log
Note: If there are failed cases, the cases and results will also be backuped into .tar.gz.
Test case dumped data
The dumped data of every test case is generated to the same path with test case.
cd ~/with_online $ ls -l total 1448 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 736060 Sep 5 19:55 example1.master.dump -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 736060 Sep 5 19:55 example1.slave1.dump -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 277 Sep 5 19:54 example1.sql -rw-rw-r-- 1 ctl6 ctl6 503 Sep 5 19:54 example1.test
The files ended with
record the success or failure of the test cases and also record each sql statement and their execution result.[STMT-TEST][Line:2]drop if exists t; 0 1 [STMT-CHECK][Line:26]$HC_CHECK_FOR_DML select 't' TABLE_NAME, count(*) from t;select 't' TABLE_NAME, t.* from t order by 1,2,3 limit 1000;select 't' TABLE_NAME, t.* from t order by 1 desc,2 desc,3 desc limit 1000; === <Result of SELECT Command in Line 2> === TABLE_NAME count(*) =================================== 't' 2 1 row selected.Committed. === <Result of SELECT Command in Line 2> === TABLE_NAME i j ========================================================= 't' 1 'a' 't' 2 NULL 2 rows selected.Committed. === <Result of SELECT Command in Line 2> === TABLE_NAME i j ========================================================= 't' 2 NULL 't' 1 'a' 2 rows selected.Committed.
Note: example1.master.dump - the result of master node
example1.slave1.dump - the result of slave node -
The file ended with
is test case which is converted by CTP based on.sql
file.--test: drop if exists t; --check: @HC_CHECK_FOR_EACH_STATEMENT --test: create table t(i int PRIMARY KEY,j varchar); --check: @HC_CHECK_FOR_EACH_STATEMENT --test: insert into t values(1,'a'); --check: $HC_CHECK_FOR_DML --test: insert into t values(2,null); --check: $HC_CHECK_FOR_DML --test: create index idx1 on t(i) with online; --check: @HC_CHECK_FOR_EACH_STATEMENT --test: insert into t values(2,3); --check: $HC_CHECK_FOR_DML --test: drop table t; --check: @HC_CHECK_FOR_EACH_STATEMENT --test:
In like ~/CTP/conf/ha_repl.conf, more parameters can be used.
Configure to update statistics data
Detect timeout of sync
We will abandon to check slave data after a threshold.
Exclude test cases
Some test cases may not be meanningful. We need have a mechanism to exclude them to execute. We introduce a parameter to implement it. All test cases in configured excluded file will be ignored.
testcase_exclude_from_file = ${HOME}/cubrid-testcases/sql/config/daily_regression_test_exclude_list_ha_repl.conf
File cubrid-testcases/sql/config/daily_regression_test_exclude_list_ha_repl.conf:
#[PERMANENT] CUBRIDSUS-9241:do not support OO class under HA Replication. sql/_04_operator_function/_08_click_counter/_001_incr/cases/1005.test sql/_04_operator_function/_08_click_counter/_002_decr/cases/1019.test sql/_13_issues/_15_1h/cases/bug_bts_16189.test sql/_13_issues/_11_1h/cases/bug_bts_4098.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1007.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1002.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1003.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1005.test sql/_01_object/_10_system_table/_002_db_direct_super_class/cases/1004.test sql/_01_object/_10_system_table/_002_db_direct_super_class/cases/1014.test sql/_06_manipulation/_01_select/_002_outer_join/cases/1026.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_03_inheritance/_004_manipulation/cases/1003.test sql/_01_object/_10_system_table/_002_db_direct_super_class/cases/1006.test sql/_04_operator_function/_01_all_types/_002_arithmetic_op/cases/1020.test #[PERMANENT] do not support call under HA Replication.CUBRIDSUS-8386. sql/_06_manipulation/_01_select/_001_inner_join/cases/1049.test sql/_02_user_authorization/_02_authorization/_001_grant/cases/1001.test sql/_23_apricot_qa/_03_i18n/tr_TR/_09_identifiers/cases/_009_identifiers_user_002.test sql/_02_user_authorization/_02_authorization/_002_revoke/cases/1058.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1006.test sql/_03_object_oriented/_01_user_defined_type/_004_authorization/cases/1004.test #[PERMANENT] do not support call under HA Replication.CUBRIDSUS-8386. do not support session parameters.CUBRIDSUS-11430. sql/_13_issues/_15_1h/cases/bug_bts_15454.test ...
Sometimes, the file xxx.master.dump is different from xxx.slave1.dump caused by CUBRID design or NOT-FIXED bugs. In order to avoid such failures, we need provide a patch file like xxx.master.slave1.diff_1
and apply the patch before check so that supress such failures.
Generate diff_1 file
diff xxx.master.dump xxx.slave1.dump > xxx.master.slave1.diff_1
The rule to determine success or failure
Suppose that after a test of some test case, there are dumped files on master and on slave. If both dumped files are same, the test case will be regarded as pass. If there is any difference, then try to find difference file, and apply it and compare again. If there is no difference file, the case should be regarded as failure.
In addition, if there is any crash or fatal errors in CUBRID logs, the test case will be also failed.
In the current daily regression test, we are using one controller node to control 15 HA test instances which are executed in parallel.
No. | Role | User Name | IP | Hostname | Deployments |
1 | Controller node | controller | | func06 | CTP cubrid-testcases |
2 | Test nodes | ha1, ha2, ha3, ..., ha15 | | func06 | CTP |
3 | Test nodes | ha1, ha2, ha3, ..., ha15 | | func07 | CTP |
Controller node listens to test messages and starts a test when there is a test message. It will distribute test cases to each test node for execution.
Test nodes execute test cases as worker.
Please refer to CTP installation guide to install CTP. Then create Ha_repl regression test configuration file.
:default.testdb = xdb default.ssh.pwd=****** default.ssh.port=22 env.ha1.master.ssh.host = env.ha1.master.ssh.user = ha1 env.ha1.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha1.slave1.ssh.user = ha1 env.ha1.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1527 env.ha1.ha.ha_port_id = 59091 env.ha1.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha1.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33091 env.ha1.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33091 env.ha2.master.ssh.host = env.ha2.master.ssh.user = ha2 env.ha2.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha2.slave1.ssh.user = ha2 env.ha2.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1528 env.ha2.ha.ha_port_id = 59092 env.ha2.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha2.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33092 env.ha2.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33092 env.ha3.master.ssh.host= env.ha3.master.ssh.user=ha3 env.ha3.slave1.ssh.host= env.ha3.slave1.ssh.user=ha3 env.ha3.cubrid.cubrid_port_id=1529 env.ha3.ha.ha_port_id=59093 env.ha3.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha3.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33093 env.ha3.broker2.BROKER_PORT=33093 env.ha4.master.ssh.host = env.ha4.master.ssh.user = ha4 env.ha4.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha4.slave1.ssh.user = ha4 env.ha4.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1530 env.ha4.ha.ha_port_id = 59094 env.ha4.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha4.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33094 env.ha4.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33094 env.ha5.master.ssh.host = env.ha5.master.ssh.user = ha5 env.ha5.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha5.slave1.ssh.user = ha5 env.ha5.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1531 env.ha5.ha.ha_port_id = 59095 env.ha5.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha5.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID =33095 env.ha5.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33095 env.ha6.master.ssh.host = env.ha6.master.ssh.user = ha6 env.ha6.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha6.slave1.ssh.user = ha6 env.ha6.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1532 env.ha6.ha.ha_port_id = 59096 env.ha6.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha6.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33096 env.ha6.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33096 env.ha7.master.ssh.host = env.ha7.master.ssh.user = ha7 env.ha7.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha7.slave1.ssh.user = ha7 env.ha7.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1533 env.ha7.ha.ha_port_id = 59097 env.ha7.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha7.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33097 env.ha7.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33097 env.ha8.master.ssh.host = env.ha8.master.ssh.user = ha8 env.ha8.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha8.slave1.ssh.user = ha8 env.ha8.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1534 env.ha8.ha.ha_port_id = 59098 env.ha8.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha8.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33098 env.ha8.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33098 env.ha9.master.ssh.host = env.ha9.master.ssh.user = ha9 env.ha9.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha9.slave1.ssh.user = ha9 env.ha9.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1535 env.ha9.ha.ha_port_id = 59099 env.ha9.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha9.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33099 env.ha9.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33099 env.ha10.master.ssh.host = env.ha10.master.ssh.user = ha10 env.ha10.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha10.slave1.ssh.user = ha10 env.ha10.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1536 env.ha10.ha.ha_port_id = 59100 env.ha10.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha10.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33100 env.ha10.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33100 env.ha11.master.ssh.host = env.ha11.master.ssh.user = ha11 env.ha11.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha11.slave1.ssh.user = ha11 env.ha11.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1537 env.ha11.ha.ha_port_id = 59101 env.ha11.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha11.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33101 env.ha11.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33101 env.ha12.master.ssh.host = env.ha12.master.ssh.user = ha12 env.ha12.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha12.slave1.ssh.user = ha12 env.ha12.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1538 env.ha12.ha.ha_port_id = 59102 env.ha12.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha12.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33102 env.ha12.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33102 env.ha13.master.ssh.host = env.ha13.master.ssh.user = ha13 env.ha13.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha13.slave1.ssh.user = ha13 env.ha13.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1539 env.ha13.ha.ha_port_id = 59103 env.ha13.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha13.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33103 env.ha13.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33103 env.ha14.master.ssh.host = env.ha14.master.ssh.user = ha14 env.ha14.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha14.slave1.ssh.user = ha14 env.ha14.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1540 env.ha14.ha.ha_port_id = 59104 env.ha14.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha14.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33104 env.ha14.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33104 env.ha15.master.ssh.host = env.ha15.master.ssh.user = ha15 env.ha15.slave1.ssh.host = env.ha15.slave1.ssh.user = ha15 env.ha15.cubrid.cubrid_port_id = 1541 env.ha15.ha.ha_port_id = 59105 env.ha15.broker1.SERVICE = OFF env.ha15.broker2.APPL_SERVER_SHM_ID = 33105 env.ha15.broker2.BROKER_PORT = 33105 # Define how to execute the test statement on master, 'jdbc' driver and 'csql' can be supported by the current CTP, # and the 'jdbc' mode is recommended. test_interface_type=jdbc # Define the path of test cases used for testing, it should be checked out on controller node. scenario=${HOME}/cubrid-testcases/sql # Define the url of CUBRID build. If the parameter is not configured or is commented out, users need to install CUBRID manually. cubrid_download_url= test_category=ha_repl test_platform=linux test_rebuild_env_yn=yes testcase_update_yn=yes testcase_git_branch=develop testcase_exclude_from_file = ${HOME}/cubrid-testcases/sql/config/daily_regression_test_exclude_list_ha_repl.conf git_user=<git user> git_pwd=******** git_email=<git e-mail> test_continue_yn=yes testcase_additional_answer = diff_1 test_failure_backup_yn=yes clean_processes_after_quit_yn = yes enable_check_disk_space_yn=yes owner_mail = <owner e-mail> cc_email= <cc e-mail> feedback_type = database feedback_db_host = feedback_db_port = 33080 feedback_db_name = qaresu feedback_db_user = dba feedback_db_pwd = ******** feedback_notice_qahome_url =<MAINID> ha_sync_detect_timeout_in_secs=1200
A consumer is used to listening to test messages. It requires a queue name and a script name to run. Create a script file
as below.$ cat start_test.sh echo> nohup.out start_consumer.sh -q QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX -exec run_ha_repl -s china
run_ha_repl is the script name, it will execute the scriptCTP/common/ext/run_ha_repl.sh
Please refer to CTP installation guide to install CTP.
Note: this step is not necessary for daily regression test. CTP will install CUBRID on each node.
We perform ha_repl/ha_repl_debug for daily (actually is for each build) and perform code coverage test for monthly. The ha_repl_debug
is designed to execute based on a debug build.
Log into controller node, then execute below to start the listener.
$ cd ~ $ sh start_test.sh
To stop listener, you may execute
. It will try to kill all active processes. Let's see an example.A running listener shows as below.
$ ps -u $USER f PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 5610 ? S 0:00 sshd: ha_repl@pts/0 5611 pts/0 Ss 0:00 \_ -bash 9955 pts/0 R+ 0:00 \_ ps -u ha_repl f 9956 pts/0 S+ 0:00 \_ tee 3636 ? S 0:00 sh start_test.sh 3638 ? S 2:57 \_ /bin/bash /home/ha_repl/CTP/common/script/start_consumer.sh -q QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX -exec run_ha_repl -s china 9927 ? S 0:00 \_ /bin/bash /home/ha_repl/CTP/common/script/start_consumer.sh -q QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX -exec run_ha_repl -s china 9928 ? Sl 0:00 \_ /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_01/bin/java -cp ./lib/cubridqa-scheduler.jar com.navercorp.cubridqa.scheduler.consumer.ConsumerAgent QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX
Begin to stop listener:
$ cd ~/CTP/common/script $ sh stop_consumer.sh /home/ha_repl/CTP/common/script/stop_consumer.sh: line 34: kill: (10719) - No such process
Note: such error can be ignored.
Check again for processes. You may find that the listener process has been stopped.
$ ps -u $USER f PID TTY STAT TIME COMMAND 5610 ? S 0:00 sshd: ha_repl@pts/0 5611 pts/0 Ss 0:00 \_ -bash 10769 pts/0 R+ 0:00 \_ ps -u ha_repl f 10770 pts/0 S+ 0:00 \_ tee
Log into the message server message@
Sent ha_repl test message with release build
$ sender.sh QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX ha_repl default Message: Message Content: Test for build by CUBRID QA Team, China MSG_ID = 190909-190632-328-000001 MSG_PRIORITY = 4 BUILD_ABSOLUTE_PATH=/home/ci_build/REPO_ROOT/store_01/ BUILD_BIT=0 BUILD_CREATE_TIME=1561143743000 BUILD_GENERATE_MSG_WAY=MANUAL BUILD_ID= BUILD_IS_FROM_GIT=1 BUILD_PACKAGE_PATTERN=CUBRID-{1}-Linux.x86_64.sh BUILD_SCENARIOS=ha_repl BUILD_SCENARIO_BRANCH_GIT=develop BUILD_SEND_DELAY=6879849 BUILD_SEND_TIME=1568023592327 BUILD_STORE_ID=store_01 BUILD_SVN_BRANCH=RB-10.2.0 BUILD_SVN_BRANCH_NEW=RB-10.2.0 BUILD_TYPE=general BUILD_URLS= BUILD_URLS_CNT=1 BUILD_URLS_KR= Do you accept above message [Y/N]: Y
Sent ha_repl test message with debug build
sender.sh QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX ha_repl_debug default
Check test progress in QA Homepage
Open QA homepage, click a build number from left build tree, findha_repl
categories in rightFunction
tab. The test progress can be shown viaTest Rate
means that the test is completed. -
Check queue status
If want to know what test is in progress or what messages are in queue, you may find information via queue status page. Go into page http://qahome.cubrid.org/qaresult/monitor/checkQueue.nhn (or open through
QA homepage -> Left tree -> Monitor -> Check queue
). You may find ha_repl queue status underQUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX
As scheduled in regression test, code coverage test for Ha_repl is executed on the last Saturday in every month. But sometimes, due to failure reason, we also need sent test message by manual. To execute code coverage test of ha_repl, please log into the message server message@
, then execute like:
$ cd ~/manual/
$ sh sender_code_coverage_testing_message.sh QUEUE_CUBRID_QA_HA_REPL_LINUX ha_repl
Build URL:
Source URL:
Message Content: Test for build by CUBRID QA Team, China
MSG_ID = 190909-193746-235-000001
Do you accept above message [Y/N]: Y
For code coverage test, it doesn't show funcation result in the QA homepage Function
page. After the test finished, you can find the result in the code coverage
page (open through QA homepage -> Left tree -> code coverage -> like 2019
Find code coverage rate by lines
. Normally, ha_repl code coverage rate by lines is around 24%. If it does not meet expectation, you need examine and re-test to confirm.
Additionally, during code coverage execution, you can log into the controller node to see test logs in the $CTP_HOME/result/ha_repl/current_runtime_logs
Generally, you may find
test results in QA homepage as below.Total column: The number of test cases, it counts all the cases.
Testing column: The number of test cases that should be executed. It excludes the test cases that defined in~/cubrid-testcases/sql/config/daily_regression_test_exclude_list_ha_repl.conf
.If it shows
as bellow, you need to find the reason that why not execute.Sometimes, the CI build comes late, so that the test starts late; or there is another test executed before the CI build. In this case, just wait for the test completion and then verify the results.
It means that all test cases except cases in excluded list should be executed.
It means that all failures should be verified. Please verify failures in online verification page.
Click the failed number
, it shows the list of failed test cases.
Click the test case, it shows the details.
Note: Ha_repl does not yet support comparison between master result and slave result in QA homepage. We need improve the feature in the future. Currently, you can check test logs to examine failure reason:
$ cd CTP/result/ha_repl/ $ tar zxvf ha_repl_result_10.2.0.8433-50fb781_64bits_3783_2019.9.6_5.13.28.tar.gz ./ ./current_task_id ./deploy_ha3.log ./deploy_ha12.log ./deploy_ha7.log ./deploy_ha4.log ./deploy_ha8.log ./deploy_ha13.log ./deploy_ha1.log ./deploy_ha5.log ./deploy_ha6.log ./deploy_ha9.log ./deploy_ha2.log ./deploy_ha10.log ./deploy_ha11.log ./deploy_ha15.log ./deploy_ha14.log ./dispatch_tc_ALL.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha3.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha7.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha12.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha4.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha8.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha13.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha1.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha5.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha9.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha10.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha14.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha2.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha6.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha11.txt ./dispatch_tc_FIN_ha15.txt ./test_ha3.log ./monitor_ha3.log ./test_ha7.log ./monitor_ha7.log ./test_ha12.log ./monitor_ha12.log ./test_ha4.log ./monitor_ha4.log ./test_ha8.log ./monitor_ha8.log ./test_ha13.log ./monitor_ha13.log ./test_ha1.log ./monitor_ha1.log ./test_ha5.log ./monitor_ha5.log ./test_ha9.log ./monitor_ha9.log ./test_ha10.log ./monitor_ha10.log ./test_ha14.log ./monitor_ha14.log ./test_ha2.log ./monitor_ha2.log ./test_ha6.log ./monitor_ha6.log ./test_ha11.log ./monitor_ha11.log ./test_ha15.log ./monitor_ha15.log tar: Removing leading `/' from member names /home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.master.dump /home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.master.slave1.diff_1.temp /home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.slave1.dump /home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.sql /home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.test $ cat home/controller/cubrid-testcases/sql/_08_javasp/cases/415-4.master.slave1.diff_1.temp $
and findFAIL TO SYNC
error.1. [NOK]: [5]select 'db_stored_procedure_args' TABLE_NAME, db_stored_procedure_args.* from db_stored_procedure_args order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; select 'db_stored_procedure' TABLE_NAME, db_stored_procedure.* from db_stored_procedure order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; select 'db_partition' TABLE_NAME, db_partition.* from db_partition order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; select 'db_trig' TABLE_NAME, db_trig.* from db_trig order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; select 'db_index_key' TABLE_NAME, db_index_key.* from db_index_key order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; select 'db_index' TABLE_NAME, db_index.* from db_index order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11; select 'db_meth_file' TABLE_NAME, db_meth_file.* from db_meth_file order by 1,2,3,4; select 'db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm' TABLE_NAME, db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm.* from db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; select 'db_method' TABLE_NAME, db_method.* from db_method order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7; select 'db_attr_setdomain_elm' TABLE_NAME, db_attr_setdomain_elm.* from db_attr_setdomain_elm order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8; select 'db_attribute' TABLE_NAME, db_attribute.* from db_attribute order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16; select 'db_vclass' TABLE_NAME, db_vclass.* from db_vclass order by 1,2,3,4; select 'db_direct_super_class' TABLE_NAME, db_direct_super_class.* from db_direct_super_class order by 1,2; select 'db_class' TABLE_NAME, db_class.* from db_class order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; select 'db_serial' TABLE_NAME, if(owner is null, USER, (select name from db_user where db_user=owner)) owner, db_serial.name, db_serial.curre nt_val, db_serial.increment_val, db_serial.max_val, db_serial.min_val, db_serial.cyclic, db_serial.started, db_serial.class_name, db_serial.a tt_name, db_serial.cached_num, db_serial.comment from db_serial; select '_db_collation' TABLE_NAME, _db_collation.* from _db_collation order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; select '_db_data_type' TABLE_NAME, _db_data_type.* from _db_data_type order by 1,2,3; select '_db_query_spec' TABLE_NAME, _db_query_spec.* from _db_query_spec order by 3,1,2; select '_db_meth_arg' TABLE_NAME, _db_meth_arg.* from _db_meth_arg order by 1,2,3,4,5; select '_db_meth_sig' TABLE_NAME, _db_meth_sig.* from _db_meth_sig order by 1,2,3,4,5; select 'db_trigger' TABLE_NAME, db_trigger.* from db_trigger order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15; select 'db_password' TABLE_NAME, db_password.* from db_password order by 1,2; select 'db_root' TABLE_NAME, db_root.* from db_root order by 1,2,3,4,5;(FAIL TO SYNC. BREAK!!!)
Try to find the failure reason, then input the reason into online verification page.
Report issues
Here are some example issues for your reference.
- Data consistency issue: http://jira.cubrid.org/browse/CBRD-20235
- Crash issue: http://jira.cubrid.org/browse/CBRD-20534
Ha_repl test cases should end with suffix .test
. For example, a test case names example.test
As you known, Ha_repl test cases are converted from existing SQL test cases (https://github.com/CUBRID/cubrid-testcases). About the conversion, there are some changes.
- CTP converts all test cases from
. For example,
drop if exists t;
create table t(i int,j varchar);
insert into t values(1,'a');
insert into t values(2,null);
create index idx1 on t(i) with online;
select /*+ recompile*/ * from t where i=2;
insert into t values(2,3);
select /*+ recompile*/ * from t where i=2;
drop table t;
After conversion, example1.test will be generated.
drop if exists t;
create table t(i int PRIMARY KEY,j varchar);
insert into t values(1,'a');
insert into t values(2,null);
create index idx1 on t(i) with online;
insert into t values(2,3);
drop table t;
CTP will add
on first column automatically if table doesn't have a primary key. -
Read-only statements (e.g.,
) will be ignored during conversion. They are not executed.select /*+ recompile*/ * from t where i=2;
- It indicates that following one statement as a test statement will be executed by CUBRID Master. -
- It indicates that following one statement as a check statement will be executed on both CUBRID master and slave. Both of returned results should be same. Otherwise, the case is regarded as failure. -
- it can be regarded as a macro and contains many statements (configured in CTP/ha_repl/lib/common.inc
). It normally follows--check
used to check CUBRID system catalog and table schema consistency between master and slave.
File CTP/ha_repl/lib/common.inc:
select 'db_stored_procedure_args' TABLE_NAME, db_stored_procedure_args.* from db_stored_procedure_args order by 1,2,3,4,5
select 'db_stored_procedure' TABLE_NAME, db_stored_procedure.* from db_stored_procedure order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
select 'db_partition' TABLE_NAME, db_partition.* from db_partition order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
select 'db_trig' TABLE_NAME, db_trig.* from db_trig order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
select 'db_index_key' TABLE_NAME, db_index_key.* from db_index_key order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
select 'db_index' TABLE_NAME, db_index.* from db_index order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11;
select 'db_meth_file' TABLE_NAME, db_meth_file.* from db_meth_file order by 1,2,3,4;
select 'db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm' TABLE_NAME, db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm.* from db_meth_arg_setdomain_elm order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
select 'db_method' TABLE_NAME, db_method.* from db_method order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
select 'db_attr_setdomain_elm' TABLE_NAME, db_attr_setdomain_elm.* from db_attr_setdomain_elm order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8;
select 'db_attribute' TABLE_NAME, db_attribute.* from db_attribute order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16;
select 'db_vclass' TABLE_NAME, db_vclass.* from db_vclass order by 1,2,3,4;
select 'db_direct_super_class' TABLE_NAME, db_direct_super_class.* from db_direct_super_class order by 1,2;
select 'db_class' TABLE_NAME, db_class.* from db_class order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
select 'db_serial' TABLE_NAME, if(owner is null, USER, (select name from db_user where db_user=owner)) owner, db_serial.name, db_serial.curre
nt_val, db_serial.increment_val, db_serial.max_val, db_serial.min_val, db_serial.cyclic, db_serial.started, db_serial.class_name, db_serial.a
tt_name, db_serial.cached_num, db_serial.comment from db_serial;
select '_db_collation' TABLE_NAME, _db_collation.* from _db_collation order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
select '_db_data_type' TABLE_NAME, _db_data_type.* from _db_data_type order by 1,2,3;
select '_db_query_spec' TABLE_NAME, _db_query_spec.* from _db_query_spec order by 3,1,2;
select '_db_meth_arg' TABLE_NAME, _db_meth_arg.* from _db_meth_arg order by 1,2,3,4,5;
select '_db_meth_sig' TABLE_NAME, _db_meth_sig.* from _db_meth_sig order by 1,2,3,4,5;
select 'db_trigger' TABLE_NAME, db_trigger.* from db_trigger order by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15;
select 'db_password' TABLE_NAME, db_password.* from db_password order by 1,2;
select 'db_root' TABLE_NAME, db_root.* from db_root order by 1,2,3,4,5;
- it normally follows--check
used to check data consistency between master and slave.Actual statments for it look like:
select 't' TABLE_NAME, count(*) from t;select 't' TABLE_NAME, t.* from t order by 1,2,3 limit 1000;select 't' TABLE_NAME, t.* from t order by 1 desc,2 desc,3 desc limit 1000;
The above statements will be executed on both Master and Slave. The returned results should be same. Otherwise, the test case will be regarded as failure.
Note: table name
depends on actual table name. -
- Whether to hold cas.
In dumped logs, we may see related information.
[Line:2] $HOLDCAS_ON
1 connection(s) affected.