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Restoring database

Jokūbas M edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 1 revision

Restoring database

0. Requirements

  • Working MariaDB database server (if you do not have one yet, please go back to Building and installing page.
  • MySQL/MariaDB dabatase manager tool (here only PHPMyAdmin will be covered)

1. Starting MariaDB server

Launch either XAMPP or WampServer utility to start up MariaDB and Apache/HTTP servers. If you have only MariaDB server, you should be able to see MariaDB's service in Services(Windows).

Note: Apache/HTTP may not start up. It could be because of the 80 port in use. Turn off Skype and then start Apache/HTTP server again.

2. Creating required databases

Navigate to Click on Databases tab.

Create two databases with the following names: login and world. That is it!

2. Restoring databases

Click on Databases tab and then click on login database.

Now click on Import tab. Choose the login.sql file which is in sql directory of Freya project directory. Do not change anything else and press Go. It should restore Login database.

Now do the same steps for world database.

3. Creating an account

There is already created dummy account. We are using bcrypt hashing function. Use online tools to generate bcrypt hash for your password, something like this.

Then paste hash into login database accounts table password field.

That is pretty much it. Now you should be able to log in with such details:

  • ID: root (or something else, if you have changed)
  • Password: your_defined_password

Now head over to the last step: Configuration page.