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Docker container for noNVC Firefox

Configuration for noVNC Firefox

For the noVNC Firefox solution, we need to mount a shared memory volume for the Firefox container.

Add the following config to the main container's manifest

"use-shared-memory": "true"

List the Firefox container as one of the friend containers in the friends array, and add the following configs into it

"volumeMounts": [{
  "name": "dshm",
  "mountPath": "/dev/shm"
"securityContext": {
  "privileged": true
"ports": [{
  "containerPort": 5800

In the main container's manifest, specify

"target-port": 5800


  "target-port": 5800,
  "cpu-limit": "1.0",
  "memory-limit": "512Mi",
  "name": "Jupyter Notebook Bio Python (Lab Edition) thru noVNC",
  "image": "",
  "env": {
    "NAMESPACE": "qa-mickey"
  "args": [
  "command": [
  "path-rewrite": "/",
  "use-tls": "false",
  "ready-probe": "/",
  "lifecycle-post-start": [
    "export IAM=`whoami`; rm -rf /home/$IAM/pd/dockerHome; ln -s $(pwd) /home/$IAM/pd/dockerHome; mkdir -p /home/$IAM/.jupyter/custom; echo \"define(['base/js/namespace'], function(Jupyter){Jupyter._target = '_self';})\" >/home/$IAM/.jupyter/custom/custom.js; ln -s /data /home/$IAM/pd/; true"
  "user-volume-location": "/home/jovyan/pd",
  "gen3-volume-location": "/home/jovyan/.gen3"
  "use-shared-memory": "true",
  "friends": [
      "name": "firefox",
      "image": "",
      "volumeMounts": [{
        "name": "dshm",
        "mountPath": "/dev/shm"
      "securityContext": {
        "privileged": true
      "env": [
          "name": "LANDING_URL",
          "value": "http://localhost:8888/"
      "resources": {
        "limits": {
          "cpu": "1.0",
          "memory": "3Gi"
      "ports": [{
        "containerPort": 5800

See more examples in qa-mickey hatchery config