From 623c5f478b5bd500d0b453e0d484c44e8a769982 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alex Nelson Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 16:42:35 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add deprecation shapes No effects were observed on Make-managed files. References: * Signed-off-by: Alex Nelson --- ontology/uco/tool/tool.ttl | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 282 insertions(+) diff --git a/ontology/uco/tool/tool.ttl b/ontology/uco/tool/tool.ttl index 76fd0fe4..e2e8fbee 100644 --- a/ontology/uco/tool/tool.ttl +++ b/ontology/uco/tool/tool.ttl @@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ tool:BuildInformationType rdfs:subClassOf core:UcoInherentCharacterizationThing ; rdfs:label "BuildInformationType"@en ; rdfs:comment "A build information type is a grouping of characteristics that describe how a particular version of software was converted from source code to executable code."@en ; + rdfs:seeAlso observable:SoftwareBuildFacet ; + sh:message "uco-tool:BuildInformationType is deprecated. Please migrate usage of this class to uco-observable:SoftwareBuildFacet."@en ; + sh:not [ + a sh:NodeShape ; + sh:class tool:BuildInformationType ; + ] ; sh:targetClass tool:BuildInformationType ; . @@ -78,6 +84,12 @@ tool:BuildUtilityType rdfs:subClassOf core:UcoInherentCharacterizationThing ; rdfs:label "BuildUtilityType"@en ; rdfs:comment "A build utility type characterizes the tool used to convert from source code to executable code for a particular version of software."@en ; + rdfs:seeAlso observable:BuildUtilityFacet ; + sh:message "uco-tool:BuildUtilityType is deprecated. Please migrate usage of this class to uco-observable:BuildUtilityFacet."@en ; + sh:not [ + a sh:NodeShape ; + sh:class tool:BuildUtilityType ; + ] ; sh:targetClass tool:BuildUtilityType ; . @@ -90,6 +102,12 @@ tool:CompilerType rdfs:subClassOf core:UcoInherentCharacterizationThing ; rdfs:label "CompilerType"@en ; rdfs:comment "A compiler type is a grouping of characteristics unique to a specific program that translates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another language (the target language). Typically a program that translates source code from a high-level programming language to a lower-level language (e.g., assembly language, object code, or machine code) to create an executable program. [based on]"@en ; + rdfs:seeAlso observable:CompilerFacet ; + sh:message "uco-tool:CompilerType is deprecated. Please migrate usage of this class to uco-observable:CompilerFacet."@en ; + sh:not [ + a sh:NodeShape ; + sh:class tool:CompilerType ; + ] ; sh:targetClass tool:CompilerType ; . @@ -138,6 +156,12 @@ tool:LibraryType rdfs:subClassOf core:UcoInherentCharacterizationThing ; rdfs:label "LibraryType"@en ; rdfs:comment "A library type is a grouping of characteristics unique to a collection of resources incorporated into the build of a software."@en ; + rdfs:seeAlso observable:LibraryFacet ; + sh:message "uco-tool:LibraryType is deprecated. Please migrate usage of this class to uco-observable:LibraryFacet."@en ; + sh:not [ + a sh:NodeShape ; + sh:class tool:LibraryType ; + ] ; sh:targetClass tool:LibraryType ; . @@ -196,6 +220,26 @@ tool:buildID rdfs:label "buildID"@en ; rdfs:comment "An externally defined unique identifier for a particular build of a software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:ExternalReference , + core:externalIdentifier , + core:externalReference + ; + . + +tool:buildID-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:ExternalReference , + core:externalIdentifier , + core:externalReference + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:buildID is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:externalReference (linking a uco-core:ExternalReference) / uco-core:externalIdentifier."@en ; + sh:path tool:buildID ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:buildID ; . tool:buildInformation @@ -213,6 +257,24 @@ tool:buildLabel rdfs:label "buildLabel"@en ; rdfs:comment "Relevant label for a particular build of a particular software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:tag , + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet + ; + . + +tool:buildLabel-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:tag , + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:buildLabel is depreacted. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:SoftwareBuildFacet) / uco-core:tag."@en ; + sh:path tool:buildLabel ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:buildLabel ; . tool:buildOutputLog @@ -223,6 +285,24 @@ tool:buildOutputLog rdfs:label "buildOutputLog"@en ; rdfs:comment "The output log of the build process for a software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet , + observable:buildOutputLog + ; + . + +tool:buildOutputLog-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet , + observable:buildOutputLog + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:buildOutputLog is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:SoftwareBuildFacet ) / uco-observable:buildOutputLog."@en ; + sh:path tool:buildOutputLog ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:buildOutputLog ; . tool:buildProject @@ -254,6 +334,24 @@ tool:buildUtilityName rdfs:label "buildUtilityName"@en ; rdfs:comment "The informally defined name of the utility used to build a particular software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:name , + observable:BuildUtilityFacet + ; + . + +tool:buildUtilityName-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:name , + observable:BuildUtilityFacet + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:buildUtilityName is deprecated. Please instead Use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:BuildUtilityFacet) / uco-core:name."@en ; + sh:path tool:buildUtilityName ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:buildUtilityName ; . tool:buildVersion @@ -278,6 +376,24 @@ tool:compilerInformalDescription rdfs:label "compilerInformalDescription"@en ; rdfs:comment "An informal description of a compiler."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:description , + observable:CompilerFacet + ; + . + +tool:compilerInformalDescription-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:description , + observable:CompilerFacet + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:compilerInformalDescription is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:CompilerFacet) / uco-core:description."@en ; + sh:path tool:compilerInformalDescription ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:compilerInformalDescription ; . tool:compilers @@ -295,6 +411,26 @@ tool:cpeid rdfs:label "cpeid"@en ; rdfs:comment "Specifies the Common Platform Enumeration identifier for the software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:cpeid + ; + . + +tool:cpeid-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:cpeid + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:cpeid is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:DeviceFacet or uco-observable:SoftwareFacet) / uco-observable:cpeid."@en ; + sh:path tool:cpeid ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:cpeid ; . tool:creator @@ -305,6 +441,26 @@ tool:creator rdfs:label "creator"@en ; rdfs:comment "The creator organization for a particular tool."@en ; rdfs:range identity:Identity ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:manufacturer + ; + . + +tool:creator-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:manufacturer + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:creator is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:DeviceFacet or uco-observable:SoftwareFacet) / uco-observable:manufacturer."@en ; + sh:path tool:creator ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:creator ; . tool:libraries @@ -315,6 +471,24 @@ tool:libraries rdfs:label "libraries"@en ; rdfs:comment "The libraries incorporated into a particular build of a software."@en ; rdfs:range tool:LibraryType ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet , + observable:library + ; + . + +tool:libraries-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:SoftwareBuildFacet , + observable:library + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:libraries is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:SoftwareBuildFacet) / uco-observable:library."@en ; + sh:path tool:libraries ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:libraries ; . tool:libraryName @@ -325,6 +499,24 @@ tool:libraryName rdfs:label "libraryName"@en ; rdfs:comment "The name of the library."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:name , + observable:LibraryFacet + ; + . + +tool:libraryName-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + core:name , + observable:LibraryFacet + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:libraryName is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:LibraryFacet) / uco-core:name."@en ; + sh:path tool:libraryName ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:libraryName ; . tool:libraryVersion @@ -335,6 +527,24 @@ tool:libraryVersion rdfs:label "libraryVersion"@en ; rdfs:comment "The version of the library."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:LibraryFacet , + observable:version + ; + . + +tool:libraryVersion-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:LibraryFacet , + observable:version + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:libraryVersion is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:LibraryFacet) / uco-observable:version."@en ; + sh:path tool:libraryVersion ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:libraryVersion ; . tool:references @@ -345,6 +555,18 @@ tool:references rdfs:label "references"@en ; rdfs:comment "References to information describing a particular tool."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:anyURI ; + rdfs:seeAlso core:externalReference ; + . + +tool:references-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso core:externalReference ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:references is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:externalReference."@en ; + sh:path tool:creator ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:references ; . tool:servicePack @@ -355,6 +577,26 @@ tool:servicePack rdfs:label "servicePack"@en ; rdfs:comment "An appropriate service pack descriptor for a particular tool."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:ServicePack , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:Version + ; + . + +tool:servicePack-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:ServicePack , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:Version + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:servicePack is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:SoftwareFacet) / uco-observable:version."@en ; + sh:path tool:servicePack ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:servicePack ; . tool:swid @@ -365,6 +607,26 @@ tool:swid rdfs:label "swid"@en ; rdfs:comment "Specifies the SWID tag for the software."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:swid + ; + . + +tool:swid-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:swid + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:swid is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:DeviceFacet or uco-observable:SoftwareFacet) / uco-observable:swid."@en ; + sh:path tool:swid ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:swid ; . tool:toolType @@ -382,5 +644,25 @@ tool:version rdfs:label "version"@en ; rdfs:comment "An appropriate version descriptor of a particular tool."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:swid + ; + . + +tool:version-subjects-shape + a sh:NodeShape ; + rdfs:seeAlso + observable:DeviceFacet , + observable:SoftwareFacet , + observable:swid + ; + sh:property [ + sh:maxCount "0"^^xsd:integer ; + sh:message "uco-tool:version is deprecated. Please instead use the path uco-core:hasFacet (linking a uco-observable:DeviceFacet or uco-observable:SoftwareFacet) / uco-observable:version."@en ; + sh:path tool:version ; + ] ; + sh:targetSubjectsOf tool:version ; .