"<div data-as='p'>
<span><a href="$p.url">$p.url</a></span>
<span><a href="mailto:$p.email">$p.email</a></span>
<span>${DateTools.format(p.dob,"some format")}</span>
<ul data-loop="$item in $p.items">
<li>$item.name: $item.detail</li>
### Follow Angular JS Example
### http://angularjs.org/
"<div data-as='p'>
<span><a href="$p.url">$p.url</a></span>
<span><a href="mailto:$p.email">$p.email</a></span>
<span>${DateTools.format(p.dob,"some format")}</span>
<dtx-partial data-loop="item in items">
<li>$item.name: $item.detail</li>
<dtx-partial data-loop="item in items">
<li>$name: $detail</li>
<dtx-partial data-object="person">
$name, $email
<dtx-partial data-object="person as p">
$name, $email
- create the "override function bind()"
- load HTML
- parse as XML
- extract "data-as" to set up local variable
- for each loop
- if not set, set attr(data-loop-id, t); t++;
- take HTML, and create a new subwidget (as a class? or use a factory? eg PersonWidget.newLoop(1))
- get the type parameter (T) of the Iterable. eg String in Array<String>
- create a class for the subwidget, take html
- recurse on this macro for the subwidget.
- for each attribute, text node
- search for "$" (but not "$$")
- if found
- if not set, set attr(data-bind, i); i++;
- do string interpolation using modified Std.format(), get ("mailto:" + email)
- add binding to bind(), using find([data-bind=i]) and setAttr() or setText()
- add in the static HTML for the widget
class PersonWidget extends DataWidget
html = '
override function bind(data:T)
// Set up local variables
var p = data;
var loopContainer = new Array<Node>();
// Bindings by macro
this.find("[data-bind=4]").setText("mailto:" + p.email);
this.find("[data-bind=4]").setAttr("mailto:" + p.email);
// For each loop in the template, find the container
var loopContainer[1] = this.find([data-loop-id=1]);
for (item in p.items)
// Create a sub widget for each item, add to the container
loopContainer[1].append(new PersonWidget_loop1(item));
class PersonWidget_loop1<{name, detail}> extends DataWidget { html = "
override function bind(data:T)
// Set up local variables
var item = data;
// Bindings by macro
this.find("[data-bind=1]").setText(item.name + ": " + item.detail);
@template("PersonWidget.html") class PersonWidget extends DataWidget<Person> {}
@template("ItemWidget.html") class ItemWidget extends DataWidget<Item> {}
var p = new PersonWidget(myPerson);
Partial support, to import another widget/template (both once off and in loops)
Event bindings (bind click to action etc). These could be done purely through the class:
@template("ItemWidget.html") class ItemWidget extends DataWidget<Item> { override public function setupInteraction() { this.find('.btn-primary').click(function () { this.reload(); }) } }
Or you could use some code in the template:
<a class="btn" data-action="reload()">Button</a> <a class="btn" data-action="Client.loadPage('http://google.com/')">Button</a>