The UK Carpentry Community is the welcoming and inclusive space for the UK Carpentry instructors, helpers and workshop coordinators (or anyone involved in training tech to researchers in general and outside of the UK) to get to know each other better and encourage collaboration, to get the community’s questions answered and provide help with technical aspects of creating Carpentry workshop websites, registering workshops with the Carpentries, Carpentry institutional membership or anything else to help the community in the UK with organising workshops and finding instructors/helpers.
Join us share your experience, explore topics of interest, find collaborators for training related projects and network.
CarpentryConnect 2019 conference in Manchester, photo by Mario Antonioletti
We meet once a month, every fourth Monday from 16:00 - 17:00 UK time (GMT or BST).
Find out meeting details or check out our previous & upcoming meetings.
Carpentries UK Community mailing list local-uk can be joined via The Carpentries Topicbox.
We ran the Carpentries UK Community Slack channel within The Carpentries Slack Workspace.
We abide by The Carpentries Code of Conduct.
- UK Community workspace on HackMD and its navigation view (requires logging in to HackMD)
- Connect with the general Carpentries community - twitter, mailing lists, blog, slack, community calendar
- Carpentries Handbook - a comprehensive resource for all things Carpentries
- Carpentries workshop FAQ
- Carpentries Blog