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Umakant Patil edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 4 revisions


{* this is comment *}


{$foo = 'bar'}                    {* create/assign variable *}
{$foo|upper|replace:'B':'G'}      {* variable with modifiers *}`

Output =>


see also modifiers

Objects and arrays

{$person = [name=>[first=>'John'], age=>36]}  {* create object *}
{$ = 'Doe'}                  {* add/set object property *}
{$person['favorite gadget'] = 'iPad'}        {* object property name can have spaces *}
I am {$} {$} and I like my {$person['favorite gadget']}

{$days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue']}               {* create array *}
{$days[] = 'Wed'}                           {* add to array *}

Today is {$days[3]}

Output =>

I am John Doe and I like my iPad
Today is Wed

Double-quoted strings

Variable names will be expanded in double-quoted strings.

{$bar = "value of foo is '$foo'"}

output =>

value of foo is 'bar'

If a variable contain any other character than [0-9a-zA-Z]_, it must be surrounded by backticks.

{$foo = "`$` has `$person['favorite gadget']`"} 

output =>

John has iPad

Any Smarty tag will also be expanded in double quotes.

{$dayNames = "{foreach $days as $dayName} {$dayName@index+1}:'{$dayName|upper}'{if !$dayName@last},{/if} {/foreach}"} 
Days of the week are: {$dayNames}

output =>

Days of the week are:  1:'SUN',  2:'MON',  3:'TUE',  4:'WED'


{function 'sayHello' to=''}
   Hello {$to}!

{sayHello to="whole `'world'|replace:w:W`"}

Output =>

Hello whole World!

Any Javascript function can be called

function hello(to) { return 'Hello '+to; }

(new jSmart(...)).fetch({ 
    helloAgain: function(to){ return hello(to) + ' again'; } 

in template =>


output =>

 Hello World
 Hello world again

see also function

Javascript objects

Person = function() { = {
        first: 'John',
        last: 'Doe'
    this.age = 36;

Person.prototype.getName = function(nameType) {
    return nameType=='last' ? :;

(new jSmart(...)).fetch({ 
    human: new Person()

in template =>

{$human->getName('first')} {$human->getName('last')} of age {$human->age}

output =>

John Doe of age 36


Operators in order of precedence, with the highest-precedence ones at the top.

Operator Alternates Syntax Example Meaning JavaScript Equivalent
++ -- ++a b-- (pre/post)increment/decrement ++ --
! not not a negation (unary) !
* / a*b multiply, divide * /
% mod a mod b modulous %
+ - a+b-c addition, subtraction + -
> gt a gt b greater than >
< lt a lt b less than <
>= gte, ge a ge b greater than or equal >=
<= lte, le a le b less than or equal <=
== eq a eq b equals ==
!= ne, neq a neq b not equals !=
=== !== a === b check for identity === !==
is not div by a is not div by 4 divisible by a % b == 0
is not even a is not even not an even number (unary) a % 2 == 0
is not even by a is not even by b grouping level not even (a / b) % 2 == 0
is not odd a is not odd not an odd number (unary) a % 2 != 0
is not odd by a is not odd by b not an odd grouping (a / b) % 2 != 0
&& and a && b true if both a and b are true &&
|| or a||b true if either a or b is true ||
xor a xor b exclusive or (a||b) && !(a&&b)


{if $foo == 'bar'}
{elseif $foo eq 'buh'}
    smth else

see also if

Iterate over arrays and objects

{$colors = [red=>'#f00', green=>'#0f0', blue=>'#00f']}

{foreach $colors as $name => $code}
    <p style='color:{$code}'>{$code@index}: {$name}</p>
    no colors

output =>

<p style='color:#f00'>0: red</p>
<p style='color:#0f0'>1: green</p>
<p style='color:#00f'>2: blue</p>
{$colorNames = [red,green,blue]}
{$colorCodes = ['#f00','#0f0','#00f']}

{section name='color' loop=$colorNames}
   <p style='color:{$colorCodes[color]}'>{$smarty.section.color.index}: {$colorNames[color]}</p>
   no colors

output =>

<p style='color:#f00'>0: red</p>
<p style='color:#0f0'>1: green</p>
<p style='color:#00f'>2: blue</p>
{for $i=0 to $colorNames|count-1}
    <p style='color:{$colorCodes[$i]}'>{$i}: {$colorNames[$i]}</p>


<p style='color:#f00'>0: red</p>
<p style='color:#0f0'>1: green</p>
<p style='color:#00f'>2: blue</p>


{$j = $colorNames|count}
{while --$j>=0}
    <p style='color:{$colorCodes[$j]}'>{$j}: {$colorNames[$j]}</p>

output =>

<p style='color:#00f'>2: blue</p>
<p style='color:#0f0'>1: green</p>
<p style='color:#f00'>0: red</p>

see also break, continue

Escape HTML

{$foo = '<b>bar</b>'}
{setfilter escape}

output =>


see also escape_html


{$foo = 'b a r'}
1: {$foo}

{setfilter replace:' ':'_'|upper}    {* any modifier(s) or/and function(s) *}
    2: {$foo}
    3: {$foo nofilter}

output =>

1: b a r
2: B_A_R
3: b a r

see also addDefaultModifier, registerFilter

Template inclusion


this is main,
{include incl}


this is included
this is main,

output =>

this is included

see also [Include Templates]( Templates), include, getTemplate

Template inheritance and overriding


Hello from {block hello}parent{/block}!


{extends parent}
{block hello}child{/block}

output =>

Hello from child!

see also [Template inheritance]( inheritance), extends, block, getTemplate

Default delimiters

jSmart.prototype.auto_literal = false;
jSmart.prototype.left_delimiter = '<%=';
jSmart.prototype.right_delimiter = '%>';

in template =>

<%= $foo='bar' %>
foo = <%= $foo %>

output =>

foo = bar

see also left_right_delimiter, auto_literal

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