Undertaker custom registry supporting forward referenced tasks.
The focus of gulp 4.0 is to make the 90% use case extremely easy, but we don't want to completely unsupport the 10% use cases. We have noticed patterns people use and things they want to do (and have worked around), like serial execution. However, I believe forward referenced tasks (as defined in gulpjs/gulp#802) are an edge case that is better handled with other patterns (coming soon: links to better patterns). If you must use forward referenced tasks, you can set this as a custom registry before registering any tasks.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var FwdRef = require('undertaker-forward-reference');
gulp.registry(FwdRef()); // or gulp.registry(new FwdRef());
gulp.task('default', gulp.series('forward-ref'));
gulp.task('forward-ref', function (cb) {
// do task things
Constructor for the registry. Pass an instance of this registry to gulp.registry