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Unigrid Testnet Setup

Automated Setup Using Script (recommended)


  • Ensure you have wget, curl, and systemd installed on your system.
  • git is required if you plan to download the latest version of paxd from the repository.

Running the Script

To connect to the Unigrid testnet automatically, run the following command in your terminal:

Before running the script its recommened to upgrade the server.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
wget -4qO && python3

If the above command does not work for you, follow these instructions.

wget -4qO
# Run the script with Python 3

This script will:

  • Stop the existing paxd service (if it exists).
  • Clear existing data and log files.
  • Download and verify the genesis.json file.
  • Download and set up the paxd binary.
  • Set up and start the paxd service.

Note: The script will tail the paxd log file at the end. You can exit the log view by pressing Ctrl+C and access it again anytime with the command tail -f ~/.pax/paxd.log.

Add pax to keplr:

🚰 Faucet The pax testnet faucet is available via our discord server

If you are a validator and in need of more funds, you can request them via this form.

Chaim params

Params Value
Validator min_self_delegation: 100000000
Decimals: 8
Denom: uugd
Gov min_deposit amount: 5000000000

System Commands

Stop the Service

To stop the paxd service, use:

sudo systemctl stop paxd.service

Start the Service

To start the paxd service, use:

sudo systemctl start paxd.service

Restart the Service

To restart the paxd service, use:

sudo systemctl restart paxd.service

Check Service Status

To check the status of the paxd service, use:

sudo systemctl status paxd.service

Enable Service Autostart

To enable paxd to start automatically on boot, use:

sudo systemctl enable paxd.service

Disable Service Autostart

To prevent paxd from starting automatically on boot, use:

sudo systemctl disable paxd.service

Manual Setup

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Ensure wget, curl, systemd, and git are installed on your system.

Step 2: Stop Existing Service

If paxd service is running, stop it using:

sudo systemctl stop paxd.service

Step 3: Clear Data and Logs

Remove existing data and log files from ~/.pax/data directory.

Step 4: Download and Verify Genesis File

Download the genesis.json:

wget -O genesis.json

Verify the checksum:

wget -O sha256sum.txt
sha256sum -c sha256sum.txt

Step 5: Download and Install paxd

Clone and build paxd from the repository or download the binary:

git clone
cd cosmos-daemon
# Follow the build instructions

Step 6: Set up and Start paxd Service

Create a service file at /etc/systemd/system/paxd.service with the following content:

Description=Pax Daemon Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/paxd start --p2p.seeds "8cc2192d6de0936632e0818c3b030a465a40d2dc@,06ed85d8b34ca3a4275072894fc297dce416b708@,e339ab8163a2774fccbc78ff09ffbf0991adc310@" --home=%h/.pax


Replace <username> with your username. Then enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable paxd.service
sudo systemctl start paxd.service

Generate Keys

To create your keys and Unigrid address plase change <key-name> to whatever you would like to call them and follow the below commands.

# Create new keypair
paxd keys add <key-name>

# Restore existing wallet with mnemonic seed phrase.
paxd keys add <key-name> --recover 

# Query the keystore for your public address
paxd keys show <key-name> -a

# Show all keys
paxd keys list 


To monitor the logs of paxd:

tail -f $HOME/.pax/paxd.log