Everything you need to build an Administration Panel Using Svelte/SvelteKit and AppWrite
If you want to begin the development process, follow this guide.
# create a new project in the current directory
git clone repo
# cd into directory
cd project-name/
# install dependencies
pnpm i
# create new env file and update the variables
copy .env.example .env
# run the project
pnpm dev
There's an appwrite folder in the root of the project, it contains the base functions, database and collections for the project.
there's also a bash script that can be run with ./login_appwrite.sh, it will promp to login to appwrite instance that you spesify in the .env, see .env.example
The project is well organized into the following folder structure, and use route grouping.
- (auth) Here you will find a group of route with the auth layout ( Public route )
- (backoffice) Here you will find the admin panel ( Protected route )
- app Here you will find your common app, config, constants, stores, utils, types, ui components and ui common widgets
- data-access Here you will find your DTO's and Data Definitions
- entities Here you will find your entites that are in your database
- features Here you will find your application features
- infraestructure Here you will find your Depdency Injection container, and everything related to infraestructure ( AppWrite interface )
- use-cases Here you will find your Application Use Cases (Business Logic / Controllers)
- SvelteKit
- Svelte
- TailwindCSS
- ShadCN-Svelte
- AppWrite
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.