#character-encoding UTF-8 #player1 Eta_Karo Eta Karo #player2 JD JD >Eta_Karo: AJY 8G JAY +26 26 >JD: AGHHLSS J8 SHH +31 31 >Eta_Karo: NOY 9F NOY +22 48 >JD: AEGLSTV 10E VAG +24 55 >Eta_Karo: U 10I U. +5 53 #note !! >JD: EILLOST 7H LO +15 70 #note a stunning position - considered trying to force a 6-pass scenario, but I might lose if he makes a blocking play at H7. Maybe HO keeping ILLEST? >Eta_Karo: IQS 6F QIS +39 92 >JD: AEILPST I10 .P +4 74 #note this is already a really bad spot. SALTIE isn't that great of a stem, should maybe think about HA/HI or HAP/HIP, or maybe even AI. >Eta_Karo: DDEFORS 12C FODDERS +81 173 >JD: AEILSTU C10 TU.A +14 88 #note forking the board which is essential at this stage >Eta_Karo: IMT 11B M.TI +28 201 >JD: BEILRSZ B13 ZEL +35 123 #note not great, but I do need to score something. Q suggests DIB but it feels pretty blockable. >Eta_Karo: AA A14 AA +14 215 >JD: ABIINRS B4 BINARIS. +70 193 >Eta_Karo: AX A8 AX +42 257 >JD: ACEGORU H11 O.GUE +22 215 >Eta_Karo: ?CDEINR 15H .NDERmIC +83 340 >JD: ACKPRVW C6 AWK +32 247 #note part of a 2-turn plan to try to draw VIPER/PAWK and open the top-left >Eta_Karo: EEGIL D3 LIEGE +22 362 >JD: CEOPRTV 5A V.P.R +33 280 >Eta_Karo: EE 14J EE +11 373 >JD: CELNOTW 3C C.OWN +22 302 #note after the game I thought I should play CLOW 13K, but if I do that Eta can block bottom-right and I'm left with some pretty bad lanes. Prefer CLOWN now >Eta_Karo: EEEINRU -EEU +0 373 #note his exact rack - Q actually wants him to simply play off EE or EU somewhere >JD: ?AELOOT 13K TOOL +11 313 #note OWE sets up the last L and becomes very hard to block - but it does leave room for Eta to score and block on bottom-right. >Eta_Karo: DEFINR 12M DEF +16 389 >JD: ?ABEIRT 4G EBRIATe +74 387 #note the most important move of the game is right here - TREIF to keep board open and try to bingo out to win. I should never win if I bingo now, but I ran out of time. >Eta_Karo: EIIMNRT L2 IN.ERMIT +61 450 >Eta_Karo: (challenge) +5 455 >Eta_Karo: (ENOTU) +10 465