% node testExpress.js Sentry Logger [log]: Initializing Sentry: process: 5117, thread: main. Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: InboundFilters Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: FunctionToString Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LinkedErrors Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: RequestData Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Console Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Http Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: NodeFetch Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUncaughtException Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: OnUnhandledRejection Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ContextLines Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LocalVariablesAsync Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Context Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ProcessAndThreadBreadcrumbs Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Modules Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Express Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Fastify Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Graphql Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Mongo Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Mongoose Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Mysql Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Mysql2 Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Redis Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Postgres Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Nest Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Hapi Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Koa Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Connect Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Tedious Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: GenericPool Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Kafka Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: Amqplib Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: LruMemoizer Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] Profiling integration setup. Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] Span profiler mode enabled. Sentry Logger [log]: Integration installed: ProfilingIntegration Sentry Logger [log]: Running in CommonJS mode. Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry/api: Registered a global for diag v1.9.0. Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry/api: Registered a global for trace v1.9.0. Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry/api: Registered a global for context v1.9.0. Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry/api: Registered a global for propagation v1.9.0. Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry_sentry-patched/instrumentation-http Applying instrumentation patch for nodejs core module on require hook { module: 'http' } Sentry Logger [debug]: @sentry/instrumentation-http Applying instrumentation patch for nodejs core module on require hook { module: 'http' } Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry/instrumentation-express Applying instrumentation patch for module on require hook { module: 'express', version: '4.19.2', baseDir: '/Users/.../Documents/testApps/node/express2/node_modules/express' } Example app listening at http://localhost:8000 Sentry Logger [debug]: @sentry/instrumentation-http http instrumentation for incoming request Sentry Logger [debug]: @opentelemetry_sentry-patched/instrumentation-http http instrumentation incomingRequest Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Starting sampled root span op: < unknown op > name: GET ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] started profiling transaction: GET Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Inheriting parent's sampled decision for middleware - query: true Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Starting sampled span op: < unknown op > name: middleware - query ID: effb04bf0712a74c parent ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root description: GET Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Finishing "middleware.express" span "query" with ID effb04bf0712a74c Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Inheriting parent's sampled decision for middleware - expressInit: true Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Starting sampled span op: < unknown op > name: middleware - expressInit ID: 212d9f17ae632e45 parent ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root description: GET Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Finishing "middleware.express" span "expressInit" with ID 212d9f17ae632e45 Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Inheriting parent's sampled decision for request handler - /: true Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Starting sampled span op: < unknown op > name: request handler - / ID: 8d9449fa9c12439e parent ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root ID: 4748b8a7ba216887 root description: GET Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Finishing "request_handler.express" span "/" with ID 8d9449fa9c12439e Sentry Logger [log]: SpanExporter exported 0 spans, 3 unsent spans remaining Sentry Logger [log]: [Tracing] Finishing "< unknown op >" root span "GET /" with ID 4748b8a7ba216887 Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] stopped profiling of transaction: GET / Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing outcomes... Sentry Logger [log]: No outcomes to send Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] max profile duration elapsed, stopping profiling for: GET / Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] stopped profiling of transaction: GET / Sentry Logger [log]: [Profiling] profiler returned null profile for: GET / this may indicate an overlapping span or a call to stopProfiling with a profile title that was never started Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing client reports based on interval. Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing outcomes... Sentry Logger [log]: No outcomes to send Sentry Logger [log]: SpanExporter exported 4 spans, 0 unsent spans remaining Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing client reports based on interval. Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing outcomes... Sentry Logger [log]: No outcomes to send Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing client reports based on interval. Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing outcomes... Sentry Logger [log]: No outcomes to send Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing client reports based on interval. Sentry Logger [log]: Flushing outcomes... Sentry Logger [log]: No outcomes to send