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The @rgbpp-sdk/service package provides a wrapped class to interact with Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service (BtcAssetsApi). It offers various features for interacting with Bitcoin and RGB++ assets:

  • Retrieve Blockchain Information including Bitcoin chain info, blocks, headers, transactions, addresses, and RGB++ assets
  • Handle transactions by posting to /bitcoin/v1/transaction or /rgbpp/v1/transaction/ckb-tx
  • Generate Bitcoin transaction Proof via /rgbpp/v1/btc-spv/proof through Bitcoin SPV Service on CKB
  • Simplify RGB++ assets workflows with RGB++ CKB transaction Queue and cron jobs
  • More detailed API documentation can be found on Testnet, Signet and Mainnet


Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service is an open-source project designed to streamline the transaction workflow for Bitcoin and RGB++ Assets. Developers have the option to enhance it by implementing its features by themselves without limitations. For those who prefer to deploy their own Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service, please follow the instructions at the Deployment section in the btc-assets-api repository.


# Install via npm:
$ npm i @rgbpp-sdk/service
# Install via yarn:
$ yarn add @rgbpp-sdk/service
# Install via pnpm:
$ pnpm add @rgbpp-sdk/service

Get started

Get a service URL

You can start using the Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service by accessing one of our deployed services. For those who prefer to deploy their own Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service, the documentation for deployment can be found at: Deployment - ckb-cell/btc-assets-api.

Get an access token

You need an access token to interact with the service. The testnet/signet services are currently free to access, you can get an access token of the target network through the following documentation URLs:

As to the mainnet service, it's currently limited to verified apps only. When your app development is ready on testnet, and requires a mainnet access token, please email us at to request a mainnet JWT token. In the email, please provide the following information about your app:

  • Name: Your app name, e.g. "rgbpp-app"
  • Domain: Your app domain, e.g. ""

Initialize the service


Initialize the service with the URL and your access token in browser environment:

import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('', 'your_access_token');


When initializing the service in Node.js, you should also pass the origin prop:

import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('', 'your_access_token', 'https://your_app.origin');

The origin prop is used to verify your token's corresponding domain. For example, if your token was generated in the domain of, you should pass as the origin prop. Otherwise, the service will reject your request.

Note the format difference domain and origin:

  • domain:, without protocol (https://, http://, etc.)
  • origin:, with protocol https://

Interact with the service

Once initialized, you can start accessing the service:

// Query the balance of an address
const res = await service.getBalance('tb1qm06rvrq8jyyckzc5v709u7qpthel9j4d9f7nh3');

// {
//   address: 'tb1qm06rvrq8jyyckzc5v709u7qpthel9j4d9f7nh3',
//   satoshi: 72921,
//   pending_satoshi: 0,
//   utxo_count: 5
// }

All available APIs can be found in the Types section.

Handling service errors

You can identify the error by its code and message, or by its detailed context:

import { BtcAssetsApiError, ErrorCodes } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

try {
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof BtcAssetsApiError) {
    // check error code
    console.log(e.code === ErrorCodes.ASSETS_API_UNAUTHORIZED); // true
    // print the whole error
      "message": "BtcAssetsAPI unauthorized, please check your token/origin: (401) Authorization token is invalid: The token header is not a valid base64url serialized JSON.",
      "code": 2,
      "context": {
        "request": {
          "url": "https://btc-assets-api.url/bitcoin/v1/info"
        "response": {
          "status": 401,
            "data": {
            "message": "Authorization token is invalid: The token header is not a valid base64url serialized JSON."



declare class BtcAssetsApi extends BtcAssetsApiBase implements BtcApis, RgbppApis {
  static fromToken(baseUrl: string, token: string, origin?: string): BtcAssetsApi;


declare class BtcAssetsApiBase implements BaseApis {}


interface BaseApis {
  request<T>(route: string, options?: BaseApiRequestOptions): Promise<T>;
  post<T>(route: string, options?: BaseApiRequestOptions): Promise<T>;
  generateToken(): Promise<BtcAssetsApiToken>;
  init(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;

interface BaseApiRequestOptions extends RequestInit {
  params?: Record<string, any>;
  method?: 'GET' | 'POST';
  requireToken?: boolean;
  allow404?: boolean;

interface BtcAssetsApiToken {
  token: string;


interface BtcApis {
  getBtcBlockchainInfo(): Promise<BtcApiBlockchainInfo>;
  getBtcBlockByHash(blockHash: string): Promise<BtcApiBlock>;
  getBtcBlockHeaderByHash(blockHash: string): Promise<BtcApiBlockHeader>;
  getBtcBlockHashByHeight(blockHeight: number): Promise<BtcApiBlockHash>;
  getBtcBlockTransactionIdsByHash(blockHash: number): Promise<BtcApiBlockTransactionIds>;
  getBtcRecommendedFeeRates(): Promise<BtcApiRecommendedFeeRates>;
  getBtcBalance(address: string, params?: BtcApiBalanceParams): Promise<BtcApiBalance>;
  getBtcUtxos(address: string, params?: BtcApiUtxoParams): Promise<BtcApiUtxo[]>;
  getBtcTransactions(address: string, params?: BtcApiTransactionParams): Promise<BtcApiTransaction[]>;
  getBtcTransaction(txId: string): Promise<BtcApiTransaction>;
  sendBtcTransaction(txHex: string): Promise<BtcApiSentTransaction>;

interface BtcApiBlockchainInfo {
  chain: string;
  blocks: number;
  bestblockhash: number;
  difficulty: number;
  mediantime: number;

interface BtcApiBlock {
  id: string;
  height: number;
  version: number;
  timestamp: number;
  tx_count: number;
  size: number;
  weight: number;
  merkle_root: string;
  previousblockhash: string;
  mediantime: number;
  nonce: number;
  bits: number;
  difficulty: number;

interface BtcApiBlockHash {
  hash: string;

interface BtcApiBlockHeader {
  header: string;

interface BtcApiBlockTransactionIds {
  txids: string[];

interface BtcApiRecommendedFeeRates {
  fastestFee: number;
  halfHourFee: number;
  hourFee: number;
  economyFee: number;
  minimumFee: number;

interface BtcApiBalanceParams {
  min_satoshi?: number;
  no_cache?: boolean;
interface BtcApiBalance {
  address: string;
  // @deprecated Use available_satoshi instead
  satoshi: number;
  total_satoshi: number;
  available_satoshi: number;
  pending_satoshi: number;
  rgbpp_satoshi: number;
  dust_satoshi: number;
  utxo_count: number;

interface BtcApiUtxoParams {
  only_non_rgbpp_utxos?: boolean;
  only_confirmed?: boolean;
  min_satoshi?: number;
  no_cache?: boolean;
interface BtcApiUtxo {
  txid: string;
  vout: number;
  value: number;
  status: {
    confirmed: boolean;
    block_height: number;
    block_hash: string;
    block_time: number;

interface BtcApiSentTransaction {
  txid: string;

interface BtcApiTransactionParams {
  after_txid?: string;

interface BtcApiTransaction {
  txid: string;
  version: number;
  locktime: number;
  vin: {
    txid: string;
    vout: number;
    prevout: {
      scriptpubkey: string;
      scriptpubkey_asm: string;
      scriptpubkey_type: string;
      scriptpubkey_address: string;
      value: number;
    scriptsig: string;
    scriptsig_asm: string;
    witness: string[];
    is_coinbase: boolean;
    sequence: number;
  vout: {
    scriptpubkey: string;
    scriptpubkey_asm: string;
    scriptpubkey_type: string;
    scriptpubkey_address: string;
    value: number;
  weight: number;
  size: number;
  fee: number;
  status: {
    confirmed: boolean;
    block_height: number;
    block_hash: string;
    block_time: number;


interface RgbppApis {
  getRgbppPaymasterInfo(): Promise<RgbppApiPaymasterInfo>;
  getRgbppTransactionHash(btcTxId: string): Promise<RgbppApiCkbTransactionHash>;
  getRgbppTransactionState(btcTxId: string): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionState>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcTxId(btcTxId: string): Promise<RgbppCell[]>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcUtxo(btcTxId: string, vout: number): Promise<RgbppCell[]>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcAddress(btcAddress: string, params?: RgbppApiAssetsByAddressParams): Promise<RgbppCell[]>;
  getRgbppBalanceByBtcAddress(btcAddress: string, params?: RgbppApiBalanceByAddressParams): Promise<RgbppApiBalance>;
  getRgbppActivityByBtcAddress(btcAddress: string, params?: RgbppApiActivityByAddressParams): Promise<RgbppApiActivity>;
  getRgbppSpvProof(btcTxId: string, confirmations: number): Promise<RgbppApiSpvProof>;
  sendRgbppCkbTransaction(payload: RgbppApiSendCkbTransactionPayload): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionState>;
  retryRgbppCkbTransaction(payload: RgbppApiRetryCkbTransactionPayload): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionRetry>;

type RgbppTransactionState = 'completed' | 'failed' | 'delayed' | 'active' | 'waiting';

interface RgbppApiPaymasterInfo {
  btc_address: string;
  fee: number;

interface RgbppApiCkbTransactionHash {
  txhash: string;

interface RgbppApiTransactionStateParams {
  with_data?: boolean;

interface RgbppApiTransactionState {
  state: RgbppTransactionState;
  attempts: number;
  failedReason?: string;
  data?: {
    txid: string;
    ckbVirtualResult: {
      ckbRawTx: CKBComponents.RawTransaction;
      needPaymasterCell: boolean;
      sumInputsCapacity: string;
      commitment: string;

interface RgbppCell extends Cell {
  typeHash?: Hash;

interface RgbppApiAssetsByAddressParams {
  type_script?: string;
  no_cache?: boolean;

interface RgbppApiBalanceByAddressParams {
  type_script?: string;
  no_cache?: boolean;
interface RgbppApiBalance {
  address: string;
  xudt: RgbppApiXudtBalance[];
interface RgbppApiXudtBalance {
  name: string;
  decimal: number;
  symbol: string;
  total_amount: string;
  available_amount: string;
  pending_amount: string;
  type_hash: string;
  type_script: Script;

interface RgbppApiActivityByAddressParams {
  rgbpp_only?: boolean;
  type_script?: string;
  after_btc_txid?: string;
interface RgbppApiActivity {
  address: string;
  cursor: string;
  txs: {
    btcTx: BtcApiTransaction;
    isRgbpp: boolean;
    isomorphicTx?: {
      ckbVirtualTx?: CKBComponents.RawTransaction;
      ckbTx?: CKBComponents.Transaction;
      inputs?: CKBComponents.CellOutput[];
      outputs?: CKBComponents.CellOutput[];
      status: {
        confirmed: boolean;

interface RgbppApiSpvProof {
  proof: string;
  spv_client: {
    tx_hash: string;
    index: string;

interface RgbppApiSendCkbTransactionPayload {
  btc_txid: string;
  // Support ckbVirtualTxResult and it's JSON string as request parameter
  ckb_virtual_result: RgbppApiSendCkbVirtualResult | string;
interface RgbppApiSendCkbVirtualResult {
  ckbRawTx: CKBComponents.RawTransaction;
  needPaymasterCell: boolean;
  sumInputsCapacity: string;
  commitment: string;

interface RgbppApiRetryCkbTransactionPayload {
  btc_txid: string;

interface RgbppApiTransactionRetry {
  success: boolean;
  state: RgbppTransactionState;