diff --git a/.ci/Jenkinsfile b/.ci/Jenkinsfile index 41dfdea490..5200ff0d8e 100644 --- a/.ci/Jenkinsfile +++ b/.ci/Jenkinsfile @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ pipeline { options { skipDefaultCheckout() } steps { withGithubNotify(context: 'Checkout') { + testSlack() pipelineManager([ cancelPreviousRunningBuilds: [ when: 'PR' ] ]) deleteDir() gitCheckout(basedir: "${BASE_DIR}") @@ -198,3 +199,31 @@ pipeline { } } } + +def testSlack() { + blocks = [ + [ + "type": "section", + "text": [ + "type": "mrkdwn", + "text": "Hello, Assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight! *Michael Scott* wants to know where you'd like to take the Paper Company investors to dinner tonight.\n\n *Please select a restaurant:*" + ] + ], + [ + "type": "divider" + ], + [ + "type": "section", + "text": [ + "type": "mrkdwn", + "text": "*Farmhouse Thai Cuisine*\n:star::star::star::star: 1528 reviews\n They do have some vegan options, like the roti and curry, plus they have a ton of salad stuff and noodles can be ordered without meat!! They have something for everyone here" + ], + "accessory": [ + "type": "image", + "image_url": "https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/c7ed05m9lC2EmA3Aruue7A/o.jpg", + "alt_text": "alt text for image" + ] + ] + ] + slackSend(channel: "#beats-ci-builds", blocks: blocks) +}