This is our submission for our Group Project CS module. We were tasked to create a program that simulates a tabletop game, were we picked "The Great Game of Britain", apparently due to all being over the age of 80.
We chose to develop in the Unity game engine, because it's hella powerful. We subsequently realized that we're not all git wiz-kids and collaboration was becoming a chore, so decided to use Unity's in-house "Collab" tool, hence the lack of a decent commit history.
Basically we were staring at screens for a few months, and then with the big deadline looming decided to do the work—it even didn't turn out too bad. We all kinda wish we picked something more inspiring though 😬
We called oursolves Tower 16 due to being team #16 in the course, and something to do with towers I forgot.
- Adilya—Project Lead & QA
- Harman—Technical Lead & Developer
- Taris—Developer & UI art
- Matt—Developer
- Sope—Developer & QA
- Jack—Documentation & Blog
- Alex—Developer
- Chantay—Documentation
- Aaron—Dropout
Did roles mean much in the end however...? 😉 😔 😯
Here's a list to appreciate what more could be added and make us feel bad, but now it's all over with we probably won't touch this again.
- Working action cards.
- Online multiplayer (hotsteat functionality is already there).
- Interactive tutorial.
- Probably need to fix a gazillion bugs.
- Development blog -
- Live Demo -
Let's say No License for now 'til further notice 💔
Components were mostly made in house, but otherwise outside assets we used have their licenses inside the source code.