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Installation instructions


  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
    1. Installing Apache and PHP5
    2. Installing PostgreSQL
    3. Installing CakePHP
    4. Installing Taolin
    5. Creating Taolin database
    6. Configuring Taolin
    7. Access to Taolin

1. Requirements

The following procedure is for installing Taolin on a GNU/Linux machine, running Debian or Ubuntu. For other GNU/Linux flavors (OpenSuse, RedHat) the procedure is almost identical. The installation should be possible also on Windows and MacOSX but we didn't try yet.

  • Be a root user
  • PostegreSQL
  • Apache + PHP
  • The latest versions of CakePHP, in tar.gz format, available here. Here is the direct link to the version
  • The latest version of taolin, in tar.gz format, available here
  • Download the latest version of ExtJS from its website (link to the download page). Then extract all the files from the downloaded archive and copy those files into the directory named "extjs", placed under "webroot" in your taolin installation directory.

2. Installation

2.1 Installing Apache and PHP5

See also

  • Install Apache and PHP5 running this command in your terminal: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

  • enter your sudo password

  • Restart the Apache server to be load the PHP5 libraries: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

  • Now Apache configuration file is located at: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and your web folder is /var/www

  • Go to http://localhost/ and if everything is working you should see "It works!"

2.1.1 Apache modules and directives

Taolin depends also on mod_rewrite. Make sure it's installed and enabled (google for this). You also have to check that .htaccess are enabled. Once they're available, to fully enable htaccess'es directives set AllowOverride all for your webroot (probably /var/www).

2.2 Installing PostegreSQL

  • Type in your terminal: sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-8.3 postgresql-8.3 and then enter your sudo password

  • If you want to use password authentication, append the following line to /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf local all all trust

2.3 Installing CakePHP

  • Copy the CakePHP archive into the /var/www directory: sudo cp cake_1.2.1.8004.tar.gz /var/www/

  • Move into /var/www dir by typing: cd /var/www

  • Extract here the CakePHP archive: sudo tar xfvm cake_1.2.1.8004.tar.gz

  • Rename CakePHP "cake_1.2.1.8004" directory to "cake": sudo mv cake_1.2.1.8004 cake

2.4 Installing Taolin

  • Copy taolin archive into the CakePHP folder /var/www/cake: sudo cp taolin /var/www/cake/

  • Move into /var/www/cake/ dir by typing: cd /var/www/cake/

  • Extract the Taolin archive into CakePHP folder: sudo tar xfvm taolin_ver0.8.tar.gz

  • Enter the Taolin directory: cd cake/taolin

2.5 Creating the Taolin database

  • Go to the folder where you have the database dump of Taolin, in sql format.

  • If you have no superuser, create one: $ sudo su postgres $ createuser -s -P YOUR_SUPERUSER

  • Create a new database named taolin:

      $ createdb -U YOUR_SUPERUSER taolin
  • Create plpgsql language for this db:

      $ createlang -U YOUR_SUPERUSER  plpgsql taolin
  • Import the Taolin database into your taolin database (install is in taolin root) $ psql -U YOUR_SUPERUSER taolin # \i config/sql/taolin.struct.sql

2.6 Configuring Taolin

  • Make tmp folder and its subdirectories writable: sudo chmod -R 777 tmp/*

  • Create the database.php file from the sample one into the config folder: sudo cp config/database.php.default config/database.php

  • Open database.php with your favourite text editor and complete the $default array, inserting your data, then save it.

2.7 Access to Taolin

  • You can now access Taolin open your web browser and typing the following URL: http://localhost/cake/taolin

  • Login with the following data: login: platone password: platone

Have fun!