There are two rules which allow to restrict browser client using except Chrome usage:
BrowserSupportRule.xml Browser's support rule for browsers which are differ from Chrome and Safari
BrowserSupportRuleSafari.xml Browser's support rule for Safari browser only and is differ from Chrome
- The rules should be imported into IIS's UrlRewrite section:
IIS->Sites->Microsoft Dynamics CRM->Url Rewrite
- After import finishes, the rules should be Enabled
a) There are two rules which allow to restrict browser client using except Chrome usage and custom error page:
BrowserSupportRule.xml Browser's support rule for browsers which are differ from Chrome and Safari
BrowserSupportRuleSafari.xml Browser's support rule for Safari browser only and is differ from Chrome
447.htm Custom error page
- The rules should be imported into IIS's UrlRewrite section:
IIS->Sites->Microsoft Dynamics CRM->Url Rewrite
- After import finishes, the rules should be Enabled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Server\CustomErrorPages\447.htm
IIS->Sites->Microsoft Dynamics CRM->Error Pages
Add new error page with the next parameters:
Insert content with static file using the next file path
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Server\CustomErrorPages\447.htm
Status code
IIS->Sites->Microsoft Dynamics CRM->Configuration Editor
Choice section by name: system.webServer/httpErrors
Unlock section for allowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated and set it from false to true
Lock section for allowAbsolutePathsWhenDelegated back.