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609 lines (518 loc) Β· 27.1 KB

File metadata and controls

609 lines (518 loc) Β· 27.1 KB


4.x Series


  • Added the includeVariants() method to the ProductSearch class ⚠️ DOES NOT WORK ON POSTGRES (YET) ⚠️
  • Added the priceGreaterThan, priceLessThan and priceBetween methods to the ProductSearch class by Matima in #176
  • Added the Macroable trait to the ProductSearch class
  • Added the unidirectional links feature
  • Added the isUnidirectional(), isOmnidirectional() and isEmpty() methods to the LinkGroup class
  • Added the pointsTo() method to the LinkGroupItem class
  • Added the possibility to retrieve the link items directly using linkItems() method as Get::the($type)->linkItems()->of($model)
  • Added the link_items helper, shortcut to Get::the()->linkItems()
  • Added the possibility to force new link group creation using the new() method of the Establish class
  • Added support for configurable decimal separator used by the format_price() helper function
  • Added the discountable shipping fee calculator
  • Added the taxes_total, shipping_total and total attribute getters to the Foundation Order model
  • Added the follwing getters to the default Billpayer model (proxies down to the underlying address):
    • country_id
    • province_id
    • postalcode
    • city
    • street_address (fetches $billpayer->address->address) - can't use address since that collides with the address() relation
    • address2
    • access_code
  • Added the following content fields to the Taxon model/table:
    • subtitle
    • excerpt
    • description
    • top_content
    • bottom_content
  • Changed the offline payment gateway's icon from a circle to a plug+x
  • Fixed the possible missing configuration copy from cart_items to order_items in the OrderFactory


  • Removed the Doctrine DBAL dependency


  • Dropped PHP 8.0 & PHP 8.1 Support
  • Dropped Laravel 9 Support
  • Dropped Enum v3 Support
  • Added PHP 8.3 Support
  • Added Laravel 11 Support
  • Changed minimum Laravel version to v10.43
  • Changed minimal Enum requirement to v4.2
  • Changed minimal Address module requirement to v3.3
  • Upgraded to Konekt Address, Customer and User modules to v3
  • Upgraded to Laravel Media Library v11
  • Removed the Vanilo v2 Framework namespace compatibility layer
  • Removed the throwing of CartUpdated event when destroying a cart (CartDeleting and CartDeleted remains)
  • Removed the deprecated BuyableImageSpatieV7 and BuyableImageSpatieV8 traits
  • Added the SimpleTaxDeduction adjuster
  • Added Cart item configuration support (different configurations constitute separate cart items) to the Cart::addItem() method
  • Added the currency field to the orders table
  • Added the following fields to the Channel model/table:
    • currency
    • language
    • domain
    • billing fields (emitter's data)
    • billing_zone_id
    • shipping_zone_id
    • theme
    • color
  • Added ProductSearch features:
    • added the optional $limit parameter to the getResults() method
    • added the orderBy() method
    • added the slugEquals() method: it takes into account other query parameters as well, whereas the findBySlug solely queries by the given slug
  • Added the payment_method_id to the orders table
  • Added the processing of the payment_method_id field to the OrderFactory (Foundation)
  • Added the BillpayerChanged checkout event
  • Added the is_hidden field to the Property model
  • Changed the behavior of assignPropertyValues/assignPropertyValue methods so that it throws an UnknownPropertyException when passing an inexistent property slug
  • Added the withImages and withChannels methods to the product search class (eager loads media)
  • Added the channelables table for being many-to-many polymorphic relationships with channels and arbitrary models
  • Added the mapInto() method to the RelationAdjustmentCollection class, which forwards the call to the underlying Eloquent collection
  • Added the Zoneable support to the Foundation PaymentMethod class
  • Added the Channelable behavior to Foundation Product, MasterProduct, PaymentMethod, ShippingMethod and Taxonomy classes
  • Added and extended Foundation Channel model that contains the known relationships to the "channelable" models
  • Added the withinChannel[s] methods to the ProductSearch class
  • Added the Features accessor class, which is a syntactic sugar for areas of the configuration
  • Added isZoneRestricted() & isNotZoneRestricted() helper methods to the ShippingMethod class
  • Added the payment dependent shipping fee calculator
  • Added the units_sold and the last_sale_at attributes to the master product model (SUM/MAX from variants)
  • Added the Stockable interface (Contracts)
  • Added the Stockable interface to the Product and MasterProductVariant models
  • Added the backorder field to products and product variants
  • Added the type field to the TaxCategory model
  • Added the Taxable interface
  • Added the Taxable implementation to Foundation's CartItem, Product and MasterProductVariant classes
  • Added the extendable TaxEngine (facade) that can resolve tax rates from taxables, billing/shipping addresses (a place for various country-specific taxation drivers)
  • Added the Merchant interface
  • Added the DefaultTaxCalculator class - calculates simply by rate
  • Added the DeductiveTaxCalculator class similar to the default one, but it deducts the amount
  • Added the CalculateTaxes listener to cart update and shipping address change events
  • Added the Merchant DTO class, that complies with the common, v4 Merchant interface
  • Added the Address DTO class (implements the Address interface)
  • Added the AdjusterAliases class that for decoupling FQCNs from the database
  • Added automatic mapping of adjuster FQCN <-> aliases when saving an adjustment into the DB and when calling the getAdjuster() method
  • Added the itemsPreAdjustmentTotal() method to the Foundation's adjustable Cart model
  • Added the replacePropertyValues() and replacePropertyValuesByScalar() methods to the HasPropertyValues trait
  • BC: Added the following methods to the PropertyValue interface:
    • findByPropertyAndValue()
    • getByScalarPropertiesAndValues()
  • BC: Added the mixed return type to the getCastedValue method of the PropertyValue interface
  • BC: Added the findBySku() method to the Product and MasterProductVariant interfaces
  • BC: The MasterProduct interface no longer extends the Product interface
  • BC: The Checkout interface now extends the ArrayAccess and the Shippable interfaces (until here, only the concrete classes have implementation it)
  • BC: Added cart and order item models to the Relation morph map: the adjustable_type field in the adjustments table needs to be converted!
  • BC: Added the ?CheckoutSubject return type to the getCart() method of the Checkout interface
  • BC: Changed Checkout::getShippingAddress() return type to be nullable
  • BC: Added the void return type to Checkout::setShippingAddress()
  • BC: Added the following methods to the Checkout interface:
    • removeShippingAddress()
    • getShipToBillingAddress()
    • setShipToBillingAddress()
    • getShippingMethodId()
    • setShippingMethodId()
    • getPaymentMethodId()
    • setPaymentMethodId()
    • getNotes()
    • setNotes()
    • clear()
    • getShippingAmount()
    • setShippingAmount()
    • getTaxesAmount()
    • setTaxesAmount()
    • itemsTotal()
  • BC: The unused $config parameter has been removed from the RequestStore checkout driver constructor
  • BC: Removed the following traits from the Checkout module:
    • HasCart
    • ComputesShipToName
    • FillsCommonCheckoutAttributes
  • BC: Added the deleteByType() and clear() methods to the AdjustmentCollection interface
  • BC: Added the getAddress2() method to the Address interface
  • BC: The Adjustable::itemsTotal() has been renamed to preAdjustmentTotal()
  • BC: The invalidateAdjustments() method has been added to the Adjustable interface
  • BC: The exceptTypes() method has been added to the AdjustmentCollection interface
  • BC: The AdjustmentType interface extends the EnumInterface
  • BC: Added the isNotIncluded() method to the Adjustment interface
  • BC: Changed the behavior of AdjustmentCollection::total():
    1. it ignores "included" adjustments by default,
    2. to incorporate the "included" adjustments pass true to the method: $adjustments->total(withIncluded: true)
  • BC: Changed the TaxRate interface so that it extends the Configurable interface
  • BC: Added the itemsTotal() method to the CheckoutSubject interface
  • BC: Added argument and return types to all Cart and CartManager interface methods
  • BC: Added the findOneByZoneAndCategory static method to the TaxRate interface
  • BC: Changed the ShippingFeeCalculator, Carrier and Shipment interfaces to Configurable & Schematized
  • BC: Changed the CheckoutSubjectItem interface into Configurable & Schematized
  • BC: Added the $hooks and $itemHooks parameters to the OrderFactory interface
  • BC: Changed the OrderItem interface into Configurable
  • BC: Added 7 methods to the OrderItem interface
  • BC: Added the getLanguage(), getFulfillmentStatus() and itemsTotal() methods to the Order interface
  • BC: Added to float return type to the total() method of the Order interface
  • BC: The OrderStatus and FulfillmentStatus interfaces extend the EnumInterface
  • BC: Added the getConfigurationSchema() method to the Configurable interface
  • BC: Changed the PaymentMethod interface into Configurable
  • BC: Added the getRemoteId() method to the PaymentRequest interface
  • BC: Added the following methods to the Payment interface:
    • getSubtype()
    • hasRemoteId()
    • getRemoteId()
    • isOffline()
  • BC: Added the getTransactionAmount() method to the PaymentResponse interface
  • BC: Added the transactionHandler() method to the PaymentGateway interface (experimental feature)
  • BC: Added the svgIcon() static method to the PaymentGateway interface
  • BC: Added the following methods to the Payable interface:
    • getNumber()
    • getPayableRemoteId()
    • setPayableRemoteId()
    • findByPayableRemoteId()
    • hasItems()
    • getItems()
  • BC: The return type of the getNumber() method of the Order interface is no longer nullable
  • BC: Added the getCalculator() & estimate() methods to the ShippingMethod interface
  • BC: The Channel interface extends the Configurable interface
  • BC: Added the following methods to the Channel interface:
    • getLanguage()
    • getCurrency()
    • getDomain()
    • getMerchant()
    • getBillingCountries()
    • getShippingCountries()
  • Deprecated the PaymentMethod::getConfiguration() in favor of configuration()
  • Deprecated the PaymentResponse::getAmountPaid() method in favor of getTransactionAmount()
  • Added a series of experimental transaction-style interfaces. They shouldn't be used yet, but have been added so that they can be implemented during the v4.x lifecycle without breaking existing implementations
  • Added the Schematized interface
  • Added the nette/schema package requirement (v1.2.5+)
  • Fixed possible null return type on Billpayer::getName() when is_organization is true but the company name is null
  • Fixed the remnant orphan cart adjustments in the database during cart to order transformation

3.x Series


  • Fixed the PHP IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess and Countable interfaces-related deprecation notices


  • Fixed the hinting of Taxon interface in the ProductSearch class (#163)
  • Changed the visibility of ProductSearch properties from private to proteced (#161)


  • Added the ofUser() scope to the base Order model
  • Added missing Payment Status magic comparison annotations to the interface/model
  • Added the hasRemoteId(), getRemoteId() and isOffline() helper methods to the Payment model (v4 interface candidates)
  • Added the link_type_exists() helper function (to be used in blade templates)


  • Added the is_master_product_variant() helper function
  • Added the ProductSearch::findBySlugOrFail() method
  • Changed the ProductSearch::findBySlug() method to be static (it's backwards compatible)


  • Added the OrderProcessingStarted event
  • Added the following order item events: OrderItemShipped, OrderItemPickedUp, OrderItemsIsReadyForDelivery, OrderItemsIsReadyForPickup and OrderItemHasBeenPutOnHold
  • Changed the visibility of the OrderFactory::callHook method from private to protected
  • Added the Taxes module with: Tax Categories, Tax Rates and calculators
  • Added tax_category_id field to products/master products/variants
  • Added the SimpleTax adjuster (it calculates the tax amount based on a flat rate in %)
  • Added the extended CartItem and OrderItem models to Foundation that are Adjustable
  • Added the fromKeyValuePairs static factory and getDetail() methods to the DetailedAmount Dto class
  • Added the carrier_cost, label_url and label_base64 fields to the shipments table/model
  • Added feature to assign shipments to order items, and vice versa (Foundation)
  • Added optional hooks (callbacks) support to order items creation in the order factory class
  • Added item adjustments total to the order grand total (Foundation)
  • Added the benefit adjustment type
  • Added the experimental ProductSearch class to replace ProductFinder with a multi-model (products + masters) variant
    • Added the required konekt/search v1.2+ dependency
  • Changed the minimal Address module requirement to v2.7.1
  • Added getRemoteId to NullRequest (PaymentRequest interface v4 method candidate)
  • Added testing against MySQL 8.0 (besides v5.7)


  • Fixed the shipping adjustment's undesired JSON->string conversion when cloning the cart adjustment to the order
  • Fixed the missing locking of shipping adjustments on orders
  • Fixed the missing foreign key between shipping_methods.zone_id and the zones table


  • Fixed the ConfigurableModel trait to handle json strings and other arrayable fields in the underlying model
  • Fixed possibly incorrect zone member and shipping method list due to a bug in v2.5.0 of the Address module (bump to v2.5.1)


  • Added Laravel 10 support
  • Added the CartCreated, CartUpdated, CartDeleted and CartDeleting events
  • Added master product & variant (Foundation) to the morph map
  • Added the processing order status enum value
  • Added the ready_for_pickup fulfillment status enum value
  • Added the DetailedAmount interface (Contracts) and its Dto (Support)
  • Added Zone support to shipping methods (optional)
  • Added the Order::getLanguage() method
  • Added the ShippingMethodSelected checkout event
  • Added Shipping fee calculator support
  • Added the flat fee shipping fee calculator (Foundation)
  • Added a listener (Foundation) that calculates the shipping fee on checkout shipping method change
  • Added the following fields as recognized, regular fields of the checkout:
    • shipping_method_id
    • payment_method_id
    • ship_to_billing_address
    • notes
  • Added ArrayAccess to the CheckoutManager and to the Checkout Stores
  • Added Shippable to the CheckoutManager and to the Checkout Stores
  • Added the vanilo.checkout.default.weight_unit config key which defaults to 'kg'
  • Added the following methods to the Checkout implementations (Manager, Stores but not the interfaces):
    • getShipToBillingAddress()
    • setShipToBillingAddress()
    • getShippingMethodId()
    • setShippingMethodId()
    • getPaymentMethodId()
    • setPaymentMethodId()
    • getShippingAmount()
    • setShippingAmount()
    • getTaxesAmount()
    • setTaxesAmount()
    • getNotes()
    • setNotes()
  • Added optional hooks (callbacks) support to the OrderFactory::createFromDataArray() method
  • Added payable_remote_id field with getter/setter methods to the Foundation Order model
  • Added implementation of the Adjustable interface to the Foundation Order model
  • Added the copying of checkout/cart adjustments to the order created by the Foundation OrderFactory
  • Added int cast to OrderItem::quantity property
  • Added dimensions() and hasDimensions() methods to the MasterProductVariant model Added the Dimension DTO class in the support module (provides a default implementation for the same name interface)
  • Added the vanilo/support ^3.6 dependency to the Product module
  • Added the subtype field and the getSubtype() method to the Payment model
  • Added the DeleteCartAdjustments listener on CartDeleting event
  • Added the CalculateShippingFees listener connected to shipping address/method change and cart updated events
  • Added the clear() method to AdjustmentCollection implementations
  • Added the invalidateAdjustments() method to Adjustable implementations
  • Added the shippingAdjustmentsTotal(), taxAdjustmentsTotal() and promotionAdjustmentsTotal() methods to the Adjustable Cart model in foundation
  • Refactored the internals of the Checkout stores (session and request)
  • Changed the return value of Product::dimension() to be a Dimension object from the support package instead of an anonymous class object
  • Changed minimum Address module requirement to v2.5
  • Fixed the data loss issue when using the session checkout driver with cookie session driver in Laravel


  • Fixed non-standard migration name in the order module


  • Added the description and state fields to the master product variants table
  • Added the Address comparison utility
  • Added the reference_number field to the shipments model
  • Added the shippables many-to-many, polymorphic relationship.
    It allows all the following scenarios:
    a) shipping one order in one shipment
    b) shipping one order in multiple shipments
    c) shipping multiple orders in one shipment
  • Added Shipment::orders and Order::shipments to the Foundation models
  • Added the FulfillmentStatus enum to the Orders module
  • Added fulfillment_status to the orders and order_items tables
  • Added language field to orders
  • Added ordered_at field to orders (defaults to created_at unless explicitly specified)
  • Added shippingMethod and customer fields/relations to the extended (Foundation) Order model
  • Changed the random number algo in TimeHash generator from mt_rand to random_int for a decreased collision probability
  • Fixed the Carrier::name() method to overcome accessor infinite loop
  • Fixed the address creation with order factory when passing an explicit address type


  • Fixed the missing shipment module from foundation module config


  • Added the MasterProdcutVariant::findBySku() method
  • Added the Product::findBySku() method
  • Added the ConfigurableModel trait
  • Added processing of configuration to the order factory, if the checkout item is a configurable
  • Added Configurable to the CartItem model (incl. implementing the interface)
  • Added Configurable to the OrderItem model (incl. implementing the interface)
  • Added the Configurable interface
  • Added Configurable interface to the PaymentMethod model
  • Added the missing ShippingMethod interface and proxy
  • Added Configurable interface to the Carrier, Shipment and ShippingMethod models
  • Changed the Carrier, Shipment and ShippingMethod models to use the ConfigurableModel trait
  • Changed the PaymentMethod model to use the ConfigurableModel trait
  • Fixed missing required argument from checkout drivers using the update() method


  • Fixed the session checkout store persistence error
  • Fixed float conversion of master product variant fields (price, original price and dimensions)
  • Changed the product stock field to be cast to float
  • Removed the Buyable interface/trait from Foundation\MasterProduct - it was conceptually wrong;
  • Added Buyable to Foundation\MasterProductVariant
  • Added the Product::findBySku() method to the base product class
  • Added the MasterProdcutVariant::findBySku() method


  • Added forwarding/proxying of method calls and property getters from the Checkout manager to the underlying store
  • Added is_active flag to shipping methods
  • Added Cart::fresh() method to the Cart facade
  • Added the is_master_product() helper function (Foundation)
  • Added the MasterProduct::actives() and inactives() query builder scopes
  • Added the Product::inactives()query builder scope
  • Added an extended MasterProduct model (Foundation)
  • Changed checkout store resolution to happen via the Laravel DI instead of new SpecificStoreClass()
  • Changed both built-in checkout stores to save unknown properties as custom attributes on the update() method call
  • Changed minimum Concord version requirement to v1.12
  • Fixed missing implementation parts of the checkout session store


  • Added the Master Product module
  • Added the Adjustments module
  • Added the extended Adjustable Cart model to Foundation (original Cart model still there, intact)
  • Added channel_id to the extended Order model in Foundation
  • Added Shipping methods
  • Added the getGatewayName() method to the PaymentMethod class. It can retrieve the gateway name without instantiating it, thus gateway configuration errors don't affect it
  • Added the PropertyValue::findByPropertyAndValue('color', 'red') finder method
  • Added the valueOfProperty(), assignPropertyValue() and assignPropertyValues() methods to the HasPropertyValues trait
  • Added the Sluggable behavior to the Channel model
  • Added configuration getter and setter methods to the Channel model
  • Added PHP 8.2 Support
  • Added Enum 4.0 Support
  • Changed minimum Laravel requirement to 9.2
  • Changed minimum Konekt module requirements to:
    • Address: 2.2
    • Concord: 1.11
    • Customer: 2.3.1
    • Enum: 3.1.1
    • Laravel Migration Compatibility: 1.5
    • User: 2.4


  • Added actives() and inactives() scopes to the Carrier model
  • Fixed the missing Cart alias registration when using the entire framework


  • Dropped PHP 7.4 Support
  • Dropped Laravel 6-8 Support
  • Added Laravel 9 Support
  • Added PHP 8.1 Support
  • Removed Admin from "Framework" - it is available as an optional separate package see vanilo/admin
  • Changed minimum Laravel version to 9.0
  • BC: Renamed Framework Module and Namespace to "Foundation"
  • BC: Removed the Vanilo\Foundation\Models\PaymentMethod class. Use Vanilo\Payment\Models\PaymentMethod instead
  • BC: Renamed vanilo.framework.* config values to*
  • BC: Added the static findBySlug(string $slug): ?Property; method to the Property interface
  • Added the Shipment Module
  • Added the Links Module
  • Added original_price field to products
  • Added product dimension (width, height, depth) and weight fields

2.x Series


  • Upgrade to AppShell v2.2 (minimum requirement)
  • Added order print page in admin
  • Added payment history to order view page in admin
  • Added payment method to order list in admin
  • Added show/hide closed orders button to order list in admin
  • Added status_message field to payment list on order view in admin
  • Fixed missing query strings in admin paginators
  • Improved permission migrations to add flexibility to projects that manage permissions differently
  • Improved property value form handling on admin
  • Changed internal CS ruleset from PSR-2 to PSR-12
  • Changed all classes to declare strict types enabled


  • Bumped min Properties module to v2.1.1 to fix type mismatch at Property::findOneByName() when using overridden Property model.


  • Added PHP 8 support
  • Added Spatie Media Library v9 Support
  • Added Primary Image feature (products)
  • Upgrade to AppShell 2.1
  • Refactored image handling
  • Added images to taxonomies and taxons
  • Added option to define separate image conversions per entity type (product, taxonomy, taxon)
  • Added the HasImages interface - extracted it from Buyable
  • Added Order model that implements the Payable
  • Added Payment method CRUD
  • Added dispatching of order cancelled and completed events when updating their status in the admin panel
  • Fixed model registration to takes into account Concord's register_route_models setting
  • Switched CI from Travis to Github Actions


  • BC: Upgrade to Spatie MediaLibrary v8
  • Added Laravel 8 support
  • Dropped Laravel 5 support
  • Dropped support for PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3 (due to MediaLibrary)
  • Minimum Laravel requirement is v6.18 (due to MediaLibrary)
  • Upgrade to AppShell 2.0
  • Admin and admin icons are themeable (AppShell 2.0 feature)

1.x Series


  • Changed minimum AppShell version to 1.7
  • Fixes the "taxons" vs "taxa" permission problem caused by Doctrine Inflector 1.4+


  • Added Laravel 7 support
  • Added PHP 7.4 support
  • Dropped PHP 7.1 support
  • Combination of PHP 7.4 & Laravel 5.6|5.7 is not recommended due to improper order of implode() arguments in eloquent-sluggable dependency


  • Fixed a bug with Category editing in Admin under Laravel 6


  • Added Laravel 6 Support


  • Added simple product stock
  • Added ProductFinder pagination support
  • Added Channel Module

0.5 Series


  • Fixed migrations fail bug when the admin role is not present in the target system


  • Technical release: fixed inexistent version constraint (other than that same as 0.5.1)


  • Complete Laravel 5.8 support


  • Support for Product Properties has been added (via Properties module)
  • Using AppShell v1.3
  • ProductFinder has been added (supports: taxons, property values and search terms in product name)

0.4 Series


  • Improved SQLite compatibility in migrations (to fix certain testing scenarios)


  • Product image upload validation has been improved


  • Added Product Category Support
  • Laravel 5.7 Compatibility
  • PHP 7.3 Compatibility
  • Product sales figures (units sold, last sale date)
  • Using AppShell v1.2
  • Admin UI fixes & improvements
  • Vanilo Address module has been dropped

0.3 Series


  • Product Image support via Spatie Laravel Media Library v7
  • Laravel 5.4 support dropped (due to Spatie Media Library v7 conflicts)
  • Concord v1.2, AppShell 0.9.9

0.2 Series


  • Fixed breaking change with AppShell > v0.9.6


  • Laravel 5.6 compatible
  • Cart handles user associations
  • Admin UI polishes
  • Concord v1.1

0.1 Series


  • Fixed Billpayer related problems
  • Checkout => Order works properly
  • Order CRUD on admin has been added


  • πŸš€ Yet another E-commerce platform has born πŸš€
  • πŸš€ This will be a very good one πŸš€