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executable file
128 lines (99 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
128 lines (99 loc) · 3.71 KB

µRDF Store

µRDF.js is a JavaScript implementation of an RDF store with SPARQL query processing. At its core is an ECMAScript 5.1 implementation based on the JSON-LD format, designed to be run on micro-controller platforms using JerryScript.


Online Demo

The easiest way to start with µRDF.js is to try its online demo.

Command-Line Interface

A CLI is also available (after building the project, see below).

npm run urdf query <filename>


$ npm install
$ npm test
$ npm run browserify # generates src/urdf-browser.js (optional)


The following snippet shows how the main API calls work.

const assert = require('assert');
const urdf = require('urdf');

// some JSON-LD definition (LUBM SPARQL benchmark)
const data = {
    "@context": {
        "@vocab": ""
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "Person",
    "teacherOf": [
        { "@id": "" },
        { "@id": "" }
    "degreeFrom": { "@id": "" },
    "undergraduateDegreeFrom": { "@id": "" },
    "doctoralDegreeFrom": { "@id": "" }

// a query (LUBM SPARQL benchmark)
const queryString = '\
prefix ub: <>\
select ?teacher where {\
    ?teacher ub:teacherOf <> .\

// a query with a custom JavaScript function
const customQueryString = '\
prefix ub: <>\
select (<javascript:String.prototype.charAt>(?teacher, 11) as ?idx)  where {\
?teacher ub:teacherOf <> .\

// function arguments are passed as plain JavaScript values;
// return value can either be another plain value or a SPARQL JSON object
urdf.register('javascript:String.prototype.charAt', (str, idx) => str.charAt(idx));

// functions for RDF list management are available:
//  - <javascript:urdf.indexOf>(?list, ?element)
//  - <javascript:urdf.lastIndexOf>(?list, ?element)
//  - <javascript:urdf.valueAt>(?list, ?index)
//  - <javascript:urdf.length>(?list)

// all API calls are Promise-based

.then(() => urdf.load(data))

.then(actual => assert.strictEqual(actual, true))

.then(() => urdf.clear())

.then(() => {
    const dataString = JSON.stringify(data);
    const opts = { format: 'application/ld+json' };
    // when data is passed as a string, a media type must be given;
    // default: Turtle (see N3.js library)
    return urdf.load(dataString, opts);

.then(actual => assert.strictEqual(actual, true))

.then(() => urdf.query(queryString))

.then(actual => assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, [
    // solutions follow the JSON SPARQL results format;
    // see
        "teacher": {
            // the format was extended to ease RDF list management:
            // lists are returned as arrays of SPARQL results of the form
            // { "type": "list", "value": [...] }
            "type": "uri",
            "value": ""

.then(() => urdf.query(customQueryString))

.then(actual => assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, [
        "idx": {
            "type": "literal",
            "value": "D"

The SPARQL engine of µRDF.js can process all queries of the LUBM benchmark.