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libvcs · Python Package License Code Coverage

libvcs is a lite, typed, pythonic tool box for detection and parsing of URLs, commanding, and syncing with git, hg, and svn. Powers vcspull.


Key Features

  • URL Detection and Parsing: Validate and parse Git, Mercurial, and Subversion URLs.
  • Command Abstraction: Interact with VCS systems through a Python API.
  • Repository Synchronization: Clone and update repositories locally via Python API.
  • py.test fixtures: Create temporary local repositories and working copies for testing for unit tests.

Supports Python 3.9 and above, Git (including AWS CodeCommit), Subversion, and Mercurial.

To get started, see the quickstart guide for more information.

$ pip install --user libvcs

URL Detection and Parsing

Easily validate and parse VCS URLs using the libvcs.url module:

Validate URLs

>>> from libvcs.url.git import GitURL

>>> GitURL.is_valid(url='')

Parse and adjust Git URLs:

>>> from libvcs.url.git import GitURL

>>> git_location = GitURL(url='')

>>> git_location

Switch repo libvcs -> vcspull:

>>> from libvcs.url.git import GitURL

>>> git_location = GitURL(url='')

>>> git_location.path = 'vcs-python/vcspull'

>>> git_location.to_url()

# Switch them to gitlab:
>>> git_location.hostname = ''

# Export to a `git clone` compatible URL.
>>> git_location.to_url()

See more in the parser document.

Command Abstraction

Abstracts CLI commands for git(1), hg(1), svn(1) via a lightweight subprocess wrapper.

Run Git Commands

import pathlib
from libvcs.cmd.git import Git

git = Git(path=pathlib.Path.cwd() / 'my_git_repo')

Above: libvcs.cmd.git.Git using Git.clone().

Repository Synchronization

Synchronize your repositories using the libvcs.sync module.

Clone and Update Repositories

import pathlib
from libvcs.sync.git import GitSync

repo = GitSync(
   path=pathlib.Path().cwd() / "my_repo",
       'gitlab': ''

# Update / clone repo:
>>> repo.update_repo()

# Get revision:
>>> repo.get_revision()

Above: libvcs.sync.git.GitSync repository object using GitSync.update_repo() and GitSync.get_revision().

Pytest plugin: Temporary VCS repositories for testing

libvcs pytest plugin provides py.test fixtures to swiftly create local VCS repositories and working repositories to test with. Repositories are automatically cleaned on test teardown.

Use temporary, local VCS in py.test

import pathlib

from libvcs.pytest_plugin import CreateRepoPytestFixtureFn
from libvcs.sync.git import GitSync

def test_repo_git_remote_checkout(
    create_git_remote_repo: CreateRepoPytestFixtureFn,
    tmp_path: pathlib.Path,
    projects_path: pathlib.Path,
) -> None:
    git_server = create_git_remote_repo()
    git_repo_checkout_dir = projects_path / "my_git_checkout"
    git_repo = GitSync(path=str(git_repo_checkout_dir), url=f"file://{git_server!s}")


    assert git_repo.get_revision() == "initial"

    assert git_repo_checkout_dir.exists()
    assert pathlib.Path(git_repo_checkout_dir / ".git").exists()

Under the hood: fixtures bootstrap a temporary $HOME environment in a TmpPathFactory for automatic cleanup and pytest-xdist compatibility..


Your donations fund development of new features, testing and support. Your money will go directly to maintenance and development of the project. If you are an individual, feel free to give whatever feels right for the value you get out of the project.

See donation options at

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