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User Experience Design

Vector places high value on its user experience; our goal is to make this a strong differentiator. But this presents a challenge for Vector, which has an inherent large surface area, requiring a large team. As a result, definitions of good user experience differ, contributors have varying levels of expertise in this area, and coordination suffers. To solve this, we must align behind a set of principles, guidelines, and processes that unify us towards a shared vision of good user experience -- the purpose of this document.

  1. User Experience Design
    1. Principles
      1. Don't please everyone
      2. Be opinionated & reduce decisions
      3. Build momentum with consistency
    2. Goals
      1. Performance
      2. Safety
    3. Guidelines
      1. Data model
        1. Log schemas should be fluid
      2. Defaults
        1. Don't lose data
      3. Logical boundaries
        1. Source & sink boundaries
        2. Transform boundaries
      4. Upfront configuration
      5. Sink log encoding
    4. Adherence
      1. Roles
        1. Contributors
        2. User experience committee
      2. Responsibilities
        1. Contributors
        2. User experience committee


Don't please everyone

By nature of Vector's design, a data processing swiss army knife of sorts, we often get presented with many different creative use cases -- using Vector for analytics data, obscure IOT pipelines, synchronizing state between systems, or adding new languages for data processing. It's tempting to entertain these use cases, especially if a large, valuable user is inquiring about them, but we should refrain from doing so. Trying to be everything to everyone means we'll never be great at anything. Disparate use cases often have competing concerns that, when combined, result in a lukewarm user experience. Vector is an observability data pipeline, and we strive to be the best in this domain.


  • Avoiding analytics specific use cases.
  • Leaning into tools like Kafka instead of trying to completely replace them.
  • Building a data processing DSL optimized our design goals as opposed to offering multiple languages for processing (i.e., javascript)

Be opinionated & reduce decisions

As an extension of the previous principle, aligning on specific use cases allows us to make assumptions about the user and be opinionated with solutions. This approach reduces the number of decisions a user has to make and follows Hicks Law, a hallmark of a good user experience. Therefore, as much as possible, we should offer opinionated models for use cases core to Vector's purpose and not leave them as creative exercises for the user.


  • Vector's pipelines transform as a solution to team collaboration as opposed to generic config files.
  • Vector's metric data model as a solution for metrics interoperability as opposed to specifically structured log lines.

Build momentum with consistency

Consistency builds momentum by reducing the cognitive load imposed on a user as they navigate a product. Users carry patterns from previous areas into new ones; deviation from these patterns introduces unnecessary friction. Consistency manifests itself in small details, like naming, and larger details, like product behavior. For example, it would be surprising to find a codec option in one source and a decoder option in another if they are functionally equivalent. Even more surprising is a deviation in runtime behavior, like back pressure or error handling, since this often results in data loss.


  • Using the same codec option name in both sources and sinks that support it.
  • Defaulting to applying back pressure regardless of the component or topology.


Design goals are explicit factors of user experience that are prioritized in all decisions. Other aspects of user experience, like complete functionality or engineering purity, should be sacrificed to optimize these goals.


The combination of extremely high data volumes and complex processing needs makes performance a steep challenge for observability data pipelines. Chasing functionality without considering performance at every turn can quickly result in a web of irreversible performance problems. Therefore, Vector upholds performance as its primary design goal to maintain our competitive advantage in this area.


  • Choosing a fast, yet more difficult, language, like Rust, to build Vector in.
  • Investing into performance-related infrastructure for regression control and analysis.
  • Creating ARC to eliminate a common real-world performance problem.


Benchmark performance does not always translate to real-world performance, and to deliver the representative real-world performance, we must make Vector safe to operate. This enables not only performance but also the reliability required by a critical infrastructure tool like Vector. Therefore, safety is Vector's secondary design goal.


  • Creating a type-safe data processing DSL designed for performance.
  • Implementing end-to-end type safety for Vector's configuration.


The following guidelines help to uphold the above principles.

Data model

Log schemas should be fluid

Logs should be flexible, fluid data structures that do not impose a rigid schema for the following reasons:

  1. Unlike other data types, there is no functional requirement of logs that requires a strict schema. Logs simply describe a point-in-time event.
  2. Vector should be able to replace legacy pipelines without introducing downstream schema changes, something that would likely prevent the adoption of Vector.
  3. Deviation from the user's data mental model introduces unnecessary friction. Vector should not surprise users by moving their log fields around.
  4. Vector does not want to be in the business of maintaining log schemas. An exercise that has proven precarious with the proliferation of log schema standards.

In general, we believe Vector's flexible nature with log schemas is a boon for Vector's UX. A rigid schema is not required to achieve a best-in-class UX.


Don't lose data

When presented with the choice to trade data loss for another benefit, like performance, Vector should retain data by default. Data loss is unacceptable for most Vector users and trading it for benefits like performance should be an opt-in choice by the user.


  • Choose back pressure over shedding load
  • Retry failed requests in sinks until the service recovers

Logical boundaries

Source & sink boundaries

Vector sources and sinks should be plentiful and specific. When possible, they should align with a well-defined protocol. If a well-defined protocol is not available, or the use case does not allow it, then the source or sink should align with its upstream client or target service. Additionally, sources and sinks can overlap. It is preferable to offer specific sources and sinks composed with broad sources and sinks. This promotes discoverability, aligns with user intent, and builds confidence that Vector meets their specific use case. Ideally, Vector would offer hundreds of sources and sinks that specifically integrate with various systems. Maintainability should be achieved through composability.


  • A syslog source as opposed to a syslogng source since it aligns with the Syslog protocol.
  • A datadog_agent source as opposed to a datadog_api source since it aligns on intent and reduces scope.
  • Again, a syslog source in addition to a socket source with the codec option set to syslog since it is more specific and discoverable.

Transform boundaries

As opposed to source and sinks, Vector transforms should be broad and minimal. They should align with a high-level use case, like mapping, aggregation, or routing. The goal here is to reduce the number of choices a user makes and be opinionated with solutions. Our opinions should prioritize performance and reliability over ease of use (within reason), but we should strive to achieve both.


  • A remap transform as opposed to multiple parse_json, parse_syslog, etc transforms.
  • A filter transform as opposed to a filter_regex, filter_datadog_search, etc. transforms.

Upfront configuration

Vector should never require manual intervention to remedy normal processing failures at runtime. Instead, Vector should require any necessary configuration to handle these failures a priori.

For example, rather than requiring users to intervene to unblock processing whenever events fail to be sent to sinks by manually skipping them, instead Vector should let users define dead-letter queues to send events to when the primary sink rejects events.

Users may need to intervene to update invalid configuration, for example in the case of rotating invalid API keys.

Sink log encoding

When encoding logs for sinks, fields indicated by log_schema keys should be mapped to where the destination expects to find them in the encoded payloads. For example, if the sink requires a "hostname", it should fetch it from the log event using LogEvent#host_path to fetch the value from the appropriate field and place it in the encoded payload where the "hostname" is expected.



To keep things simple, only two roles are involved in the context of Vector's user experience.


Anyone contributing a change to Vector, both public open-source contributors and internal Vector team members.

User experience committee

A select group of Vector team members responsible for Vector's resulting user experience.



As a Vector contributor you are responsible for coupling the following non-code changes with your code changes:

  • Reference docs changes located in the /website/cue folder (generally configuration changes)
  • Existing guide changes located in the /website/content folder
  • If relevant, [highlighting] your change for future release notes

You are not responsible for:

  • Writing new guides related to your change

User experience committee

As a user experience design committee member, you are responsible for:

  • The resulting user experience.
  • Reviewing and approving proposed user experience changes in RFCs.
  • Reviewing and approving user-facing changes in pull requests.
  • Updating and evolving guides to reflect new Vector changes.