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  • A two player dice game made with basic javascript fundamentals.


  1. The game has 2 players, playing in rounds
  2. In each turn, a player rolls a dice as many times as he whishes. Each result get added to his ROUND score
  3. BUT, if the player rolls a 1, all his ROUND score gets lost. After that, it's the next player's turn
  4. The player can choose to 'Hold', which means that his ROUND score gets added to his GLBAL score. After that, it's the next player's turn
  5. The first player to reach 100 points on GLOBAL score wins the game

Fundamentals Used :

  • Generate a random number.
  • Manipulate the DOM.
  • Read From the DOM.
  • Call Back Function.
  • Anonymous Function.
  • Event Handler.
  • Ternary operator.
  • Add, remove and toggle HTML class.
  • Apply DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.
  • State variable.