A nintendo ultra64 emulator for venenux under older machines and low end performace computers.
This its only for able to use the emulator on older hardware, not for made support on it!
old emulator for older machines, due mupen64plus does'n compile in older machines, if when compile, runs slow
Please help to made this emulator work in older machines, we need C skills!!!
- the code here has some fixeds to able to build under certain distro, with gcc 4.2-4.4
- support improvements to made able to ini with defaults config files (pending)
- set plugin dir to /lib/mupen64/plugins (pending)
- let the data dir to /share/mupen64/plugins but only for files and configs
- fixed compilation problems with reserved words in gcc, and support as need linking (pending)
- work supenmario64 with soft gfx plugin very good using pure interpreter and dinamic recompiler.
- pending made workaround due mesa bug in opengl mode for gln64 and rice plugins.
currently only bugfix test release as 0.5.1
- Fix command line arguments parsing in non-interactive mode
- fix compilation with gcc 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.6, does not able to compile with 4.7+
- really stop when closing emulation window in graphical interface (no rom still opened)
- no segfault when closing emulation window in graphical interface if open other rom
- change toggle fulscreen as ALT+ENTER event the F1 as now in desktop help call
- workaround for audio config save settings bug
- install plguins into lib depend dirs, install in share only indep files if multiuser mode
- fix SDL_ttf error builds and linker
- fix memory register error when compiling with newer gcc, register has rewerved word
- Can load plugins from others, but compatible with old versino of mupen64
- Can load plugins of other emulators (0.4 > mupen64 > 0.5 or mupen64plus << 1.6)