From 9f2a9ccfbfad35100f15e473c5593b4e78b710ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JJ Kasper
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 13:59:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add additional handling for experimental tracing
.../flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts | 213 ++++++++
.../src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts | 504 ++++++++++++++++++
.../src/build/flying-shuttle/store-shuttle.ts | 73 +++
packages/next/src/build/index.ts | 177 ++++--
packages/next/src/build/webpack-config.ts | 47 +-
.../webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin.ts | 34 +-
.../webpack/plugins/define-env-plugin.ts | 2 +
.../next/src/server/app-render/app-render.tsx | 6 +-
.../server/app-render/required-scripts.tsx | 7 +-
packages/next/src/server/get-page-files.ts | 4 +
packages/next/src/shared/lib/router/router.ts | 120 +++--
.../dynamic-client/[category]/[id]/page.js | 6 +
.../app-dir/app/components/button/button.js | 15 +
.../app/components/button/button.module.css | 4 +
test/e2e/app-dir/app/flying-shuttle.test.ts | 90 ++++
test/e2e/app-dir/app/next.config.js | 8 +
test/e2e/app-dir/app/pages/index.js | 6 +
test/e2e/app-dir/app/provide-paths.test.ts | 55 --
18 files changed, 1202 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
create mode 100644 packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
create mode 100644 packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/store-shuttle.ts
create mode 100644 test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.js
create mode 100644 test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.module.css
delete mode 100644 test/e2e/app-dir/app/provide-paths.test.ts
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a301f1cbc1dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import fs from 'fs'
+import path from 'path'
+import crypto from 'crypto'
+import { getPageFromPath } from '../entries'
+import { Sema } from 'next/dist/compiled/async-sema'
+export interface DetectedEntriesResult {
+ app: string[]
+ pages: string[]
+let _hasShuttle: undefined | boolean = undefined
+export async function hasShuttle(shuttleDir: string) {
+ if (typeof _hasShuttle === 'boolean') {
+ return _hasShuttle
+ }
+ _hasShuttle = await fs.promises
+ .access(path.join(shuttleDir, 'server'))
+ .then(() => true)
+ .catch(() => false)
+ return _hasShuttle
+export async function detectChangedEntries({
+ appPaths,
+ pagesPaths,
+ pageExtensions,
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+}: {
+ appPaths?: string[]
+ pagesPaths?: string[]
+ pageExtensions: string[]
+ distDir: string
+ shuttleDir: string
+}): Promise<{
+ changed: DetectedEntriesResult
+ unchanged: DetectedEntriesResult
+}> {
+ const changedEntries: {
+ app: string[]
+ pages: string[]
+ } = {
+ app: [],
+ pages: [],
+ }
+ const unchangedEntries: typeof changedEntries = {
+ app: [],
+ pages: [],
+ }
+ if (!(await hasShuttle(shuttleDir))) {
+ // no shuttle so consider everything changed
+ console.log('no shuttle can not detect changes')
+ return {
+ changed: {
+ pages: pagesPaths || [],
+ app: appPaths || [],
+ },
+ unchanged: {
+ pages: [],
+ app: [],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ const hashCache = new Map()
+ async function computeHash(p: string): Promise {
+ let hash = hashCache.get(p)
+ if (hash) {
+ return hash
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const hashInst = crypto.createHash('sha1')
+ const stream = fs.createReadStream(p)
+ stream.on('error', (err) => reject(err))
+ stream.on('data', (chunk) => hashInst.update(chunk))
+ stream.on('end', () => {
+ const digest = hashInst.digest('hex')
+ resolve(digest)
+ hashCache.set(p, digest)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ const hashSema = new Sema(16)
+ async function detectChange({
+ normalizedEntry,
+ entry,
+ type,
+ }: {
+ entry: string
+ normalizedEntry: string
+ type: keyof typeof changedEntries
+ }) {
+ const traceFile = path.join(
+ shuttleDir,
+ 'server',
+ type,
+ `${normalizedEntry}.js.nft.json`
+ )
+ const traceData:
+ | false
+ | {
+ fileHashes: Record
+ } = JSON.parse(
+ await fs.promises
+ .readFile(traceFile, 'utf8')
+ .catch(() => JSON.stringify(false))
+ )
+ let changed = false
+ if (traceData) {
+ await Promise.all(
+ Object.keys(traceData.fileHashes).map(async (file) => {
+ if (changed) return
+ try {
+ await hashSema.acquire()
+ const originalTraceFile = path.join(
+ distDir,
+ 'server',
+ type,
+ path.relative(path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', type), traceFile)
+ )
+ const absoluteFile = path.join(
+ path.dirname(originalTraceFile),
+ file
+ )
+ if (absoluteFile.startsWith(distDir)) {
+ return
+ }
+ const prevHash = traceData.fileHashes[file]
+ const curHash = await computeHash(absoluteFile)
+ if (prevHash !== curHash) {
+ console.error('detected change on', {
+ prevHash,
+ curHash,
+ file,
+ entry: normalizedEntry,
+ })
+ changed = true
+ }
+ } finally {
+ hashSema.release()
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ } else {
+ console.error('missing trace data', traceFile, normalizedEntry)
+ changed = true
+ }
+ if (changed || entry.match(/(_app|_document|_error)/)) {
+ changedEntries[type].push(entry)
+ } else {
+ unchangedEntries[type].push(entry)
+ }
+ }
+ // collect page entries with default page extensions
+ console.error(
+ JSON.stringify(
+ {
+ appPaths,
+ pagePaths: pagesPaths,
+ },
+ null,
+ 2
+ )
+ )
+ // loop over entries and their dependency's hashes to find
+ // which changed
+ // TODO: if _app or _document change it invalidates all pages
+ for (const entry of pagesPaths || []) {
+ let normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, pageExtensions)
+ if (normalizedEntry === '/') {
+ normalizedEntry = '/index'
+ }
+ await detectChange({ entry, normalizedEntry, type: 'pages' })
+ }
+ for (const entry of appPaths || []) {
+ const normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, pageExtensions)
+ await detectChange({ entry, normalizedEntry, type: 'app' })
+ }
+ console.error(
+ 'changed entries',
+ JSON.stringify(
+ {
+ changedEntries,
+ unchangedEntries,
+ },
+ null,
+ 2
+ )
+ )
+ return {
+ changed: changedEntries,
+ unchanged: unchangedEntries,
+ }
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..891fd54e82618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+import type { Rewrite, Redirect } from '../../lib/load-custom-routes'
+import type { PagesManifest } from '../webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin'
+import fs from 'fs'
+import path from 'path'
+import { getPageFromPath } from '../entries'
+import { Sema } from 'next/dist/compiled/async-sema'
+import { recursiveCopy } from '../../lib/recursive-copy'
+import { getSortedRoutes } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils'
+import { generateClientManifest } from '../webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin'
+import { createClientRouterFilter } from '../../lib/create-client-router-filter'
+import {
+ hasShuttle,
+ type DetectedEntriesResult,
+} from './detect-changed-entries'
+import {
+} from '../../shared/lib/constants'
+import { normalizeAppPath } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/app-paths'
+export async function stitchBuilds(
+ {
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+ buildId,
+ rewrites,
+ redirects,
+ allowedErrorRate,
+ encryptionKey,
+ edgePreviewProps,
+ }: {
+ buildId: string
+ distDir: string
+ shuttleDir: string
+ rewrites: {
+ beforeFiles: Rewrite[]
+ afterFiles: Rewrite[]
+ fallback: Rewrite[]
+ }
+ redirects: Redirect[]
+ allowedErrorRate?: number
+ encryptionKey: string
+ edgePreviewProps: Record
+ },
+ entries: {
+ changed: DetectedEntriesResult
+ unchanged: DetectedEntriesResult
+ pageExtensions: string[]
+ }
+): Promise<{
+ pagesManifest?: PagesManifest
+}> {
+ if (!(await hasShuttle(shuttleDir))) {
+ // no shuttle directory nothing to stitch
+ return {}
+ }
+ // we need to copy the chunks from the shuttle folder
+ // to the distDir (we copy all server split chunks currently)
+ await recursiveCopy(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server'),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server'),
+ {
+ filter(item) {
+ // we copy page chunks separately to not copy stale entries
+ return !item.match(/^[/\\](pages|app)[/\\]/)
+ },
+ overwrite: true,
+ }
+ )
+ // copy static chunks (this includes stale chunks but won't be loaded)
+ // unless referenced
+ await recursiveCopy(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'static'),
+ path.join(distDir, 'static'),
+ { overwrite: true }
+ )
+ async function copyPageChunk(entry: string, type: 'app' | 'pages') {
+ // copy entry chunk and flight manifest stuff
+ // TODO: copy .map files?
+ const entryFile = path.join('server', type, `${entry}.js`)
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(distDir, path.dirname(entryFile)), {
+ recursive: true,
+ })
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, entryFile + '.nft.json'),
+ path.join(distDir, entryFile + '.nft.json')
+ )
+ if (type === 'app' && !entry.endsWith('/route')) {
+ const clientRefManifestFile = path.join(
+ 'server',
+ type,
+ )
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, clientRefManifestFile),
+ path.join(distDir, clientRefManifestFile)
+ )
+ }
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, entryFile),
+ path.join(distDir, entryFile)
+ )
+ }
+ const copySema = new Sema(8)
+ // restore unchanged entries avoiding copying stale
+ // entries from the shuttle/previous build
+ for (const { type, curEntries } of [
+ { type: 'app', curEntries: },
+ { type: 'pages', curEntries: entries.unchanged.pages },
+ ] as Array<{ type: 'app' | 'pages'; curEntries: string[] }>) {
+ await Promise.all(
+ (entry) => {
+ try {
+ await copySema.acquire()
+ let normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, entries.pageExtensions)
+ if (normalizedEntry === '/') {
+ normalizedEntry = '/index'
+ }
+ await copyPageChunk(normalizedEntry, type)
+ } finally {
+ copySema.release()
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ // always attempt copying not-found chunk
+ await copyPageChunk('/_not-found/page', 'app').catch(() => {})
+ // merge dynamic/static routes in routes-manifest
+ const [restoreRoutesManifest, currentRoutesManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', ROUTES_MANIFEST),
+ path.join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST),
+ ].map(async (f) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const dynamicRouteMap: Record = {}
+ const combinedDynamicRoutes: Record[] = [
+ ...currentRoutesManifest.dynamicRoutes,
+ ...restoreRoutesManifest.dynamicRoutes,
+ ]
+ for (const route of combinedDynamicRoutes) {
+ dynamicRouteMap[] = route
+ }
+ const mergedRoutesManifest = {
+ ...currentRoutesManifest,
+ dynamicRoutes: getSortedRoutes(
+ =>
+ ).map((page) => dynamicRouteMap[page]),
+ staticRoutes: [
+ ...currentRoutesManifest.staticRoutes,
+ ...restoreRoutesManifest.staticRoutes,
+ ],
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedRoutesManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ // for build-manifest we use latest runtime files
+ // and only merge previous page chunk entries
+ // middleware-build-manifest.js (needs to be regenerated)
+ const [restoreBuildManifest, currentBuildManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', BUILD_MANIFEST),
+ path.join(distDir, BUILD_MANIFEST),
+ ].map(async (file) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const mergedBuildManifest = {
+ // we want to re-use original runtime
+ // chunks so we favor restored version
+ // over new
+ ...currentBuildManifest,
+ pages: {
+ ...restoreBuildManifest.pages,
+ ...currentBuildManifest.pages,
+ },
+ }
+ // _app and _error is unique per runtime
+ // so nest under each specific entry in build-manifest
+ const internalEntries = ['/_error', '/_app']
+ for (const entry of Object.keys(restoreBuildManifest.pages)) {
+ if (currentBuildManifest.pages[entry]) {
+ continue
+ }
+ for (const internalEntry of internalEntries) {
+ for (const chunk of restoreBuildManifest.pages[internalEntry]) {
+ if (!restoreBuildManifest.pages[entry].includes(chunk)) {
+ mergedBuildManifest.pages[entry].unshift(chunk)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const entry of Object.keys(currentBuildManifest.pages)) {
+ for (const internalEntry of internalEntries) {
+ for (const chunk of currentBuildManifest.pages[internalEntry]) {
+ if (!currentBuildManifest.pages[entry].includes(chunk)) {
+ mergedBuildManifest.pages[entry].unshift(chunk)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const key of internalEntries) {
+ mergedBuildManifest.pages[key] = []
+ }
+ /*
+ TODO: for rootMainFiles we need to add a map that allows
+ referencing previous runtimes e.g.
+ [
+ {
+ entries: string[]
+ runtimeFiles: string[]
+ }
+ ]
+ then we update the lookup to iterate over the array
+ to find the runtime files for the specific entry
+ for pages we need to ensure the react chunk and such
+ is broken out into it's own split chunk correctly so
+ we don't reference new runtime chunks in a previous build
+ */
+ for (const entry of || []) {
+ const normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, entries.pageExtensions)
+ mergedBuildManifest.rootMainFilesTree[normalizedEntry] =
+ restoreBuildManifest.rootMainFilesTree[normalizedEntry] ||
+ restoreBuildManifest.rootMainFiles
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, BUILD_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedBuildManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${MIDDLEWARE_BUILD_MANIFEST}.js`),
+ `self.__BUILD_MANIFEST=${JSON.stringify(mergedBuildManifest)}`
+ )
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'static', buildId, `_buildManifest.js`),
+ `self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest(
+ mergedBuildManifest,
+ rewrites,
+ createClientRouterFilter(
+ [
+ ...[
+ // client filter always has all app paths
+ ...(entries.unchanged?.app || []),
+ ...(entries.changed?.app || []),
+ ].map((entry) =>
+ normalizeAppPath(getPageFromPath(entry, entries.pageExtensions))
+ ),
+ ...(entries.unchanged.pages.length
+ ? entries.changed?.pages || []
+ : []
+ ).map((item) => getPageFromPath(item, entries.pageExtensions)),
+ ],
+ redirects,
+ allowedErrorRate
+ )
+ )};self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB && self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB()`
+ )
+ // for react-loadable-manifest we just merge directly
+ // prioritizing current manifest over previous,
+ // middleware-react-loadable-manifest (needs to be regenerated)
+ const [restoreLoadableManifest, currentLoadableManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST),
+ path.join(distDir, REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST),
+ ].map(async (file) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const mergedLoadableManifest = {
+ ...restoreLoadableManifest,
+ ...currentLoadableManifest,
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedLoadableManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${MIDDLEWARE_REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST}.js`),
+ `self.__REACT_LOADABLE_MANIFEST=${JSON.stringify(
+ JSON.stringify(mergedLoadableManifest)
+ )}`
+ )
+ // for server/middleware-manifest we just merge the functions
+ // and middleware fields
+ const [restoreMiddlewareManifest, currentMiddlewareManifest] =
+ await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST),
+ ].map(async (file) =>
+ JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8'))
+ )
+ )
+ const mergedMiddlewareManifest = {
+ ...currentMiddlewareManifest,
+ functions: {
+ ...restoreMiddlewareManifest.functions,
+ ...currentMiddlewareManifest.functions,
+ },
+ }
+ // update edge function env
+ const updatedEdgeEnv: Record = {
+ __NEXT_BUILD_ID: buildId,
+ ...edgePreviewProps,
+ }
+ if (mergedMiddlewareManifest.middleware['/']) {
+ Object.assign(mergedMiddlewareManifest.middleware['/'].env, updatedEdgeEnv)
+ }
+ for (const key of Object.keys(mergedMiddlewareManifest.functions)) {
+ Object.assign(mergedMiddlewareManifest.functions[key].env, updatedEdgeEnv)
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', MIDDLEWARE_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedMiddlewareManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ // for server/next-font-manifest we just merge nested
+ // page/app fields and regenerate server/next-font-manifest.js
+ const [restoreNextFontManifest, currentNextFontManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', `${NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ ].map(async (file) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const mergedNextFontManifest = {
+ ...currentNextFontManifest,
+ pages: {
+ ...restoreNextFontManifest.pages,
+ ...currentNextFontManifest.pages,
+ },
+ app: {
+ },
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedNextFontManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST}.js`),
+ `self.__NEXT_FONT_MANIFEST=${JSON.stringify(
+ JSON.stringify(mergedNextFontManifest)
+ )}`
+ )
+ // for server/font-manifest.json we just merge the arrays
+ const [restoreFontManifest, currentFontManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', file),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
+ ].map(async (f) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const mergedFontManifest = [...restoreFontManifest, ...currentFontManifest]
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedFontManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ }
+ // for server/functions-config-manifest.json we just merge
+ // the functions field
+ const [restoreFunctionsConfigManifest, currentFunctionsConfigManifest] =
+ await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_MANIFEST),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_MANIFEST),
+ ].map(async (file) =>
+ JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8'))
+ )
+ )
+ const mergedFunctionsConfigManifest = {
+ ...currentFunctionsConfigManifest,
+ functions: {
+ ...restoreFunctionsConfigManifest.functions,
+ ...currentFunctionsConfigManifest.functions,
+ },
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', FUNCTIONS_CONFIG_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedFunctionsConfigManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ // for server/pages-manifest.json and server/app-paths-manifest.json
+ // we just merge
+ const [restorePagesManifest, currentPagesManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', file), path.join(distDir, file)].map(
+ async (f) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8'))
+ )
+ )
+ const mergedPagesManifest = {
+ ...restorePagesManifest,
+ ...currentPagesManifest,
+ ...(file === APP_BUILD_MANIFEST
+ ? {
+ pages: {
+ ...restorePagesManifest.pages,
+ ...currentPagesManifest.pages,
+ },
+ }
+ : {}),
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, file),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedPagesManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ }
+ let mergedPagesManifest: PagesManifest | undefined
+ for (const file of [PAGES_MANIFEST, APP_PATHS_MANIFEST]) {
+ const [restoreAppManifest, currentAppManifest] = await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', file),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
+ ].map(async (f) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8')))
+ )
+ const mergedAppManifest = {
+ ...restoreAppManifest,
+ ...currentAppManifest,
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedAppManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ if (file === PAGES_MANIFEST) {
+ mergedPagesManifest = mergedAppManifest
+ }
+ }
+ // for server/server-reference-manifest.json we merge
+ // and regenerate server/server-reference-manifest.js
+ const [restoreServerRefManifest, currentServerRefManifest] =
+ await Promise.all(
+ [
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', `${SERVER_REFERENCE_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${SERVER_REFERENCE_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ ].map(async (file) =>
+ JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8'))
+ )
+ )
+ const mergedServerRefManifest = {
+ ...currentServerRefManifest,
+ node: {
+ ...restoreServerRefManifest.node,
+ ...currentServerRefManifest.node,
+ },
+ edge: {
+ ...restoreServerRefManifest.edge,
+ ...currentServerRefManifest.edge,
+ },
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${SERVER_REFERENCE_MANIFEST}.json`),
+ JSON.stringify(mergedServerRefManifest, null, 2)
+ )
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server', `${SERVER_REFERENCE_MANIFEST}.js`),
+ `self.__RSC_SERVER_MANIFEST=${JSON.stringify(
+ JSON.stringify(mergedServerRefManifest)
+ )}`
+ )
+ // TODO: inline env variables post build by find/replace
+ // in all the chunks for NEXT_PUBLIC_?
+ return {
+ pagesManifest: mergedPagesManifest,
+ }
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/store-shuttle.ts b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/store-shuttle.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f53050bd0b9c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/store-shuttle.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import fs from 'fs'
+import path from 'path'
+import {
+} from '../../shared/lib/constants'
+import { recursiveCopy } from '../../lib/recursive-copy'
+// we can create a new shuttle with the outputs before env values have
+// been inlined, can be done after stitching takes place
+export async function storeShuttle({
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+}: {
+ distDir: string
+ shuttleDir: string
+}) {
+ await fs.promises.rm(shuttleDir, { force: true, recursive: true })
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(shuttleDir, { recursive: true })
+ // copy all server entries
+ await recursiveCopy(
+ path.join(distDir, 'server'),
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server'),
+ {
+ filter(item) {
+ return !item.match(/\.(rsc|meta|html)$/)
+ },
+ }
+ )
+ const pagesManifest = JSON.parse(
+ await fs.promises.readFile(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', PAGES_MANIFEST),
+ 'utf8'
+ )
+ )
+ // ensure manifest isn't modified to .html as it's before static gen
+ for (const key of Object.keys(pagesManifest)) {
+ pagesManifest[key] = pagesManifest[key].replace(/\.html$/, '.js')
+ }
+ await fs.promises.writeFile(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', PAGES_MANIFEST),
+ JSON.stringify(pagesManifest)
+ )
+ // copy static assets
+ await recursiveCopy(
+ path.join(distDir, 'static'),
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'static')
+ )
+ // copy manifests not nested in {distDir}/server/
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests'), {
+ recursive: true,
+ })
+ for (const item of [
+ ]) {
+ const outputPath = path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', item)
+ await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(outputPath), { recursive: true })
+ await fs.promises.copyFile(path.join(distDir, item), outputPath)
+ }
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/index.ts b/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
index dfb700ba86fb5..e059a0441a1f4 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ import {
import type { EventBuildFeatureUsage } from '../telemetry/events'
import { Telemetry } from '../telemetry/storage'
import { getPageStaticInfo } from './analysis/get-page-static-info'
-import { createPagesMapping, sortByPageExts } from './entries'
+import { createPagesMapping, getPageFromPath, sortByPageExts } from './entries'
import { PAGE_TYPES } from '../lib/page-types'
import { generateBuildId } from './generate-build-id'
import { isWriteable } from './is-writeable'
@@ -187,6 +187,12 @@ import {
} from '../server/lib/experimental/ppr'
+import {
+ detectChangedEntries,
+ type DetectedEntriesResult,
+} from './flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries'
+import { storeShuttle } from './flying-shuttle/store-shuttle'
+import { stitchBuilds } from './flying-shuttle/stitch-builds'
interface ExperimentalBypassForInfo {
experimentalBypassFor?: RouteHas[]
@@ -743,8 +749,10 @@ export default async function build(
NextBuildContext.buildId = buildId
+ const shuttleDir = path.join(distDir, 'cache', 'shuttle')
if (config.experimental.flyingShuttle) {
- await fs.mkdir(path.join(distDir, 'cache', 'shuttle'), {
+ await fs.mkdir(shuttleDir, {
recursive: true,
@@ -869,20 +877,32 @@ export default async function build(
- const providedPagePaths: string[] = JSON.parse(
- process.env.NEXT_PROVIDED_PAGE_PATHS || '[]'
- )
let pagesPaths =
- providedPagePaths.length > 0
- ? providedPagePaths
- : !appDirOnly && pagesDir
- ? await nextBuildSpan.traceChild('collect-pages').traceAsyncFn(() =>
- recursiveReadDir(pagesDir, {
- pathnameFilter: validFileMatcher.isPageFile,
- })
- )
- : []
+ !appDirOnly && pagesDir
+ ? await nextBuildSpan.traceChild('collect-pages').traceAsyncFn(() =>
+ recursiveReadDir(pagesDir, {
+ pathnameFilter: validFileMatcher.isPageFile,
+ })
+ )
+ : []
+ let changedPagePathsResult:
+ | undefined
+ | {
+ changed: DetectedEntriesResult
+ unchanged: DetectedEntriesResult
+ }
+ if (pagesPaths && config.experimental.flyingShuttle) {
+ changedPagePathsResult = await detectChangedEntries({
+ pagesPaths,
+ pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions,
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+ })
+ console.error({ changedPagePathsResult })
+ pagesPaths = changedPagePathsResult.changed.pages
+ }
const middlewareDetectionRegExp = new RegExp(
@@ -943,27 +963,37 @@ export default async function build(
let mappedAppPages: MappedPages | undefined
let denormalizedAppPages: string[] | undefined
+ let changedAppPathsResult:
+ | undefined
+ | {
+ changed: DetectedEntriesResult
+ unchanged: DetectedEntriesResult
+ }
if (appDir) {
- const providedAppPaths: string[] = JSON.parse(
- process.env.NEXT_PROVIDED_APP_PATHS || '[]'
- )
+ let appPaths = await nextBuildSpan
+ .traceChild('collect-app-paths')
+ .traceAsyncFn(() =>
+ recursiveReadDir(appDir, {
+ pathnameFilter: (absolutePath) =>
+ validFileMatcher.isAppRouterPage(absolutePath) ||
+ // For now we only collect the root /not-found page in the app
+ // directory as the 404 fallback
+ validFileMatcher.isRootNotFound(absolutePath),
+ ignorePartFilter: (part) => part.startsWith('_'),
+ })
+ )
- let appPaths =
- providedAppPaths.length > 0
- ? providedAppPaths
- : await nextBuildSpan
- .traceChild('collect-app-paths')
- .traceAsyncFn(() =>
- recursiveReadDir(appDir, {
- pathnameFilter: (absolutePath) =>
- validFileMatcher.isAppRouterPage(absolutePath) ||
- // For now we only collect the root /not-found page in the app
- // directory as the 404 fallback
- validFileMatcher.isRootNotFound(absolutePath),
- ignorePartFilter: (part) => part.startsWith('_'),
- })
- )
+ if (appPaths && config.experimental.flyingShuttle) {
+ changedAppPathsResult = await detectChangedEntries({
+ appPaths,
+ pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions,
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+ })
+ console.error({ changedAppPathsResult })
+ appPaths =
+ }
mappedAppPages = await nextBuildSpan
@@ -1105,7 +1135,7 @@ export default async function build(
const routesManifestPath = path.join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST)
- const routesManifest: RoutesManifest = nextBuildSpan
+ let routesManifest: RoutesManifest = nextBuildSpan
.traceFn(() => {
const sortedRoutes = getSortedRoutes([
@@ -1168,19 +1198,41 @@ export default async function build(
+ let clientRouterFilters:
+ | undefined
+ | ReturnType
if (config.experimental.clientRouterFilter) {
const nonInternalRedirects = (config._originalRedirects || []).filter(
(r: any) => !r.internal
- const clientRouterFilters = createClientRouterFilter(
- appPaths,
+ const filterPaths: string[] = []
+ if (config.experimental.flyingShuttle) {
+ filterPaths.push(
+ ...[
+ // client filter always has all app paths
+ ...(changedAppPathsResult?.unchanged?.app || []),
+ ...(changedAppPathsResult?.changed?.app || []),
+ ].map((entry) =>
+ normalizeAppPath(getPageFromPath(entry, config.pageExtensions))
+ ),
+ ...(changedPagePathsResult?.unchanged.pages.length
+ ? changedPagePathsResult.changed?.pages || []
+ : []
+ ).map((item) => getPageFromPath(item, config.pageExtensions))
+ )
+ } else {
+ filterPaths.push(...appPaths)
+ }
+ clientRouterFilters = createClientRouterFilter(
+ filterPaths,
? nonInternalRedirects
: [],
NextBuildContext.clientRouterFilters = clientRouterFilters
@@ -1351,7 +1403,7 @@ export default async function build(
env: process.env as Record,
defineEnv: createDefineEnv({
isTurbopack: true,
- clientRouterFilters: NextBuildContext.clientRouterFilters,
+ clientRouterFilters,
@@ -1764,7 +1816,7 @@ export default async function build(
const appDynamicParamPaths = new Set()
const appDefaultConfigs = new Map()
const pageInfos: PageInfos = new Map()
- const pagesManifest = await readManifest(pagesManifestPath)
+ let pagesManifest = await readManifest(pagesManifestPath)
const buildManifest = await readManifest(buildManifestPath)
const appBuildManifest = appDir
? await readManifest(appBuildManifestPath)
@@ -2452,6 +2504,53 @@ export default async function build(
+ if (!isGenerateMode) {
+ if (config.experimental.flyingShuttle) {
+ console.log('stitching builds...')
+ const stitchResult = await stitchBuilds(
+ {
+ buildId,
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+ rewrites,
+ redirects,
+ edgePreviewProps: {
+ NextBuildContext.previewProps!.previewModeId,
+ NextBuildContext.previewProps!.previewModeEncryptionKey,
+ NextBuildContext.previewProps!.previewModeSigningKey,
+ },
+ encryptionKey,
+ allowedErrorRate:
+ config.experimental.clientRouterFilterAllowedRate,
+ },
+ {
+ changed: {
+ pages: changedPagePathsResult?.changed.pages || [],
+ app: changedAppPathsResult? || [],
+ },
+ unchanged: {
+ pages: changedPagePathsResult?.unchanged.pages || [],
+ app: changedAppPathsResult? || [],
+ },
+ pageExtensions: config.pageExtensions,
+ }
+ )
+ // reload pagesManifest since it's been updated on disk
+ if (stitchResult.pagesManifest) {
+ pagesManifest = stitchResult.pagesManifest
+ }
+ console.log('storing shuttle')
+ await storeShuttle({
+ distDir,
+ shuttleDir,
+ })
+ }
+ }
const finalPrerenderRoutes: { [route: string]: SsgRoute } = {}
const finalDynamicRoutes: PrerenderManifest['dynamicRoutes'] = {}
const tbdPrerenderRoutes: string[] = []
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/webpack-config.ts b/packages/next/src/build/webpack-config.ts
index fdacc235d3b1b..f2e1a709ffc74 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/webpack-config.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/webpack-config.ts
@@ -945,24 +945,11 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
- ...(config.experimental.flyingShuttle
- ? {
- recordsPath: path.join(distDir, 'cache', 'shuttle', 'records.json'),
- }
- : {}),
optimization: {
emitOnErrors: !dev,
checkWasmTypes: false,
nodeEnv: false,
- ...(config.experimental.flyingShuttle
- ? {
- moduleIds: 'deterministic',
- portableRecords: true,
- }
- : {}),
splitChunks: (():
| Required['optimization']['splitChunks']
| false => {
@@ -1019,7 +1006,7 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
if (isNodeServer || isEdgeServer) {
return {
- filename: `${isEdgeServer ? 'edge-chunks/' : ''}[name].js`,
+ filename: `${isEdgeServer ? `edge-chunks${config.experimental.flyingShuttle ? `-${buildId}` : ''}/` : ''}[name].js`,
chunks: 'all',
minChunks: 2,
@@ -1107,6 +1094,7 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
runtimeChunk: isClient
: undefined,
!dev &&
(isClient ||
@@ -1199,13 +1187,28 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
? {
// ensure we only use contenthash as it's more deterministic
- filename: isNodeOrEdgeCompilation
- ? dev || isEdgeServer
- ? `[name].js`
- : `../[name].js`
- : `static/chunks/${isDevFallback ? 'fallback/' : ''}[name]${
- dev ? '' : '-[contenthash]'
- }.js`,
+ filename: (p) => {
+ if (isNodeOrEdgeCompilation) {
+ // runtime chunk needs hash so it can be isolated
+ // across builds
+ const isRuntimeChunk = p.chunk?.name?.match(
+ /webpack-(api-runtime|runtime)/
+ )
+ return `${isEdgeServer ? '' : '../'}[name]${isRuntimeChunk ? `-${buildId}` : ''}.js`
+ }
+ // client filename
+ return `static/chunks/[name]-[contenthash].js`
+ },
+ path: isNodeServer
+ ? path.join(outputPath, `chunks-${buildId}`)
+ : outputPath,
+ chunkFilename: isNodeOrEdgeCompilation
+ ? `[name].js`
+ : `static/chunks/[contenthash].js`,
+ webassemblyModuleFilename: 'static/wasm/[contenthash].wasm',
: {}),
@@ -1796,7 +1799,6 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
isTurbopack: false,
- clientRouterFilters,
@@ -1894,6 +1896,7 @@ export default async function getBaseWebpackConfig(
appDirEnabled: hasAppDir,
+ clientRouterFilters,
new ProfilingPlugin({ runWebpackSpan, rootDir: dir }),
config.optimizeFonts &&
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin.ts b/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin.ts
index 5bdc80e627c74..1355c59905e1d 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import type { BloomFilter } from '../../../shared/lib/bloom-filter'
import type { Rewrite, CustomRoutes } from '../../../lib/load-custom-routes'
import devalue from 'next/dist/compiled/devalue'
import { webpack, sources } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import getRouteFromEntrypoint from '../../../server/get-route-from-entrypoint'
import { ampFirstEntryNamesMap } from './next-drop-client-page-plugin'
import { getSortedRoutes } from '../../../shared/lib/router/utils'
import { spans } from './profiling-plugin'
+import { Span } from '../../../trace'
type DeepMutable = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepMutable }
@@ -91,13 +93,22 @@ export function normalizeRewritesForBuildManifest(
// This function takes the asset map generated in BuildManifestPlugin and creates a
// reduced version to send to the client.
-function generateClientManifest(
- compiler: any,
- compilation: any,
+export function generateClientManifest(
assetMap: BuildManifest,
- rewrites: CustomRoutes['rewrites']
+ rewrites: CustomRoutes['rewrites'],
+ clientRouterFilters?: {
+ staticFilter: ReturnType
+ dynamicFilter: ReturnType
+ },
+ compiler?: any,
+ compilation?: any
): string | undefined {
- const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
+ const compilationSpan = compilation
+ ? spans.get(compilation)
+ : compiler
+ ? spans.get(compiler)
+ : new Span({ name: 'client-manifest' })
const genClientManifestSpan = compilationSpan?.traceChild(
@@ -105,6 +116,8 @@ function generateClientManifest(
return genClientManifestSpan?.traceFn(() => {
const clientManifest: ClientBuildManifest = {
__rewrites: normalizeRewritesForBuildManifest(rewrites) as any,
+ __routerFilterStatic: clientRouterFilters?.staticFilter as any,
+ __routerFilterDynamic: clientRouterFilters?.dynamicFilter as any,
const appDependencies = new Set(assetMap.pages['/_app'])
const sortedPageKeys = getSortedRoutes(Object.keys(assetMap.pages))
@@ -162,12 +175,14 @@ export default class BuildManifestPlugin {
private rewrites: CustomRoutes['rewrites']
private isDevFallback: boolean
private appDirEnabled: boolean
+ private clientRouterFilters?: Parameters[2]
constructor(options: {
buildId: string
rewrites: CustomRoutes['rewrites']
isDevFallback?: boolean
appDirEnabled: boolean
+ clientRouterFilters?: Parameters[2]
}) {
this.buildId = options.buildId
this.isDevFallback = !!options.isDevFallback
@@ -177,6 +192,7 @@ export default class BuildManifestPlugin {
fallback: [],
this.appDirEnabled = options.appDirEnabled
+ this.clientRouterFilters = options.clientRouterFilters
this.rewrites.beforeFiles =
this.rewrites.afterFiles =
this.rewrites.fallback =
@@ -195,6 +211,7 @@ export default class BuildManifestPlugin {
ampDevFiles: [],
lowPriorityFiles: [],
rootMainFiles: [],
+ rootMainFilesTree: {},
pages: { '/_app': [] },
ampFirstPages: [],
@@ -308,10 +325,11 @@ export default class BuildManifestPlugin {
assets[clientManifestPath] = new sources.RawSource(
`self.__BUILD_MANIFEST = ${generateClientManifest(
- compiler,
- compilation,
- this.rewrites
+ this.rewrites,
+ this.clientRouterFilters,
+ compiler,
+ compilation
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/define-env-plugin.ts b/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/define-env-plugin.ts
index edd19f6105440..ea1b3452ddde6 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/define-env-plugin.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/webpack/plugins/define-env-plugin.ts
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ export function getDefineEnv({
? 5 * 60 // 5 minutes
: config.experimental.staleTimes?.static
+ 'process.env.__NEXT_FLYING_SHUTTLE':
+ config.experimental.flyingShuttle ?? false,
config.experimental.clientRouterFilter ?? true,
diff --git a/packages/next/src/server/app-render/app-render.tsx b/packages/next/src/server/app-render/app-render.tsx
index b7b8abed2a916..d779fa8ba933d 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/server/app-render/app-render.tsx
+++ b/packages/next/src/server/app-render/app-render.tsx
@@ -995,7 +995,8 @@ async function renderToHTMLOrFlightImpl(
getAssetQueryString(ctx, true),
- nonce
+ nonce,
const RSCPayload = await getRSCPayload(tree, ctx, asNotFound)
@@ -1345,7 +1346,8 @@ async function renderToHTMLOrFlightImpl(
getAssetQueryString(ctx, false),
- nonce
+ nonce,
+ '/_not-found/page'
const errorRSCPayload = await getErrorRSCPayload(tree, ctx, errorType)
diff --git a/packages/next/src/server/app-render/required-scripts.tsx b/packages/next/src/server/app-render/required-scripts.tsx
index 113bd0ac183db..0bdc268afe3a5 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/server/app-render/required-scripts.tsx
+++ b/packages/next/src/server/app-render/required-scripts.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ export function getRequiredScripts(
crossOrigin: undefined | '' | 'anonymous' | 'use-credentials',
SRIManifest: undefined | Record,
qs: string,
- nonce: string | undefined
+ nonce: string | undefined,
+ pagePath: string
): [
() => void,
{ src: string; integrity?: string; crossOrigin?: string | undefined },
@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@ export function getRequiredScripts(
- const files =
+ const files = (
+ buildManifest.rootMainFilesTree?.[pagePath] || buildManifest.rootMainFiles
+ ).map(encodeURIPath)
if (files.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
'Invariant: missing bootstrap script. This is a bug in Next.js'
diff --git a/packages/next/src/server/get-page-files.ts b/packages/next/src/server/get-page-files.ts
index 229729b3e3974..9890b9f36e724 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/server/get-page-files.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/server/get-page-files.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ export type BuildManifest = {
polyfillFiles: readonly string[]
lowPriorityFiles: readonly string[]
rootMainFiles: readonly string[]
+ // this is a separate field for flying shuttle to allow
+ // different root main files per entries/build (ideally temporary)
+ // until we can stitch the runtime chunks together safely
+ rootMainFilesTree: { [appRoute: string]: readonly string[] }
pages: {
'/_app': readonly string[]
[page: string]: readonly string[]
diff --git a/packages/next/src/shared/lib/router/router.ts b/packages/next/src/shared/lib/router/router.ts
index 9265c94a74faf..fee787615db4d 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/shared/lib/router/router.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/shared/lib/router/router.ts
@@ -765,45 +765,6 @@ export default class Router implements BaseRouter {
- const { BloomFilter } =
- require('../../lib/bloom-filter') as typeof import('../../lib/bloom-filter')
- type Filter = ReturnType<
- import('../../lib/bloom-filter').BloomFilter['export']
- >
- const routerFilterSValue: Filter | false = process.env
- const staticFilterData: Filter | undefined = routerFilterSValue
- ? routerFilterSValue
- : undefined
- const routerFilterDValue: Filter | false = process.env
- const dynamicFilterData: Filter | undefined = routerFilterDValue
- ? routerFilterDValue
- : undefined
- if (staticFilterData?.numHashes) {
- this._bfl_s = new BloomFilter(
- staticFilterData.numItems,
- staticFilterData.errorRate
- )
- this._bfl_s.import(staticFilterData)
- }
- if (dynamicFilterData?.numHashes) {
- this._bfl_d = new BloomFilter(
- dynamicFilterData.numItems,
- dynamicFilterData.errorRate
- )
- this._bfl_d.import(dynamicFilterData)
- }
- }
// Backwards compat for
// TODO: Should be remove the following major version as it was never documented =
@@ -1060,10 +1021,86 @@ export default class Router implements BaseRouter {
skipNavigate?: boolean
) {
+ if (!this._bfl_s && !this._bfl_d) {
+ const { BloomFilter } =
+ require('../../lib/bloom-filter') as typeof import('../../lib/bloom-filter')
+ type Filter = ReturnType<
+ import('../../lib/bloom-filter').BloomFilter['export']
+ >
+ let staticFilterData: Filter | undefined
+ let dynamicFilterData: Filter | undefined
+ try {
+ ;({
+ __routerFilterStatic: staticFilterData,
+ __routerFilterDynamic: dynamicFilterData,
+ } = (await getClientBuildManifest()) as any as {
+ __routerFilterStatic?: Filter
+ __routerFilterDynamic?: Filter
+ })
+ } catch (err) {
+ // failed to load build manifest hard navigate
+ // to be safe
+ console.error(err)
+ if (skipNavigate) {
+ return true
+ }
+ handleHardNavigation({
+ url: addBasePath(
+ addLocale(as, locale || this.locale, this.defaultLocale)
+ ),
+ router: this,
+ })
+ return new Promise(() => {})
+ }
+ const routerFilterSValue: Filter | false = process.env
+ if (!staticFilterData && routerFilterSValue) {
+ staticFilterData = routerFilterSValue ? routerFilterSValue : undefined
+ }
+ const routerFilterDValue: Filter | false = process.env
+ if (!dynamicFilterData && routerFilterDValue) {
+ dynamicFilterData = routerFilterDValue
+ ? routerFilterDValue
+ : undefined
+ }
+ if (staticFilterData?.numHashes) {
+ this._bfl_s = new BloomFilter(
+ staticFilterData.numItems,
+ staticFilterData.errorRate
+ )
+ this._bfl_s.import(staticFilterData)
+ }
+ if (dynamicFilterData?.numHashes) {
+ this._bfl_d = new BloomFilter(
+ dynamicFilterData.numItems,
+ dynamicFilterData.errorRate
+ )
+ this._bfl_d.import(dynamicFilterData)
+ }
+ }
let matchesBflStatic = false
let matchesBflDynamic = false
+ const pathsToCheck: Array<{ as?: string; allowMatchCurrent?: boolean }> =
+ [{ as }, { as: resolvedAs }]
+ if (process.env.__NEXT_FLYING_SHUTTLE) {
+ // if existing page changed we hard navigate to
+ // avoid runtime conflict with new page
+ // TODO: check buildManifest files instead?
+ pathsToCheck.push({ as: this.asPath, allowMatchCurrent: true })
+ }
- for (const curAs of [as, resolvedAs]) {
+ for (const { as: curAs, allowMatchCurrent } of pathsToCheck) {
if (curAs) {
const asNoSlash = removeTrailingSlash(
new URL(curAs, 'http://n').pathname
@@ -1073,8 +1110,9 @@ export default class Router implements BaseRouter {
if (
+ allowMatchCurrent ||
asNoSlash !==
- removeTrailingSlash(new URL(this.asPath, 'http://n').pathname)
+ removeTrailingSlash(new URL(this.asPath, 'http://n').pathname)
) {
matchesBflStatic =
matchesBflStatic ||
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/app/dynamic-client/[category]/[id]/page.js b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/app/dynamic-client/[category]/[id]/page.js
index ca5cd77f0f571..d807ae8910cd7 100644
--- a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/app/dynamic-client/[category]/[id]/page.js
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/app/dynamic-client/[category]/[id]/page.js
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
'use client'
import { useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation'
+import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
+const Button = dynamic(() =>
+ import('../../../../components/button/button').then((mod) => mod.Button)
export default function IdPage({ children, params }) {
return (
@@ -14,6 +19,7 @@ export default function IdPage({ children, params }) {
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.js b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b8836ebcc7274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+'use client'
+import * as buttonStyle from './button.module.css'
+export function Button({ children }) {
+ return (
+ )
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.module.css b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..be1d0b06f1cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/components/button/button.module.css
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+.button {
+ background: #000;
+ color: #fff;
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/flying-shuttle.test.ts b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/flying-shuttle.test.ts
index f07c1daecbd43..5711475f46c31 100644
--- a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/flying-shuttle.test.ts
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/flying-shuttle.test.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { nextTestSetup, isNextStart } from 'e2e-utils'
+import { retry } from 'next-test-utils'
// This feature is only relevant to Webpack.
;(process.env.TURBOPACK ? describe.skip : describe)(
@@ -70,5 +71,94 @@ import { nextTestSetup, isNextStart } from 'e2e-utils'
+ async function checkAppPagesNavigation() {
+ for (const path of [
+ '/',
+ '/blog/123',
+ '/dynamic-client/first/second',
+ '/dashboard',
+ '/dashboard/deployments/123',
+ ]) {
+ require('console').error('checking', path)
+ const res = await next.fetch(path)
+ expect(res.status).toBe(200)
+ const browser = await next.browser(path)
+ // TODO: check for hydration success properly
+ await retry(async () => {
+ expect(await browser.eval('!!')).toBe(true)
+ })
+ const browserLogs = await browser.log()
+ expect(
+ browserLogs.some(({ message }) => message.includes('error'))
+ ).toBeFalse()
+ }
+ // TODO: check we hard navigate boundaries properly
+ }
+ it('should only rebuild just a changed app route correctly', async () => {
+ await next.stop()
+ const dataPath = 'app/dashboard/deployments/[id]/data.json'
+ const originalContent = await next.readFile(dataPath)
+ try {
+ await next.patchFile(dataPath, JSON.stringify({ hello: 'again' }))
+ await next.start()
+ await checkAppPagesNavigation()
+ } finally {
+ await next.patchFile(dataPath, originalContent)
+ }
+ })
+ it('should only rebuild just a changed pages route correctly', async () => {
+ await next.stop()
+ const pagePath = 'pages/index.js'
+ const originalContent = await next.readFile(pagePath)
+ try {
+ await next.patchFile(
+ pagePath,
+ originalContent.replace(
+ 'hello from pages/index',
+ 'hello from pages/index!!'
+ )
+ )
+ await next.start()
+ await checkAppPagesNavigation()
+ } finally {
+ await next.patchFile(pagePath, originalContent)
+ }
+ })
+ it('should only rebuild a changed app and pages route correctly', async () => {
+ await next.stop()
+ const pagePath = 'pages/index.js'
+ const originalPageContent = await next.readFile(pagePath)
+ const dataPath = 'app/dashboard/deployments/[id]/data.json'
+ const originalDataContent = await next.readFile(dataPath)
+ try {
+ await next.patchFile(
+ pagePath,
+ originalPageContent.replace(
+ 'hello from pages/index',
+ 'hello from pages/index!!'
+ )
+ )
+ await next.patchFile(dataPath, JSON.stringify({ hello: 'again' }))
+ await next.start()
+ await checkAppPagesNavigation()
+ } finally {
+ await next.patchFile(pagePath, originalPageContent)
+ await next.patchFile(dataPath, originalDataContent)
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/next.config.js b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/next.config.js
index 927e60e0ea5c6..6cb266cb54a28 100644
--- a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/next.config.js
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/next.config.js
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@ module.exports = {
parallelServerBuildTraces: true,
webpackBuildWorker: true,
+ webpack(cfg) {
+ if (process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_FLYING_SHUTTLE) {
+ // disable the webpack cache to make sure we're
+ // deterministic without
+ cfg.cache = false
+ }
+ return cfg
+ },
// output: 'standalone',
rewrites: async () => {
return {
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/pages/index.js b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/pages/index.js
index b1037a470b719..7055a6eb21af3 100644
--- a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/pages/index.js
+++ b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/pages/index.js
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
+import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
import styles from '../styles/shared.module.css'
+const Button = dynamic(() =>
+ import('../components/button/button').then((mod) => mod.Button)
export default function Page() {
return (
@@ -10,6 +15,7 @@ export default function Page() {
diff --git a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/provide-paths.test.ts b/test/e2e/app-dir/app/provide-paths.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ed5d38ad91b09..0000000000000
--- a/test/e2e/app-dir/app/provide-paths.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import { nextTestSetup } from 'e2e-utils'
-import glob from 'glob'
-import path from 'path'
-describe('Provided page/app paths', () => {
- const { next, isNextDev } = nextTestSetup({
- files: __dirname,
- // Deployments are unable to inspect the `.next` directory.
- skipDeployment: true,
- dependencies: {
- nanoid: '4.0.1',
- },
- env: {
- NEXT_PROVIDED_PAGE_PATHS: JSON.stringify(['/index.js', '/ssg.js']),
- '/dashboard/page.js',
- '/(newroot)/dashboard/another/page.js',
- ]),
- },
- })
- if (isNextDev) {
- it('should skip dev', () => {})
- return
- }
- it('should only build the provided paths', async () => {
- const appPaths = await glob.sync('**/*.js', {
- cwd: path.join(next.testDir, '.next/server/app'),
- })
- const pagePaths = await glob.sync('**/*.js', {
- cwd: path.join(next.testDir, '.next/server/pages'),
- })
- expect(appPaths).toEqual([
- '_not-found/page_client-reference-manifest.js',
- '_not-found/page.js',
- '(newroot)/dashboard/another/page_client-reference-manifest.js',
- '(newroot)/dashboard/another/page.js',
- 'dashboard/page_client-reference-manifest.js',
- 'dashboard/page.js',
- ])
- expect(pagePaths).toEqual([
- '_app.js',
- '_document.js',
- '_error.js',
- 'ssg.js',
- ])
- for (const pathname of ['/', '/ssg', '/dashboard', '/dashboard/another']) {
- const res = await next.fetch(pathname)
- expect(res.status).toBe(200)
- }
- })
From 9af41a98dd638219b2fd431f24a67070ff344dae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JJ Kasper
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 13:46:00 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] apply suggestions from review
Co-authored-by: Zack Tanner <>
.../flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts | 146 +++++++++---------
.../src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts | 35 ++---
packages/next/src/build/index.ts | 6 +-
3 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
index a301f1cbc1dfd..61c1b68e43ddc 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/detect-changed-entries.ts
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export async function detectChangedEntries({
if (!(await hasShuttle(shuttleDir))) {
// no shuttle so consider everything changed
- console.log('no shuttle can not detect changes')
+ console.log(`no shuttle. can't detect changes`)
return {
changed: {
pages: pagesPaths || [],
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ export async function detectChangedEntries({
const hashSema = new Sema(16)
+ let globalEntryChanged = false
async function detectChange({
@@ -102,90 +103,97 @@ export async function detectChangedEntries({
+ let changed = true
- const traceData:
- | false
- | {
+ // we don't need to check any further entry's dependencies if
+ // a global entry changed since that invalidates everything
+ if (!globalEntryChanged) {
+ try {
+ const traceData: {
fileHashes: Record
- } = JSON.parse(
- await fs.promises
- .readFile(traceFile, 'utf8')
- .catch(() => JSON.stringify(false))
- )
- let changed = false
- if (traceData) {
- await Promise.all(
- Object.keys(traceData.fileHashes).map(async (file) => {
- if (changed) return
- try {
- await hashSema.acquire()
- const originalTraceFile = path.join(
- distDir,
- 'server',
- type,
- path.relative(path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', type), traceFile)
- )
- const absoluteFile = path.join(
- path.dirname(originalTraceFile),
- file
- )
- if (absoluteFile.startsWith(distDir)) {
- return
- }
- const prevHash = traceData.fileHashes[file]
- const curHash = await computeHash(absoluteFile)
- if (prevHash !== curHash) {
- console.error('detected change on', {
- prevHash,
- curHash,
- file,
- entry: normalizedEntry,
- })
- changed = true
- }
- } finally {
- hashSema.release()
+ } = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(traceFile, 'utf8'))
+ if (traceData) {
+ let changedDependency = false
+ await Promise.all(
+ Object.keys(traceData.fileHashes).map(async (file) => {
+ try {
+ if (changedDependency) return
+ await hashSema.acquire()
+ const relativeTraceFile = path.relative(
+ path.join(shuttleDir, 'server', type),
+ traceFile
+ )
+ const originalTraceFile = path.join(
+ distDir,
+ 'server',
+ type,
+ relativeTraceFile
+ )
+ const absoluteFile = path.join(
+ path.dirname(originalTraceFile),
+ file
+ )
+ if (absoluteFile.startsWith(distDir)) {
+ return
+ }
+ const prevHash = traceData.fileHashes[file]
+ const curHash = await computeHash(absoluteFile)
+ if (prevHash !== curHash) {
+ console.log('detected change on', {
+ prevHash,
+ curHash,
+ file,
+ entry: normalizedEntry,
+ })
+ changedDependency = true
+ }
+ } finally {
+ hashSema.release()
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ if (!changedDependency) {
+ changed = false
- })
- )
- } else {
- console.error('missing trace data', traceFile, normalizedEntry)
- changed = true
+ } else {
+ console.error('missing trace data', traceFile, normalizedEntry)
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(`Failed to detect change for ${entry}`, err)
+ }
- if (changed || entry.match(/(_app|_document|_error)/)) {
+ // we always rebuild global entries so we have a version
+ // that matches the newest build/runtime
+ const isGlobalEntry = /(_app|_document|_error)/.test(entry)
+ if (changed || isGlobalEntry) {
+ // if a global entry changed all entries are changed
+ if (!globalEntryChanged && isGlobalEntry) {
+ console.log(`global entry ${entry} changed invalidating all entries`)
+ globalEntryChanged = true
+ // move unchanged to changed
+ changedEntries[type].push(...unchangedEntries[type])
+ }
} else {
- // collect page entries with default page extensions
- console.error(
- JSON.stringify(
- {
- appPaths,
- pagePaths: pagesPaths,
- },
- null,
- 2
- )
- )
- // loop over entries and their dependency's hashes to find
- // which changed
- // TODO: if _app or _document change it invalidates all pages
+ // loop over entries and their dependency's hashes
+ // to detect which changed
for (const entry of pagesPaths || []) {
let normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, pageExtensions)
if (normalizedEntry === '/') {
normalizedEntry = '/index'
await detectChange({ entry, normalizedEntry, type: 'pages' })
@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ export async function detectChangedEntries({
await detectChange({ entry, normalizedEntry, type: 'app' })
- console.error(
+ console.log(
'changed entries',
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
index 891fd54e82618..c4d596c63971f 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/flying-shuttle/stitch-builds.ts
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
// no shuttle directory nothing to stitch
return {}
+ // if a manifest is needed in the rest of the build
+ // we return it from here so it can be used without
+ // re-reading from disk after changing
+ const updatedManifests: {
+ pagesManifest?: PagesManifest
+ } = {}
// we need to copy the chunks from the shuttle folder
// to the distDir (we copy all server split chunks currently)
@@ -227,22 +233,6 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
mergedBuildManifest.pages[key] = []
- /*
- TODO: for rootMainFiles we need to add a map that allows
- referencing previous runtimes e.g.
- [
- {
- entries: string[]
- runtimeFiles: string[]
- }
- ]
- then we update the lookup to iterate over the array
- to find the runtime files for the specific entry
- for pages we need to ensure the react chunk and such
- is broken out into it's own split chunk correctly so
- we don't reference new runtime chunks in a previous build
- */
for (const entry of || []) {
const normalizedEntry = getPageFromPath(entry, entries.pageExtensions)
mergedBuildManifest.rootMainFilesTree[normalizedEntry] =
@@ -414,8 +404,6 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
JSON.stringify(mergedFunctionsConfigManifest, null, 2)
- // for server/pages-manifest.json and server/app-paths-manifest.json
- // we just merge
const [restorePagesManifest, currentPagesManifest] = await Promise.all(
[path.join(shuttleDir, 'manifests', file), path.join(distDir, file)].map(
@@ -440,7 +428,6 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
JSON.stringify(mergedPagesManifest, null, 2)
- let mergedPagesManifest: PagesManifest | undefined
for (const file of [PAGES_MANIFEST, APP_PATHS_MANIFEST]) {
const [restoreAppManifest, currentAppManifest] = await Promise.all(
@@ -449,16 +436,16 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
].map(async (f) => JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8')))
- const mergedAppManifest = {
+ const mergedManifest = {
await fs.promises.writeFile(
path.join(distDir, 'server', file),
- JSON.stringify(mergedAppManifest, null, 2)
+ JSON.stringify(mergedManifest, null, 2)
if (file === PAGES_MANIFEST) {
- mergedPagesManifest = mergedAppManifest
+ updatedManifests.pagesManifest = mergedManifest
@@ -498,7 +485,5 @@ export async function stitchBuilds(
// TODO: inline env variables post build by find/replace
// in all the chunks for NEXT_PUBLIC_?
- return {
- pagesManifest: mergedPagesManifest,
- }
+ return updatedManifests
diff --git a/packages/next/src/build/index.ts b/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
index 3d6b3304f6075..fe356258db50b 100644
--- a/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
+++ b/packages/next/src/build/index.ts
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ export default async function build(
- console.error({ changedPagePathsResult })
+ console.log({ changedPagePathsResult })
pagesPaths = changedPagePathsResult.changed.pages
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ export default async function build(
- console.error({ changedAppPathsResult })
+ console.log({ changedAppPathsResult })
appPaths =
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ export default async function build(
const routesManifestPath = path.join(distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST)
- let routesManifest: RoutesManifest = nextBuildSpan
+ const routesManifest: RoutesManifest = nextBuildSpan
.traceFn(() => {
const sortedRoutes = getSortedRoutes([