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File metadata and controls

98 lines (67 loc) · 4.07 KB


A horizontal and vertical web content enumerator by swarley7 (@swarley777)

WARNING: This code is in pre-alpha/beta.v01.FINAL_Draft_v2 mode. Use at your own risk. It's probably buggy as hell...


gograbber is a shitty program I made to solve a number of problems I have with content enumerators:

  • They only typically work on a single URL
  • They produce poor output (xml!? or non-greppable garbage)
  • Tools that produce screenshots of webpages typically only test /
  • aquatone rules, but only if you have a domain to throw at it... on most pentests we have a list of net ranges or ip addresses :(
  • They can be very slow (I'm very impatient)

gograbber attempts to solve these problems!

  • Supply a list of urls, hosts, ip addresses, CIDR ranges, ports, web paths, whatever... and gograbber will attempt to discover stuff there.
  • Screenshot discovered content! (can be tuned to prevent excessive output)
  • gograbber findings are output to file by default
  • output is greppable (markdown report and various txt files produced with findings)
  • gograbber can also detect "Soft 404's" or response wildcards (like when websites return 200 responses for EVERY request 😒)

Basically the rationale is "I want to scan these network ranges and IPs for port 80,443,8080 and see what webservices are open", which has come in very handy while conducting pentests for clients. Such a scan could be accomplished using:

$ gograbber -T 30 -t 2000 -scan -dirbust -screenshot -p 80,443,8080 -i hosts.txt -w wordlist.txt

Installation/build instructions

  • install or download phantomjs if you wish to use the screenshot feature
  • note: I am working on removing this dependency because phantomjs sucks and has been orphaned... please help if you can!


  • use the release binaries provided

Hardmode / I like to live on the edgeeeeee yeeeeeeeeeee!

  • go get -u
    • The above command might work
  • if not:
    • git clone
    • cd gograbber
    • go get
    • # hope there's no errors :(
    • go build gograbber.go
  • if all goes well you should be left with a binary file gograbber
  • you can probably symlink to /usr/local/bin or something: ln -s /usr/local/bin /path/to/gograbber


  • write gograbber
  • make it not shit

Usage examples

There's a lot of words in the usage text... but tl;dr:

  • -scan to portscan
  • -dirbust to do directory bruteforce
  • -screenshot to take some nasty pics of nasty web apps :D
Examples for ./gograbber:

>> Scan and dirbust the hosts from hosts.txt.
./gograbber -i hosts.txt -w wordlist.txt -t 2000 -scan -dirbust

>> Scan and dirbust the hosts from hosts.txt, and screenshot discovered web resources.
./gograbber -i hosts.txt -w wordlist.txt -t 2000 -scan  -dirbust -screenshot

>> Scan, dirbust, and screenshot the hosts from hosts.txt on common web application ports. Additionally, set the number of phantomjs processes to 3.
./gograbber -i hosts.txt -w wordlist.txt -t 2000 -p_procs=3 -p top -scan -dirbust -screenshot

>> Screenshot the URLs from urls.txt. Additionally, use a custom phantomjs path.
./gograbber -U urls.txt -t 200 -j 400 -phantomjs /my/path/to/phantomjs -screenshot

>> Screenshot the supplied URL. Additionally, use a custom phantomjs path.
./gograbber -u -t 200 -j 400 -phantomjs /my/path/to/phantomjs -screenshot

./gograbber -i hosts.txt -w wordlist.txt -easy


  • OJ Reeves: this project borrows heavily from (which is awesome, btw.) so thanks!
  • Aquatone (michenriksen): this project was heavily inspired by aquatone (which is also awesome)
  • C_Sto: thx for forcing me to learn Golang and laughing at my extreme incompetence


gograbber is licensed under the MIT licence. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds important.


If you like this thing and want to shout a beer maybe do that?

  • ETH: 0x486b0faea72a17425ed7241e44dc9ed627f9e492
  • BTC: 1Jdz37JDyZYnK7tRDkF9ZW8QJ2bk2DNHzh