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Custom React hook for managing a draggable Modal component.

Table of Contents

  • Type Definitions
  • Functions
  • Custom Hook
  • Usage

Type Definitions


The initial position of the modal (default: { x: 0, y: 0 }).

Property Type Description
x string The initial position on the x-axis.
y string The initial position on the y-axis.


The options for the useDraggableModal custom hook.

Property Type Description
initialPosition InitialPosition The initial position of the modal (default: { x: 0, y: 0 }).
className string The CSS class name for the modal.
id string The ID attribute for the modal.


The function to handle the mouse down event.

Property Type Description
event React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent> The mouse down event.

OpenModal() => void

The function to open the draggable Modal component.

CloseModal() => void

The function to close the draggable Modal component.

ToggleModal() => void

The function to toggle the state of the draggable Modal component between open and closed.


And object with The draggable Modal object and functions to manage it's state

Property Type Description
Modal React.Component The React component for rendering the modal portal.
handleMouseDown HandleMouseDown The function to handle the mouse down event.
openModal OpenModal The function to open the modal.
closeModal CloseModal The function to close the modal.
toggleModal ToggleModal The function to toggle modal visibility.

Custom Hook

useDraggableModal(DraggableModalOptions) => DraggableModalHook

Custom React hook for managing a draggable modal.

Parameter Type Description
options DraggableModalOptions The options for the draggable modal.

Returns: DraggableModalHook - And object with The draggable Modal object and functions to manage it's state.


import useDraggableModal from 'path/to/hooks/useDraggableModal';
import Button from 'path/to/components/Button';
import TitleBar from 'path/to/components/TitleBar';

const ModalButton = () => {
  const { Modal, handleMouseDown, toggleModal, closeModal } = useDraggableModal({
    id: 'modal',
    className: 'modal-container',
    initialPosition: { x: '15%', y: '60%' },

  return (
    <React.Fragment key="Modal">
      <Button modifier="default" text="Modal" onClick={toggleModal} />
        <TitleBar title="Movable Modal" close={close} onMouseDown={onMouseDown} />
        <section className="modal-container__content">
          <h1>Hi! 😊</h1>
          <p>I am a Movable Modal</p>

This hook provides functionality for managing a draggable modal in React. It returns a Modal component that can be used to render the modal portal. The handleMouseDown function should be assigned to the onMouseDown event of a draggable area within the modal. The toggleModal and closeModal functions can be used to control the visibility of the modal. The options parameter accepts an object with the following properties:

  • initialPosition: The initial position of the modal. It is an object with x and y properties representing the initial positions on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.
  • className: The CSS class name for the modal.
  • id: The ID attribute for the modal.

The example above demonstrates the usage of the useDraggableModal hook within a component. The Modal component should be rendered within the component's JSX to display the modal portal. The handleMouseDown function should be assigned to the onMouseDown event of a draggable area within the modal, allowing the modal to be dragged. The toggleModal and closeModal functions can be used to control the visibility of the modal.