% PLOTHAPS(1) plotHaps (vcflib) | plotHaps (VCF statistics) % Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors
plotHaps provides the formatted output that can be used with 'bin/plotHaplotypes.R'.
Output : haplotype matrix and positions
**plotHaps** --target 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --file my.phased.vcf.gz
required: t,target -- argument: a zero base comma separated list of target individuals corrisponding to VCF column s
required: r,region -- argument: a tabix compliant genomic range : "seqid:start-end" or "seqid"
required: f,file -- argument: proper formatted phased VCF file
required: y,type -- argument: genotype likelihood format: PL,GP,GP
Type: statistics
0 : Success
not 0 : Failure
Copyright 2011-2023 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed.