A simple Python wrapper for the Nobel Prize API.
First, initialize the API wrapper:
import nobel
api = nobel.Api()
Now you have access to the resources defined by the API (prizes
and countries
) and their methods.
For example, to list all laureates:
>>> for laureate in api.laureates.all():
... print '%s (%s)' % (laureate, laureate.born_country)
To filter (check the Nobel Prize API documentation for all available filtering parameters):
>>> api.laureates.filter(gender='female', born_country='Iran')
[<Laureate id=773>, <Laureate id=817>]
>>> api.prizes.filter(year=1969)
[<Prize category="physics" year=1969>, <Prize category="chemistry" year=1969>,
<Prize category="medicine" year=1969>, <Prize category="literature" year=1969>,
<Prize category="peace" year=1969>, <Prize category="economics" year=1969>]
To retrieve a single resource:
>>> laureate = api.laureates.get(id=26)
>>> laureate.firstname
>>> laureate.surname
>>> laureate.prizes
[<Prize category="physics" year=1921>]
>>> laureate.born_country
<Country code="DE" name="Germany">
>>> laureate.died_country
<Country code="US" name="USA">
>>> prize = api.prizes.get(year=2000, category='economics')
>>> print ", ".join([str(l) for l in prize.laureates])
James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden
As you can see, every Prize
object is given a laureates
attribute populated
with a list of its Laureate
objects. Likewise, every Laureate
objects is
given a prizes
attribute with Prize
Attributes and query parameters in the Nobel Prize API are mixedCase
, but
this wrapper uses the more pythonic lower_case_with_underscores
style and
takes care of the conversion when filtering and accessing attributes.
To install Nobel, simply:
$ pip install nobel
- Documentation and full reference
- More ORM-ish stuff, like filtering using Prize, Laureate or Country objects as arguments
- Add relation attributes, like affiliations.
This is inspired by the beautifully written hipchat-api wrapper.