Carla is an open source simulator for autonomous driving research available at
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This package contains an implementation of a rule based parking motion. It is an open-loop approach for the task, given that no information are retrieved from sensors and crashes can occur.
The example spawns 2 cars in predefined positions (leaving enough space between them) and the ego vehicle is blindly controlled to fit the parking spot.
this gif shows the implemented routine with a time scale x5
<catkin_ws> = name of your catkin workspace
cd ~/<catkin_ws>/src
git clone
cd ..
run carla with ./
as from
run carla ros bridge with
roslaunch carla_ros_bridge carla_ros_bridge.launch
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun carla_park implements a basic parking policy for autonomous cars based on geometric information This script spawns:
- one ego vehicle in x=61.4, y=-7.62, z=0.05
- two vehicles inside the parking location a side of the ego vehicle respectively in x=60.4, y=-10.62, z=0.05 and x=47.0, y=-10.62, z=0.05
- a camera attached to the ego vehicle for future sensor-based parking policy
- Carla world set to Town 03 carla_maps
all the vehicles are rotated 180' to be correctly in line with the street
tested env:
- Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
- UnrealEngine 4.22
- ROS melodic
- carla 0.9.7
- Copyright 2021 © Francesco Vigni