// Translation of Viper program.
// Date: 2022-09-09 14:22:30
// Tool: carbon 1.0
// Arguments: : --z3Exe /home/bobe/Workbench/Tools/vercors_ast/bin/../src/main/universal/deps/unix/z3/bin/z3 --print temp.boogie /home/bobe/PhD/students/Andrej Pistek (2022-06)/Ford-FulkersonAlgorithm/1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr
// Dependencies:
// Boogie , located at /home/bobe/Workbench/Tools/vercors_ast/bin/../src/main/universal/deps/unix/boogie/Boogie.
// Z3 4.8.6 - 64 bit, located at /home/bobe/Workbench/Tools/vercors_ast/bin/../src/main/universal/deps/unix/z3/bin/z3.
// ==================================================
// Preamble of State module.
// ==================================================
function state(Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType): bool;
// ==================================================
// Preamble of Heap module.
// ==================================================
type Ref;
var Heap: HeapType;
const null: Ref;
type Field A B;
type NormalField;
type HeapType = [Ref, Field A B]B;
const unique $allocated: Field NormalField bool;
axiom (forall o: Ref, f: (Field NormalField Ref), Heap: HeapType ::
{ Heap[o, f] }
Heap[o, $allocated] ==> Heap[Heap[o, f], $allocated]
function succHeap(Heap0: HeapType, Heap1: HeapType): bool;
function succHeapTrans(Heap0: HeapType, Heap1: HeapType): bool;
function IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType): bool;
function IsPredicateField(f_1: (Field A B)): bool;
function IsWandField(f_1: (Field A B)): bool;
function getPredicateId(f_1: (Field A B)): int;
// Frame all locations with direct permissions
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, o_1: Ref, f_2: (Field A B) ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), ExhaleHeap[o_1, f_2] }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> HasDirectPerm(Mask, o_1, f_2) ==> Heap[o_1, f_2] == ExhaleHeap[o_1, f_2]
// Frame all predicate mask locations of predicates with direct permission
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, pm_f: (Field C FrameType) ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), IsPredicateField(pm_f), ExhaleHeap[null, PredicateMaskField(pm_f)] }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> HasDirectPerm(Mask, null, pm_f) && IsPredicateField(pm_f) ==> Heap[null, PredicateMaskField(pm_f)] == ExhaleHeap[null, PredicateMaskField(pm_f)]
// Frame all locations with known folded permissions
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, pm_f: (Field C FrameType) ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), IsPredicateField(pm_f) }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> HasDirectPerm(Mask, null, pm_f) && IsPredicateField(pm_f) ==> (forall o2: Ref, f_2: (Field A B) ::
{ ExhaleHeap[o2, f_2] }
Heap[null, PredicateMaskField(pm_f)][o2, f_2] ==> Heap[o2, f_2] == ExhaleHeap[o2, f_2]
// Frame all wand mask locations of wands with direct permission
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, pm_f: (Field C FrameType) ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), IsWandField(pm_f), ExhaleHeap[null, WandMaskField(pm_f)] }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> HasDirectPerm(Mask, null, pm_f) && IsWandField(pm_f) ==> Heap[null, WandMaskField(pm_f)] == ExhaleHeap[null, WandMaskField(pm_f)]
// Frame all locations in the footprint of magic wands
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, pm_f: (Field C FrameType) ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), IsWandField(pm_f) }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> HasDirectPerm(Mask, null, pm_f) && IsWandField(pm_f) ==> (forall o2: Ref, f_2: (Field A B) ::
{ ExhaleHeap[o2, f_2] }
Heap[null, WandMaskField(pm_f)][o2, f_2] ==> Heap[o2, f_2] == ExhaleHeap[o2, f_2]
// All previously-allocated references are still allocated
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, o_1: Ref ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask), ExhaleHeap[o_1, $allocated] }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> Heap[o_1, $allocated] ==> ExhaleHeap[o_1, $allocated]
// Updated Heaps are Successor Heaps
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, o: Ref, f_3: (Field A B), v: B ::
{ Heap[o, f_3:=v] }
succHeap(Heap, Heap[o, f_3:=v])
// IdenticalOnKnownLocations Heaps are Successor Heaps
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, ExhaleHeap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType ::
{ IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) }
IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask) ==> succHeap(Heap, ExhaleHeap)
// Successor Heaps are Transitive Successor Heaps
axiom (forall Heap0: HeapType, Heap1: HeapType ::
{ succHeap(Heap0, Heap1) }
succHeap(Heap0, Heap1) ==> succHeapTrans(Heap0, Heap1)
// Transitivity of Transitive Successor Heaps
axiom (forall Heap0: HeapType, Heap1: HeapType, Heap2: HeapType ::
{ succHeapTrans(Heap0, Heap1), succHeap(Heap1, Heap2) }
succHeapTrans(Heap0, Heap1) && succHeap(Heap1, Heap2) ==> succHeapTrans(Heap0, Heap2)
// ==================================================
// Preamble of Permission module.
// ==================================================
type Perm = real;
type MaskType = [Ref, Field A B]Perm;
var Mask: MaskType;
const ZeroMask: MaskType;
axiom (forall o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B) ::
{ ZeroMask[o_2, f_4] }
ZeroMask[o_2, f_4] == NoPerm
type PMaskType = [Ref, Field A B]bool;
const ZeroPMask: PMaskType;
axiom (forall o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B) ::
{ ZeroPMask[o_2, f_4] }
!ZeroPMask[o_2, f_4]
function PredicateMaskField(f_5: (Field A FrameType)): Field A PMaskType;
function WandMaskField(f_5: (Field A FrameType)): Field A PMaskType;
const NoPerm: Perm;
axiom NoPerm == 0.000000000;
const FullPerm: Perm;
axiom FullPerm == 1.000000000;
function Perm(a: real, b: real): Perm;
function GoodMask(Mask: MaskType): bool;
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType ::
{ state(Heap, Mask) }
state(Heap, Mask) ==> GoodMask(Mask)
axiom (forall Mask: MaskType, o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B) ::
{ GoodMask(Mask), Mask[o_2, f_4] }
GoodMask(Mask) ==> Mask[o_2, f_4] >= NoPerm && ((GoodMask(Mask) && !IsPredicateField(f_4)) && !IsWandField(f_4) ==> Mask[o_2, f_4] <= FullPerm)
function HasDirectPerm(Mask: MaskType, o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B)): bool;
axiom (forall Mask: MaskType, o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B) ::
{ HasDirectPerm(Mask, o_2, f_4) }
HasDirectPerm(Mask, o_2, f_4) <==> Mask[o_2, f_4] > NoPerm
function sumMask(ResultMask: MaskType, SummandMask1: MaskType, SummandMask2: MaskType): bool;
axiom (forall ResultMask: MaskType, SummandMask1: MaskType, SummandMask2: MaskType, o_2: Ref, f_4: (Field A B) ::
{ sumMask(ResultMask, SummandMask1, SummandMask2), ResultMask[o_2, f_4] } { sumMask(ResultMask, SummandMask1, SummandMask2), SummandMask1[o_2, f_4] } { sumMask(ResultMask, SummandMask1, SummandMask2), SummandMask2[o_2, f_4] }
sumMask(ResultMask, SummandMask1, SummandMask2) ==> ResultMask[o_2, f_4] == SummandMask1[o_2, f_4] + SummandMask2[o_2, f_4]
// ==================================================
// Function for trigger used in checks which are never triggered
// ==================================================
function neverTriggered1(i1_3: int): bool;
function neverTriggered2(i1_1: int): bool;
function neverTriggered3(i1_2: int): bool;
function neverTriggered4(i1_3: int): bool;
function neverTriggered5(i1_1: int): bool;
function neverTriggered6(i1_2: int): bool;
// ==================================================
// Functions used as inverse of receiver expressions in quantified permissions during inhale and exhale
// ==================================================
function invRecv1(recv: Ref): int;
function invRecv2(recv: Ref): int;
function invRecv3(recv: Ref): int;
function invRecv4(recv: Ref): int;
function invRecv5(recv: Ref): int;
function invRecv6(recv: Ref): int;
// ==================================================
// Functions used to represent the range of the projection of each QP instance onto its receiver expressions for quantified permissions during inhale and exhale
// ==================================================
function qpRange1(recv: Ref): bool;
function qpRange2(recv: Ref): bool;
function qpRange3(recv: Ref): bool;
function qpRange4(recv: Ref): bool;
function qpRange5(recv: Ref): bool;
function qpRange6(recv: Ref): bool;
// ==================================================
// Preamble of Function and predicate module.
// ==================================================
// Function heights (higher height means its body is available earlier):
// - height 1: aloc
// - height 0: matrixValues
const AssumeFunctionsAbove: int;
// Declarations for function framing
type FrameType;
const EmptyFrame: FrameType;
function FrameFragment(t: T): FrameType;
function ConditionalFrame(p: Perm, f_6: FrameType): FrameType;
function dummyFunction(t: T): bool;
function CombineFrames(a_1: FrameType, b_1: FrameType): FrameType;
// ==================================================
// Definition of conditional frame fragments
// ==================================================
axiom (forall p: Perm, f_6: FrameType ::
{ ConditionalFrame(p, f_6) }
ConditionalFrame(p, f_6) == (if p > 0.000000000 then f_6 else EmptyFrame)
// Function for recording enclosure of one predicate instance in another
function InsidePredicate(p: (Field A FrameType), v_1: FrameType, q: (Field B FrameType), w: FrameType): bool;
// Transitivity of InsidePredicate
axiom (forall p: (Field A FrameType), v_1: FrameType, q: (Field B FrameType), w: FrameType, r: (Field C FrameType), u: FrameType ::
{ InsidePredicate(p, v_1, q, w), InsidePredicate(q, w, r, u) }
InsidePredicate(p, v_1, q, w) && InsidePredicate(q, w, r, u) ==> InsidePredicate(p, v_1, r, u)
// Knowledge that two identical instances of the same predicate cannot be inside each other
axiom (forall p: (Field A FrameType), v_1: FrameType, w: FrameType ::
{ InsidePredicate(p, v_1, p, w) }
!InsidePredicate(p, v_1, p, w)
// ==================================================
// Preamble of Sequence module.
// ==================================================
// diff 0 implemented (no difference)
// diff 1 implemented (fixes test5 in sequences.sil)
// diff 2 implemented (fixes m01 and m03 in quantifiedpermissions/issues/issue_0064)
// diff 3 implemented (no difference)
// diff 4 implemented (no difference)
// diff 5 implemented (fixes colourings0 in sequence-incompletenesses test case)
// diff 6 implemented (no difference)
// diff 7 implemented
// diff 8 implemented (allows for contains triggering, without destroying performance of e.g. functions/linkedlists test case)
// diff 11 implemented
// diff 13 implemented, for now (may reduce completeness, but there's a known matching loop when the first drop amount is 0); another option would be to add !=0 as an explicit condition
// diff 14 implemented: eliminate index over take/drop for trivial cases (to avoid matching loops when e.g. s[i..] == s is known)
// diff 16 implemented: remove general cases of equality-learning between take/drop/append subsequences; only allow when take/drop are at top level (this affects linkedlists test case)
type Seq T;
function Seq#Length(Seq T): int;
axiom (forall s: Seq T :: { Seq#Length(s) } 0 <= Seq#Length(s));
function Seq#Empty(): Seq T;
axiom (forall :: Seq#Length(Seq#Empty(): Seq T) == 0);
axiom (forall s: Seq T :: { Seq#Length(s) } Seq#Length(s) == 0 ==> s == Seq#Empty());
function Seq#Singleton(T): Seq T;
//axiom (forall t: T :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Singleton(t)) } Seq#Length(Seq#Singleton(t)) == 1);// (diff 2 (old))
axiom (forall t: T :: { Seq#Singleton(t) } Seq#Length(Seq#Singleton(t)) == 1);// (diff 2: changed trigger)
function Seq#Append(Seq T, Seq T): Seq T;
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Append(s0,s1)) }
s0 != Seq#Empty() && s1 != Seq#Empty() ==> //diff 11: consider removing constraints
Seq#Length(Seq#Append(s0,s1)) == Seq#Length(s0) + Seq#Length(s1));
//axiom (forall s: Seq T :: { Seq#Append(Seq#Empty(),s) } Seq#Append(Seq#Empty(),s) == s); // (diff 11: switched to double-quantified version)
//axiom (forall s: Seq T :: { Seq#Append(s,Seq#Empty()) } Seq#Append(s,Seq#Empty()) == s); // (diff 11: switched to double-quantified version)
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T :: { Seq#Append(s0,s1) } (s0 == Seq#Empty() ==> Seq#Append(s0,s1) == s1) && (s1 == Seq#Empty() ==> Seq#Append(s0,s1) == s0)); // diff 11: switched to double-quantified version
function Seq#Index(Seq T, int): T;
//axiom (forall t: T :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Singleton(t), 0) } Seq#Index(Seq#Singleton(t), 0) == t); // (diff 2 (old))
axiom (forall t: T :: { Seq#Singleton(t) } Seq#Index(Seq#Singleton(t), 0) == t); // (diff 2: changed trigger)
// extra addition function used to force equalities into the e-graph
function Seq#Add(int, int) : int;
axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: {Seq#Add(i,j)} Seq#Add(i,j) == i + j);
function Seq#Sub(int, int) : int;
axiom (forall i: int, j: int :: {Seq#Sub(i,j)} Seq#Sub(i,j) == i - j);
// (diff 3 (old))
//axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) } // {:weight 25} // AS: dropped weight
// s0 != Seq#Empty() && s1 != Seq#Empty() ==>
// ((n < Seq#Length(s0) ==> Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) == Seq#Index(s0, n)) &&
// (Seq#Length(s0) <= n ==> Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) == Seq#Index(s1, n - Seq#Length(s0)))));
// (diff 3: split axiom, added constraints, replace arithmetic) // diff 11: consider removing constraints
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) } { Seq#Index(s0, n), Seq#Append(s0,s1) } // AS: added alternative trigger
(s0 != Seq#Empty() && s1 != Seq#Empty() && 0 <= n && n < Seq#Length(s0) ==> Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) == Seq#Index(s0, n)));
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) } // term below breaks loops
s0 != Seq#Empty() && s1 != Seq#Empty() && Seq#Length(s0) <= n && n < Seq#Length(Seq#Append(s0,s1)) ==> Seq#Add(Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s0)),Seq#Length(s0)) == n && Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), n) == Seq#Index(s1, Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s0))));
// AS: added "reverse triggering" versions of the axioms
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, m: int :: { Seq#Index(s1, m), Seq#Append(s0,s1)} // m == n-|s0|, n == m + |s0|
s0 != Seq#Empty() && s1 != Seq#Empty() && 0 <= m && m < Seq#Length(s1) ==> Seq#Sub(Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s0)),Seq#Length(s0)) == m && Seq#Index(Seq#Append(s0,s1), Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s0))) == Seq#Index(s1, m));
function Seq#Update(Seq T, int, T): Seq T;
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Update(s,i,v)) } {Seq#Length(s),Seq#Update(s,i,v)} // (diff 4: added trigger)
0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Update(s,i,v)) == Seq#Length(s));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T, n: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Update(s,i,v),n) } { Seq#Index(s,n), Seq#Update(s,i,v) } // (diff 4: added trigger)
0 <= n && n < Seq#Length(s) ==>
(i == n ==> Seq#Index(Seq#Update(s,i,v),n) == v) &&
(i != n ==> Seq#Index(Seq#Update(s,i,v),n) == Seq#Index(s,n)));
function Seq#Take(s: Seq T, howMany: int): Seq T;
// AS: added triggers
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Take(s,n)) } { Seq#Take(s,n), Seq#Length(s)} // (diff 7: add trigger)
(0 <= n ==>
(n <= Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Take(s,n)) == n) &&
(Seq#Length(s) < n ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Take(s,n)) == Seq#Length(s)))
(n < 0 ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Take(s,n)) == 0)); // (diff 7: added case for n < 0)
// ** AS: 2nd of 3 axioms which get instantiated very often in certain problems involving take/drop/append
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, j: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Take(s,n), j) } {Seq#Index(s,j), Seq#Take(s,n)} // (diff 0: (was already done)) : add trigger // {:weight 25} // AS: dropped weight
0 <= j && j < n && j < Seq#Length(s) ==>
Seq#Index(Seq#Take(s,n), j) == Seq#Index(s, j));
function Seq#Drop(s: Seq T, howMany: int): Seq T;
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Drop(s,n)) } {Seq#Length(s), Seq#Drop(s,n)} // (diff 5: added trigger, exchange arithmetic)
(0 <= n ==>
(n <= Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Drop(s,n)) == Seq#Length(s) - n) &&
(Seq#Length(s) < n ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Drop(s,n)) == 0))
(n < 0 ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Drop(s,n)) == Seq#Length(s)) // (diff 7: added cases for n < 0)
// ** AS: 3rd of 3 axioms which get instantiated very often in certain problems involving take/drop/append
// diff 5 (old)
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, j: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) } // {:weight 25} // AS: dropped weight
// 0 <= n && 0 <= j && j < Seq#Length(s)-n ==>
// Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) == Seq#Index(s, j+n));
// diff already added // diff -1: try removing this axiom and checking effect
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, k: int :: { Seq#Drop(s,n), Seq#Index(s,k) } // AS: alternative triggering for above axiom
// 0 <= n && n <= k && k < Seq#Length(s) ==>
// Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), k-n) == Seq#Index(s, k));
// diff 5: split axiom, added triggering case, exhanged arithmetic
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, j: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) } // {:weight 25} // AS: dropped weight
0 < n && 0 <= j && j < Seq#Length(s)-n ==> // diff 14: change 0 <= n to 0 < n
Seq#Sub(Seq#Add(j,n),n) == j && Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) == Seq#Index(s, Seq#Add(j,n)));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, i: int :: { Seq#Drop(s,n), Seq#Index(s,i) }
0 < n && n <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> // diff 14: change 0 <= n to 0 < n
Seq#Add(Seq#Sub(i,n),n) == i && Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), Seq#Sub(i,n)) == Seq#Index(s, i)); // i = j + n, j = i - n
// (diff 6a: add axioms for the 0 > n case)
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, j: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) } // {:weight 25} // AS: dropped weight
// n <= 0 && 0 <= j && j < Seq#Length(s) ==> // diff 14: change n < 0 to n <= 0
// Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), j) == Seq#Index(s, j));
// (diff 6a: add axioms for the 0 > n case)
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, i: int :: { Seq#Drop(s,n), Seq#Index(s,i) }
// n <= 0 && 0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> // diff 14: change n < 0 to n <= 0
// Seq#Index(Seq#Drop(s,n), i) == Seq#Index(s, i)); // i = j + n, j = i - n
// ** AS: We dropped the weak trigger on this axiom. One option is to strengthen the triggers:
//axiom (forall s, t: Seq T ::
// // { Seq#Append(s, t) }
// {Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s))}{Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s))}
// Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) == s &&
// Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) == t);
// ** AS: another option is to split the axiom (for some reason, this seems in some cases to perform slightly less well (but this could be random):
//axiom (forall s, t: Seq T ::
// { Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) }
// Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) == s);
//axiom (forall s, t: Seq T ::
// { Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) }
// Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s, t), Seq#Length(s)) == t);
// (diff 6b: remove these?)
/* Removed: at present, Carbon doesn't generate Seq#Update (but desugars via take/drop/append)
// Commutability of Take and Drop with Update.
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T, n: int ::
{ Seq#Take(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) }
// 0 <= i && i < n && n < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Take(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Update(Seq#Take(s, n), i, v) );
0 <= i && i < n && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Take(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Update(Seq#Take(s, n), i, v) );
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T, n: int ::
{ Seq#Take(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) }
n <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Take(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Take(s, n));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T, n: int ::
{ Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) }
// 0 <= n && n <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Update(Seq#Drop(s, n), i-n, v) );
0 <= i && n <=i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Update(Seq#Drop(s, n), i-n, v) );
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i: int, v: T, n: int ::
{ Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) }
// 0 <= i && i < n && n < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Drop(s, n));
0 <= i && i < n && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Drop(Seq#Update(s, i, v), n) == Seq#Drop(s, n));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, n:int ::
{ Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s,t),n) } //{Seq#Append(s,t), Seq#Take(s,n)} // diff 16: temporarily dropped general case of these
0 < n && n <= Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s,t),n) == Seq#Take(s,n));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, n:int ::
{ Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s,t),n) }
n > 0 && n > Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Add(Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s)),Seq#Length(s)) == n && Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s,t),n) == Seq#Append(s,Seq#Take(t,Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s)))));
// diff 16: temporarily dropped general case of these
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, m:int ::
// { Seq#Append(s,Seq#Take(t,m)) } //{Seq#Append(s,t), Seq#Take(t,m)} // diff 16: temporarily dropped general case of these // reverse triggering version of above: m = n - |s|, n = m + |s|
// m > 0 ==> Seq#Sub(Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s)),Seq#Length(s)) == m && Seq#Take(Seq#Append(s,t),Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s))) == Seq#Append(s,Seq#Take(t,m)));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, n:int ::
{ Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s,t),n) } //{Seq#Append(s,t), Seq#Drop(s,n)} // diff 16: temporarily dropped general case of these
0 Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s,t),n) == Seq#Append(Seq#Drop(s,n),t));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, n:int ::
{ Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s,t),n) }
n > 0 && n > Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#Add(Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s)),Seq#Length(s)) == n && Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s,t),n) == Seq#Drop(t,Seq#Sub(n,Seq#Length(s))));
// diff 16: temporarily dropped general case of these
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, t: Seq T, m:int ::
// { Seq#Append(s,t),Seq#Drop(t,m) } // reverse triggering version of above: m = n - |s|, n = m + |s|
// m > 0 ==> Seq#Sub(Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s)),Seq#Length(s)) == m && Seq#Drop(Seq#Append(s,t),Seq#Add(m,Seq#Length(s))) == Seq#Drop(t,m));
// Additional axioms about common things
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Drop(s, n) } // ** NEW
n <= 0 ==> Seq#Drop(s, n) == s); // (diff 1: try changing n==0 to n<=0 (should be ok))
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int :: { Seq#Take(s, n) } // ** NEW
n <= 0 ==> Seq#Take(s, n) == Seq#Empty()); // (diff 1: try changing n==0 to n<=0 (should be ok))
// diff 13: remove this?
//axiom (forall s: Seq T, m, n: int :: { Seq#Drop(Seq#Drop(s, m), n) } // ** NEW - AS: could have bad triggering behaviour?
// 0 <= m && 0 <= n && m+n <= Seq#Length(s) ==>
// Seq#Sub(Seq#Add(m,n),n) == m && Seq#Drop(Seq#Drop(s, m), n) == Seq#Drop(s, Seq#Add(m,n)));
// diff 8: skolemisation (old)
function Seq#Contains(Seq T, T): bool;
function Seq#ContainsTrigger(Seq T, T): bool; // usages of Contains inside quantifier triggers are replaced with this
function Seq#Skolem(Seq T, T) : int; // skolem function for Seq#Contains // (diff 8: added)
axiom (forall s: Seq T, x: T :: { Seq#Contains(s,x) }
Seq#Contains(s,x) ==>
(0 <= Seq#Skolem(s,x) && Seq#Skolem(s,x) < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s,Seq#Skolem(s,x)) == x)); // (diff 8: skolem function)
axiom (forall s: Seq T, x: T, i:int :: { Seq#Contains(s,x), Seq#Index(s,i) } // only trigger if interested in the Contains term
(0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s,i) == x ==> Seq#Contains(s,x)));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, i:int :: { Seq#Index(s,i) }
(0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) ==> Seq#ContainsTrigger(s,Seq#Index(s,i))));
// ** AS: made one change here - changed type of x from ref to T
/*axiom (forall x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Empty(), x) }
!Seq#Contains(Seq#Empty(), x));
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Append(s0, s1), x) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Append(s0, s1), x) <==>
Seq#Contains(s0, x) || Seq#Contains(s1, x));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x) <==>
(exists i: int :: { Seq#Index(s, i) }
0 <= i && i < n && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s, i) == x));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x) <==>
(exists i: int :: { Seq#Index(s, i) }
0 <= n && n <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s, i) == x));
// diff 8: skolemisation (new)
function Seq#Skolem(Seq T, T) : int; // skolem function for Seq#Contains
function Seq#SkolemContainsDrop(Seq T, int, T) : int; // skolem function for Seq#Contains over drop
function Seq#SkolemContainsTake(Seq T, int, T) : int; // skolem function for Seq#Contains over take
function Seq#Contains(Seq T, T): bool;
axiom (forall s: Seq T, x: T :: { Seq#Contains(s,x) }
Seq#Contains(s,x) ==> s != Seq#Empty() && Seq#Length(s) > 0 && 0 <= Seq#Skolem(s,x) &&
Seq#Skolem(s,x) < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s,Seq#Skolem(s,x)) == x);
// AS: note: this is an unusual axiom, but is basically the original
// Consider writing a version without the (precise) first trigger? Also see later versions
axiom (forall s: Seq T, x: T, i:int :: { Seq#Contains(s,x), Seq#Index(s,i) }
0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s,i) == x ==> Seq#Contains(s,x));
// ** AS: made one change here - changed type of x from ref to T
axiom (forall x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Empty(), x) }
!Seq#Contains(Seq#Empty(), x));
// AS: Consider dropping this axiom?
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Append(s0, s1), x) } { Seq#Contains(s0,x), Seq#Append(s0,s1)} { Seq#Contains(s1,x), Seq#Append(s0,s1)} // AS: added triggers
Seq#Contains(Seq#Append(s0, s1), x) <==>
Seq#Contains(s0, x) || Seq#Contains(s1, x));
// AS: split axioms
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x) ==>
(Seq#Take(s, n) != Seq#Empty() && Seq#Length(Seq#Take(s, n)) > 0 &&
0 <= Seq#SkolemContainsTake(s, n, x) && Seq#SkolemContainsTake(s, n, x) < n &&
Seq#SkolemContainsTake(s, n, x) < Seq#Length(s) &&
Seq#Index(s, Seq#SkolemContainsTake(s, n, x)) == x));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T, i:int ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x), Seq#Index(s, i) }
0 <= i && i < n && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s, i) == x ==>
Seq#Contains(Seq#Take(s, n), x));
// AS: split axioms
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x) ==>
( 0 <= Seq#SkolemContainsDrop(s, n, x) && n <= Seq#SkolemContainsDrop(s, n, x) &&
Seq#SkolemContainsDrop(s, n, x) < Seq#Length(s) &&
Seq#Index(s, Seq#SkolemContainsDrop(s, n, x)) == x));
axiom (forall s: Seq T, n: int, x: T, i:int ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x), Seq#Index(s, i) }
0 <= n && n <= i && i < Seq#Length(s) && Seq#Index(s, i) == x ==>
Seq#Contains(Seq#Drop(s, n), x));
// diff 9 : skolemise equals (old)
function Seq#Equal(Seq T, Seq T): bool;
/*axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T :: { Seq#Equal(s0,s1) }
Seq#Equal(s0,s1) <==>
Seq#Length(s0) == Seq#Length(s1) &&
(forall j: int :: { Seq#Index(s0,j) } { Seq#Index(s1,j) }
0 <= j && j < Seq#Length(s0) ==> Seq#Index(s0,j) == Seq#Index(s1,j)));
axiom (forall a: Seq T, b: Seq T :: { Seq#Equal(a,b) } // extensionality axiom for sequences
Seq#Equal(a,b) ==> a == b);
// diff 9: skolemise equals (new)
// AS: split axiom
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T :: { Seq#Equal(s0,s1) }
Seq#Equal(s0,s1) ==>
Seq#Length(s0) == Seq#Length(s1) &&
(forall j: int :: { Seq#Index(s0,j) } { Seq#Index(s1,j) }
0 <= j && j < Seq#Length(s0) ==> Seq#Index(s0,j) == Seq#Index(s1,j)));
function Seq#SkolemDiff(Seq T, Seq T) : int; // skolem function for Seq#Equals
axiom (forall s0: Seq T, s1: Seq T :: { Seq#Equal(s0,s1) }
(s0==s1 && Seq#Equal(s0,s1)) || (s0!=s1 && !Seq#Equal(s0,s1) && Seq#Length(s0) != Seq#Length(s1)) ||
(s0 != s1 && !Seq#Equal(s0,s1) && Seq#Length(s0) == Seq#Length(s1) && Seq#SkolemDiff(s0,s1) == Seq#SkolemDiff(s1,s0) && 0 <= Seq#SkolemDiff(s0,s1) && Seq#SkolemDiff(s0,s1) < Seq#Length(s0) &&
Seq#Index(s0,Seq#SkolemDiff(s0,s1)) != Seq#Index(s1,Seq#SkolemDiff(s0,s1))));
axiom (forall a: Seq T, b: Seq T :: { Seq#Equal(a,b) } // extensionality axiom for sequences
Seq#Equal(a,b) ==> a == b);
// extra stuff not in current Dafny Prelude
// diff 10: variant of trigger (maybe drop these?)
// old:
axiom (forall x, y: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Singleton(x),y) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Singleton(x),y) <==> x==y);
// new:
/*axiom (forall x, y: T ::
{ Seq#Contains(Seq#Singleton(x),y) }
Seq#Contains(Seq#Singleton(x),y) ==> x==y);
axiom (forall x: T ::
{ Seq#Singleton(x) }
function Seq#Range(min: int, max: int) returns (Seq int);
axiom (forall min: int, max: int :: { Seq#Length(Seq#Range(min, max)) } (min < max ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Range(min, max)) == max-min) && (max <= min ==> Seq#Length(Seq#Range(min, max)) == 0));
axiom (forall min: int, max: int, j: int :: { Seq#Index(Seq#Range(min, max), j) } 0<=j && j Seq#Index(Seq#Range(min, max), j) == min + j);
axiom (forall min: int, max: int, v: int :: {Seq#Contains(Seq#Range(min, max),v)}
(Seq#Contains(Seq#Range(min, max),v) <==> min <= v && v < max));
// ==================================================
// Translation of domain array
// ==================================================
// The type for domain array
type arrayDomainType;
// Translation of domain function array_loc
function array_loc(a_2: arrayDomainType, i: int): Ref;
// Translation of domain function alen
function alen(a1: arrayDomainType): int;
// Translation of domain function loc_inv_1
function loc_inv_1(loc: Ref): arrayDomainType;
// Translation of domain function loc_inv_2
function loc_inv_2(loc1: Ref): int;
// Translation of anonymous domain axiom
axiom (forall a2: arrayDomainType ::
(forall i1: int ::
{ (array_loc(a2, i1): Ref) }
(loc_inv_1((array_loc(a2, i1): Ref)): arrayDomainType) == a2 && (loc_inv_2((array_loc(a2, i1): Ref)): int) == i1
// Translation of anonymous domain axiom
axiom (forall a2: arrayDomainType ::
{ (alen(a2): int) }
(alen(a2): int) >= 0
// ==================================================
// Translation of all fields
// ==================================================
const unique oa: Field NormalField arrayDomainType;
axiom !IsPredicateField(oa);
axiom !IsWandField(oa);
const unique vint: Field NormalField int;
axiom !IsPredicateField(vint);
axiom !IsWandField(vint);
// ==================================================
// Translation of function aloc
// ==================================================
// Uninterpreted function definitions
function aloc(Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int): Ref;
function aloc'(Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int): Ref;
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, a2, i1) }
aloc(Heap, a2, i1) == aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) && dummyFunction(aloc#triggerStateless(a2, i1))
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) }
dummyFunction(aloc#triggerStateless(a2, i1))
// Definitional axiom
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ state(Heap, Mask), aloc(Heap, a2, i1) }
state(Heap, Mask) && AssumeFunctionsAbove < 1 ==> 0 <= i1 && i1 < (alen(a2): int) ==> aloc(Heap, a2, i1) == (array_loc(a2, i1): Ref)
// Framing axioms
function aloc#frame(frame: FrameType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int): Ref;
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ state(Heap, Mask), aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) }
state(Heap, Mask) ==> aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) == aloc#frame(EmptyFrame, a2, i1)
// Postcondition axioms
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ state(Heap, Mask), aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) }
state(Heap, Mask) && (AssumeFunctionsAbove < 1 || aloc#trigger(EmptyFrame, a2, i1)) ==> 0 <= i1 && i1 < (alen(a2): int) ==> (loc_inv_1(aloc'(Heap, a2, i1)): arrayDomainType) == a2
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int ::
{ state(Heap, Mask), aloc'(Heap, a2, i1) }
state(Heap, Mask) && (AssumeFunctionsAbove < 1 || aloc#trigger(EmptyFrame, a2, i1)) ==> 0 <= i1 && i1 < (alen(a2): int) ==> (loc_inv_2(aloc'(Heap, a2, i1)): int) == i1
// Trigger function (controlling recursive postconditions)
function aloc#trigger(frame: FrameType, a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int): bool;
// State-independent trigger function
function aloc#triggerStateless(a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int): Ref;
// Check contract well-formedness and postcondition
procedure aloc#definedness(a2: arrayDomainType, i1: int) returns (Result: Ref)
modifies Heap, Mask;
// -- Initializing the state
Mask := ZeroMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume AssumeFunctionsAbove == 1;
// -- Initializing the old state
assume Heap == old(Heap);
assume Mask == old(Mask);
// -- Inhaling precondition (with checking)
assume 0 <= i1;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume i1 < (alen(a2): int);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Translate function body
Result := (array_loc(a2, i1): Ref);
// -- Exhaling postcondition (with checking)
assert {:msg " Postcondition of aloc might not hold. Assertion loc_inv_1(result) == a2 might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@31.11--31.34) [127]"}
(loc_inv_1(Result): arrayDomainType) == a2;
assert {:msg " Postcondition of aloc might not hold. Assertion loc_inv_2(result) == i1 might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@32.11--32.34) [128]"}
(loc_inv_2(Result): int) == i1;
// ==================================================
// Translation of function matrixValues
// ==================================================
// Uninterpreted function definitions
function matrixValues(Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int): Seq (Seq int);
function matrixValues'(Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int): Seq (Seq int);
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int ::
{ matrixValues(Heap, a2, V) }
matrixValues(Heap, a2, V) == matrixValues'(Heap, a2, V) && dummyFunction(matrixValues#triggerStateless(a2, V))
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int ::
{ matrixValues'(Heap, a2, V) }
dummyFunction(matrixValues#triggerStateless(a2, V))
// Framing axioms
function matrixValues#frame(frame: FrameType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int): Seq (Seq int);
axiom (forall Heap: HeapType, Mask: MaskType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int ::
{ state(Heap, Mask), matrixValues'(Heap, a2, V) }
state(Heap, Mask) ==> matrixValues'(Heap, a2, V) == matrixValues#frame(FrameFragment(matrixValues#condqp1(Heap, a2, V)), a2, V)
// ==================================================
// Function used for framing of quantified permission (forall i1: Int :: { aloc(a2, i1).oa } 0 <= i1 && i1 < V ==> acc(aloc(a2, i1).oa, 1 / 2)) in function matrixValues
// ==================================================
function matrixValues#condqp1(Heap: HeapType, a2_1_1: arrayDomainType, V_1_1: int): int;
axiom (forall Heap2Heap: HeapType, Heap1Heap: HeapType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int ::
{ matrixValues#condqp1(Heap2Heap, a2, V), matrixValues#condqp1(Heap1Heap, a2, V), succHeapTrans(Heap2Heap, Heap1Heap) }
(forall i1: int ::
((0 <= i1 && i1 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 <==> (0 <= i1 && i1 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && ((0 <= i1 && i1 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> Heap2Heap[aloc(Heap2Heap, a2, i1), oa] == Heap1Heap[aloc(Heap1Heap, a2, i1), oa])
) ==> matrixValues#condqp1(Heap2Heap, a2, V) == matrixValues#condqp1(Heap1Heap, a2, V)
// Trigger function (controlling recursive postconditions)
function matrixValues#trigger(frame: FrameType, a2: arrayDomainType, V: int): bool;
// State-independent trigger function
function matrixValues#triggerStateless(a2: arrayDomainType, V: int): Seq (Seq int);
// Check contract well-formedness and postcondition
procedure matrixValues#definedness(a2: arrayDomainType, V: int) returns (Result: (Seq (Seq int)))
modifies Heap, Mask;
var i1_4: int;
var QPMask: MaskType;
// -- Initializing the state
Mask := ZeroMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume AssumeFunctionsAbove == 0;
// -- Initializing the old state
assume Heap == old(Heap);
assume Mask == old(Mask);
// -- Inhaling precondition (with checking)
assume (alen(a2): int) == V;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Check definedness of (forall i1: Int :: { aloc(a2, i1).oa } 0 <= i1 && i1 < V ==> acc(aloc(a2, i1).oa, 1 / 2))
if (*) {
if (0 <= i1_4 && i1_4 < V) {
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion 0 <= i1 might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@39.75--39.87) [129]"}
0 <= i1_4;
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion i1 < alen(a2) might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@39.75--39.87) [130]"}
i1_4 < (alen(a2): int);
// Stop execution
assume false;
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
havoc QPMask;
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Quantified resource aloc(a2, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@39.13--39.96) [131]"}
(forall i1_3: int, i1_3_1: int ::
(((i1_3 != i1_3_1 && (0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V)) && (0 <= i1_3_1 && i1_3_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3) != aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3_1)
// -- Define Inverse Function
assume (forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3), oa] }
(0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange1(aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3)) && invRecv1(aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3)) == i1_3
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv1(o_3) }
((0 <= invRecv1(o_3) && invRecv1(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange1(o_3) ==> aloc(Heap, a2, invRecv1(o_3)) == o_3
// Check that permission expression is non-negative for all fields
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@39.13--39.96) [132]"}
(forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3), oa] }
0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- Assume set of fields is nonNull
assume (forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3), oa] }
(0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V) && 1 / 2 > NoPerm ==> aloc(Heap, a2, i1_3) != null
// -- Define permissions
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
(((0 <= invRecv1(o_3) && invRecv1(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange1(o_3) ==> (NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, a2, invRecv1(o_3)) == o_3) && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] + 1 / 2) && (!(((0 <= invRecv1(o_3) && invRecv1(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange1(o_3)) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ Mask[o_3, f_5] } { QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// ==================================================
// Translation of method maxFlowInline
// ==================================================
procedure maxFlowInline(tid: int, G: arrayDomainType, V: int) returns (exc: Ref, res: int)
modifies Heap, Mask;
var i1_5: int;
var QPMask: MaskType;
var ExhaleHeap: HeapType;
// -- Initializing the state
Mask := ZeroMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume AssumeFunctionsAbove == -1;
// -- Checked inhaling of precondition
assume (alen(G): int) == V;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Check definedness of (forall i1: Int :: { aloc(G, i1).oa } 0 <= i1 && i1 < V ==> acc(aloc(G, i1).oa, 1 / 2))
if (*) {
if (0 <= i1_5 && i1_5 < V) {
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion 0 <= i1 might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@43.74--43.85) [133]"}
0 <= i1_5;
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion i1 < alen(G) might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@43.74--43.85) [134]"}
i1_5 < (alen(G): int);
// Stop execution
assume false;
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
havoc QPMask;
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Quantified resource aloc(G, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@43.13--43.94) [135]"}
(forall i1_1: int, i1_1_1: int ::
(((i1_1 != i1_1_1 && (0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V)) && (0 <= i1_1_1 && i1_1_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) != aloc(Heap, G, i1_1_1)
// -- Define Inverse Function
assume (forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
(0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange2(aloc(Heap, G, i1_1)) && invRecv2(aloc(Heap, G, i1_1)) == i1_1
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv2(o_3) }
((0 <= invRecv2(o_3) && invRecv2(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange2(o_3) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv2(o_3)) == o_3
// Check that permission expression is non-negative for all fields
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@43.13--43.94) [136]"}
(forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- Assume set of fields is nonNull
assume (forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
(0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V) && 1 / 2 > NoPerm ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) != null
// -- Define permissions
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
(((0 <= invRecv2(o_3) && invRecv2(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange2(o_3) ==> (NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv2(o_3)) == o_3) && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] + 1 / 2) && (!(((0 <= invRecv2(o_3) && invRecv2(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange2(o_3)) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ Mask[o_3, f_5] } { QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Check definedness of matrixValues(G, V) == matrixValues(G, V)
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Assertion alen(G) == V might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.12--44.30) [137]"}
(alen(G): int) == V;
havoc QPMask;
// -- check that the permission amount is positive
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.12--44.30) [138]"}
(forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
(0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V) && dummyFunction(Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa]) ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- check if receiver aloc(G, i1) is injective
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Quantified resource aloc(G, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.12--44.30) [139]"}
(forall i1_2: int, i1_2_1: int ::
{ neverTriggered3(i1_2), neverTriggered3(i1_2_1) }
(((i1_2 != i1_2_1 && (0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V)) && (0 <= i1_2_1 && i1_2_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) != aloc(Heap, G, i1_2_1)
// -- check if sufficient permission is held
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. There might be insufficient permission to access aloc(G, i1).oa (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.12--44.30) [140]"}
(forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V ==> Mask[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] >= 1 / 2
// -- assumptions for inverse of receiver aloc(G, i1)
assume (forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
(0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange3(aloc(Heap, G, i1_2)) && invRecv3(aloc(Heap, G, i1_2)) == i1_2
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv3(o_3) }
(0 <= invRecv3(o_3) && invRecv3(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange3(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv3(o_3)) == o_3
// -- assume permission updates for field oa
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
((0 <= invRecv3(o_3) && invRecv3(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange3(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv3(o_3)) == o_3 && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] - 1 / 2) && (!((0 <= invRecv3(o_3) && invRecv3(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange3(o_3))) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
// -- assume permission updates for independent locations
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
// Finish exhale
havoc ExhaleHeap;
assume IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask);
Heap := ExhaleHeap;
// Stop execution
assume false;
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Assertion alen(G) == V might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.34--44.52) [141]"}
(alen(G): int) == V;
havoc QPMask;
// -- check that the permission amount is positive
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.34--44.52) [142]"}
(forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_3), oa] }
(0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V) && dummyFunction(Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_3), oa]) ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- check if receiver aloc(G, i1) is injective
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Quantified resource aloc(G, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.34--44.52) [143]"}
(forall i1_3: int, i1_3_1: int ::
{ neverTriggered4(i1_3), neverTriggered4(i1_3_1) }
(((i1_3 != i1_3_1 && (0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V)) && (0 <= i1_3_1 && i1_3_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_3) != aloc(Heap, G, i1_3_1)
// -- check if sufficient permission is held
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. There might be insufficient permission to access aloc(G, i1).oa (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@44.34--44.52) [144]"}
(forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_3), oa] }
0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V ==> Mask[aloc(Heap, G, i1_3), oa] >= 1 / 2
// -- assumptions for inverse of receiver aloc(G, i1)
assume (forall i1_3: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_3) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_3), oa] }
(0 <= i1_3 && i1_3 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange4(aloc(Heap, G, i1_3)) && invRecv4(aloc(Heap, G, i1_3)) == i1_3
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv4(o_3) }
(0 <= invRecv4(o_3) && invRecv4(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange4(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv4(o_3)) == o_3
// -- assume permission updates for field oa
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
((0 <= invRecv4(o_3) && invRecv4(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange4(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv4(o_3)) == o_3 && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] - 1 / 2) && (!((0 <= invRecv4(o_3) && invRecv4(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange4(o_3))) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
// -- assume permission updates for independent locations
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
// Finish exhale
havoc ExhaleHeap;
assume IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask);
Heap := ExhaleHeap;
// Stop execution
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume Seq#Equal(matrixValues(Heap, G, V), matrixValues(Heap, G, V));
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Initializing of old state
// -- Initializing the old state
assume Heap == old(Heap);
assume Mask == old(Mask);
// -- Translating statement: inhale false --
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// ==================================================
// Translation of method maxFlowLet
// ==================================================
procedure maxFlowLet(tid: int, G: arrayDomainType, V: int, mv: (Seq (Seq int))) returns (exc: Ref, res: int)
modifies Heap, Mask;
var i1_6: int;
var QPMask: MaskType;
var ExhaleHeap: HeapType;
// -- Initializing the state
Mask := ZeroMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume AssumeFunctionsAbove == -1;
// -- Checked inhaling of precondition
assume (alen(G): int) == V;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Check definedness of (forall i1: Int :: { aloc(G, i1).oa } 0 <= i1 && i1 < V ==> acc(aloc(G, i1).oa, 1 / 2))
if (*) {
if (0 <= i1_6 && i1_6 < V) {
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion 0 <= i1 might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@48.74--48.85) [145]"}
0 <= i1_6;
assert {:msg " Precondition of function aloc might not hold. Assertion i1 < alen(G) might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@48.74--48.85) [146]"}
i1_6 < (alen(G): int);
// Stop execution
assume false;
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
havoc QPMask;
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Quantified resource aloc(G, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@48.13--48.94) [147]"}
(forall i1_1: int, i1_1_1: int ::
(((i1_1 != i1_1_1 && (0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V)) && (0 <= i1_1_1 && i1_1_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) != aloc(Heap, G, i1_1_1)
// -- Define Inverse Function
assume (forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
(0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange5(aloc(Heap, G, i1_1)) && invRecv5(aloc(Heap, G, i1_1)) == i1_1
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv5(o_3) }
((0 <= invRecv5(o_3) && invRecv5(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange5(o_3) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv5(o_3)) == o_3
// Check that permission expression is non-negative for all fields
assert {:msg " Contract might not be well-formed. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@48.13--48.94) [148]"}
(forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- Assume set of fields is nonNull
assume (forall i1_1: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_1), oa] }
(0 <= i1_1 && i1_1 < V) && 1 / 2 > NoPerm ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_1) != null
// -- Define permissions
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
(((0 <= invRecv5(o_3) && invRecv5(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange5(o_3) ==> (NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv5(o_3)) == o_3) && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] + 1 / 2) && (!(((0 <= invRecv5(o_3) && invRecv5(o_3) < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && qpRange5(o_3)) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ Mask[o_3, f_5] } { QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Check definedness of mv == matrixValues(G, V)
if (*) {
// Exhale precondition of function application
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Assertion alen(G) == V might not hold. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@49.18--49.36) [149]"}
(alen(G): int) == V;
havoc QPMask;
// -- check that the permission amount is positive
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Fraction 1 / 2 might be negative. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@49.18--49.36) [150]"}
(forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
(0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V) && dummyFunction(Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa]) ==> 1 / 2 >= NoPerm
// -- check if receiver aloc(G, i1) is injective
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. Quantified resource aloc(G, i1).oa might not be injective. (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@49.18--49.36) [151]"}
(forall i1_2: int, i1_2_1: int ::
{ neverTriggered6(i1_2), neverTriggered6(i1_2_1) }
(((i1_2 != i1_2_1 && (0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V)) && (0 <= i1_2_1 && i1_2_1 < V)) && NoPerm < 1 / 2) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) != aloc(Heap, G, i1_2_1)
// -- check if sufficient permission is held
assert {:msg " Precondition of function matrixValues might not hold. There might be insufficient permission to access aloc(G, i1).oa (1.0-Lukas-tinker-2-minimized-array-4.vpr@49.18--49.36) [152]"}
(forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V ==> Mask[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] >= 1 / 2
// -- assumptions for inverse of receiver aloc(G, i1)
assume (forall i1_2: int ::
{ aloc(Heap, G, i1_2) } { Heap[aloc(Heap, G, i1_2), oa] }
(0 <= i1_2 && i1_2 < V) && NoPerm < 1 / 2 ==> qpRange6(aloc(Heap, G, i1_2)) && invRecv6(aloc(Heap, G, i1_2)) == i1_2
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ invRecv6(o_3) }
(0 <= invRecv6(o_3) && invRecv6(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange6(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv6(o_3)) == o_3
// -- assume permission updates for field oa
assume (forall o_3: Ref ::
{ QPMask[o_3, oa] }
((0 <= invRecv6(o_3) && invRecv6(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange6(o_3)) ==> aloc(Heap, G, invRecv6(o_3)) == o_3 && QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa] - 1 / 2) && (!((0 <= invRecv6(o_3) && invRecv6(o_3) < V) && (NoPerm < 1 / 2 && qpRange6(o_3))) ==> QPMask[o_3, oa] == Mask[o_3, oa])
// -- assume permission updates for independent locations
assume (forall o_3: Ref, f_5: (Field A B) ::
{ QPMask[o_3, f_5] }
f_5 != oa ==> Mask[o_3, f_5] == QPMask[o_3, f_5]
Mask := QPMask;
// Finish exhale
havoc ExhaleHeap;
assume IdenticalOnKnownLocations(Heap, ExhaleHeap, Mask);
Heap := ExhaleHeap;
// Stop execution
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume Seq#Equal(mv, matrixValues(Heap, G, V));
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume Seq#Equal(mv, mv);
assume state(Heap, Mask);
// -- Initializing of old state
// -- Initializing the old state
assume Heap == old(Heap);
assume Mask == old(Mask);
// -- Translating statement: inhale false --
assume false;
assume state(Heap, Mask);
assume state(Heap, Mask);