is now maintained by the awesome hapijs team at hapijs/qs.
Please direct any new issues and concerns in that repository!
query string parser for node and the browser supporting nesting, as it was removed from 0.3.x
, so this library provides the previous and commonly desired behaviour (and twice as fast). Used by express, connect and others.
$ npm install qs
var qs = require('qs');
// => { user: { name: { first: 'Tobi' }, email: 'tobi@learnboost.com' } }
qs.stringify({ user: { name: 'Tobi', email: 'tobi@learnboost.com' }})
// => user[name]=Tobi&user[email]=tobi%40learnboost.com
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install -d
and execute:
$ make test
$ open test/browser/index.html