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Get info

Brian Wandell edited this page Nov 23, 2017 · 4 revisions

The methods named 'get<>info' return information from the info field of an object. These info fields are a Flywheel database method for providing the user with useful information about a file or a database object.

getdicominfo information

The dicom file info contains the header from the dicom and provides useful information about the scanning parameters. Here, we search for the dicom file and then get the info. Any single field, such as the EchoTime, can be displayed.

st = scitran('cni');
files ='file',...
          'filename exact','',...
          'project label exact','qa');
files = st.getdicominfo(files);
>> files{1}.info.('EchoTime')

ans =


This is the complete info struct for the CNI at Stanford.


ans = 

  struct with fields:

                       AcquisitionDate: 20171113
                     AcquisitionMatrix: [4×1 double]
                     AcquisitionNumber: 1
                       AcquisitionTime: 84103
                             AngioFlag: 'N'
                     BeatRejectionFlag: 'Y'
                         BitsAllocated: 16
                            BitsStored: 16
                      BodyPartExamined: 'HEAD'
                 CardiacNumberOfImages: 0
                               Columns: 80
                           ContentDate: 20171113
                           ContentTime: 84103
                    DeviceSerialNumber: '00000650723PSYMR'
                           EchoNumbers: 1
                              EchoTime: 30
                       EchoTrainLength: 1
                             FlipAngle: 77
                   FrameOfReferenceUID: '1.2.840.113619.2.408.15512023.2926070.30389.1510590530.266'
                             HeartRate: 0
                               HighBit: 15
               ImageOrientationPatient: '['1.00000', '-0.00000', '0.00000', '-0.00000', '1.00000', '0.00000']'
                  ImagePositionPatient: '['-110.35', '-107.95', '-0.899987']'
                             ImageType: '['ORIGINAL', 'PRIMARY', 'OTHER']'
                         ImagedNucleus: '1H'
                   ImagesInAcquisition: 9600
                      ImagingFrequency: 127.6792
         InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection: 'ROW'
                 InStackPositionNumber: 21
                        InstanceNumber: 9541
                       InstitutionName: 'CNI'
                LargestImagePixelValue: 9936
                     MRAcquisitionType: '2D'
                 MagneticFieldStrength: 3
                          Manufacturer: 'GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS'
                 ManufacturerModelName: 'DISCOVERY MR750'
                              Modality: 'MR'
                      NumberOfAverages: 1
             NumberOfTemporalPositions: 240
                            PatientAge: '000Y'
                             PatientID: 'cni/qa'
                           PatientName: 'Phantom^MR'
                       PatientPosition: 'HFS'
                         PatientWeight: 68.0400
               PercentPhaseFieldOfView: 100
                       PercentSampling: 100
                     PerformedLocation: 'MRI'
              PerformedProcedureStepID: 7.9592e+03
       PerformedProcedureStepStartDate: 20171113
       PerformedProcedureStepStartTime: 82850
                  PerformedStationName: 'cnimr'
             PhotometricInterpretation: 'MONOCHROME2'
                        PixelBandwidth: 6250
                   PixelRepresentation: 1
                          PixelSpacing: '['2.9', '2.9']'
                          ProtocolName: 'QA fMRI Stability (CNI)'
                       ReceiveCoilName: 'RM:Nova32ch'
                ReconstructionDiameter: 232
                     RefdImageSequence: 'None'
    RefdPerformedProcedureStepSequence: 'None'
                        RepetitionTime: 2000
                                  Rows: 80
                                   SAR: 0.1580
                           SOPClassUID: 'MR Image Storage'
                        SOPInstanceUID: '1.2.840.113619.2.408.15512023.2926070.28493.1510590571.401'
                       SamplesPerPixel: 1
                           ScanOptions: '['MP_GEMS', 'EPI_GEMS', 'ACC_GEMS']'
                      ScanningSequence: '['EP', 'RM']'
                       SequenceVariant: 'NONE'
                            SeriesDate: 20171113
                     SeriesDescription: 'BOLD EPI Ax A/P'
                     SeriesInstanceUID: '1.2.840.113619.2.408.15512023.2926070.30389.1510590530.280'
                          SeriesNumber: 4
                            SeriesTime: 84100
                         SliceLocation: -0.9000
                        SliceThickness: 2.9000
               SmallestImagePixelValue: 0
                      SoftwareVersions: '['27', 'LX', 'MR Software release:DV26.0_R01_1725.a']'
                  SpacingBetweenSlices: 2.9000
                  SpecificCharacterSet: 'ISO_IR 100'
                               StackID: 1
                           StationName: 'cnimr'
                             StudyDate: 20171113
                               StudyID: 16504
                      StudyInstanceUID: '1.2.840.113619.6.408.309901203445075821555628802131609298234'
                             StudyTime: 82909
            TemporalPositionIdentifier: 239
                           TriggerTime: 476550
                         TriggerWindow: 0
                 VariableFlipAngleFlag: 'N'
                          WindowCenter: 4968
                           WindowWidth: 9936
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