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overwrite VIVO settings, runtime properties, application setup

Sandra Mierz edited this page Apr 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

overwrite settings.xml

The relevant fields for the settings file used when installing VIVO are set in the ansible-role-vivo defaults/main.yml file.
The values provided there will be replaced in the template settings file.

vivo_settings_appname: vivo
vivo_settings_vivodir: /usr/local/vivo/home
vivo_settings_tomcatdir: /opt/tomcat
vivo_settings_defaulttheme: wilma

If you would like to overwrite the values, simply set them in the provided playbook below the vivo role like:

    - role:
      vivo_settings_appname: Forschungsatlas

overwrite / applicationSetup.n3

The files for and applicationSetup.n3 that are used for the installation can be found in the ansible-role-vivo files folder:

If you would like to replace some values or the whole file, you need to :

  • create a files folder in this repo's provisioning folder
  • create a file with your and/or applicationSetup.n3 and put it into the folder
  • IMPORTANT: The filename of the file has to be different from / example.applicationSetup.n3
  • set the new filename in the playbook variables like:
    - role:
      vivo_applicationsetup_file: new.applicationSetup.n3

Ansible will then copy the files from this repo to your VIVO installation directory instead of the one's provided with ansible-role-vivo.