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Setting up Backup Manager

rmehta edited this page Sep 9, 2014 · 3 revisions

Setup of automated backups via Setup >> Backup Manager using Dropbox

1. Create an App in Dropbox

Firstly create your Dropbox account. Then create an app here. After successful creation of app you will receive app_key, app_secret and access_type.

2. Update your site_config.json

Update the keys in frappe-bench/sites/[sitename]/site_config.json

 "db_name": "demo", 
 "db_password": "DZ1Idd55xJ9qvkHvUH", 
 "host_name": "http://demo.local:8000", 
 "dropbox_access_key": "ACCESSKEY", 
 "dropbox_secret_key": "SECRECTKEY" 
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