konachan_dl is a script used to download images from konachan quickly.
It downloads images directly onto your drive where ever you want and does so in parallel to achieve faster download speeds, all in your terminal! We also compare performance to the a naive approach to downloading images from the site.
Getting started • Installation • Analysispython konachan_dl.py -n 5 -t 2 hatsune_miku vocaloid # downloads 5 images with the tags hatsune_miku+vocaloid
python konachan_dl.py -n 1 -t 1 -r long_hair # (random) downloads one random picture with tag long_hair
python konachan_dl.py -n 1 -t 1 -p ~/folder vocaloid # (path) downloads one picture with tag vocaloid into the directory ~/folder
python konachan_dl.py -n 1 -t 1 -f blush # (force) downloads one picture with tag blush and doesn't show the confirmation prompt
Simpy run the python script as any other with python konachan_dl.py
It can be downloaded using git clone <url>
In this repo, a simple script is provided that demonstrates the naive 1 by 1 approach to scraping konachan for images. We compare the scripts with batch downloads of 5 and 20 images.
This may seem unimpressive but this difference in speed is only magnified with larger downloads as demonstrated with 20 images.
The numbers speak for themselves. Here are two beautiful images the scraper got in these performance runs