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Kinshuk Bairagi edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 14 revisions

Oreka installation comprises of 2 mandatory components (orkaudio & orktrack) & one optional component (orkweb)


OS Compatibility

OS Version Variant
Ubuntu 16.04 Native Support
Debian 9 Native Support
CentOS any Docker Support
Windows - Not Maintained

Native Installation

  1. Install daemontools and orkaudio
apt-get install daemontools daemontools-run
apt install ./orkaudio.deb
  1. Configure /etc/orkaudio/config.xml

  2. Start/Stop the orkaudio service

svc -u /etc/service/orkaudio #to-start
# Verify that is running using `ps aux | grep orkaudio`
svc -d /etc/service/orkaudio #to-stop

Docker Based Installation

docker run -itd --net=host --restart=always --privileged=true -v /var/log/orkaudio:/var/log/orkaudio voiceip/orkaudio:latest


Install orktrack using the following steps:

  1. Install MySQL & Tomcat
apt-get install mysql-server-5.7 mysql-client-5.7
apt install tomcat8
  1. Proceed with configuration

    Create the folder /etc/oreka and create the following files database.hbm.xml example, example, logging.xml example, orktrack.config.xml example and configure them as per your need.

  2. Deploy orktrack.war to tomcat ROOT folder, and restart tomcat.


Install orkweb using the following steps:


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