Minecraft extension to make your own stories in, with and for Minecraft - it's like being a movie director!
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This project has four parts, delivered separately:
- Minecraft plugin, described below, lets you create stories by writing .story text files.
- Another Minecraft plugin, described in a separate README, lets you script Minecraft with Scratch!
- Third option, in another separate README, create a javascript 'story'.
- Separately, and not (yet?) Minecraft integrated, the Engine.
Place the storeys-master-all.jar
into your spongepowered.org Minecraft, typically the mods/
directory of a Vanilla server.
Tested on Sponge Vanilla 7.0.0 (Minecraft 1.12.1) and Sponge Vanilla 5.1.0 (Minecraft 1.10.2). Likely works on Sponge Forge as well.
Write your own .story file, e.g. see hello.story.
Run it with /story <story-name>
(without .story suffix, so e.g. /story hello
// Comment
= Title
== Subtitle
/tp 0 0 0
%await 2s
/tp -235 64 230 17 12
This is something which will appear on the chat.
@entityName this is something that the entity will "narrate" (in its name tag, like a speech bubble in a cartoon)
you can use more than one line; everything until the next paragraph break (double new line) will be part of the narration.
You do not have to break up the text yourself - it will automatically be "chopped up" appropriately by itself.
Now this will appear on the chat again (unless there is a '@' character in front again).
You can of course use ANY Minecraft command in any line that starts with the '/' character, not just /tp.
An entity's name must be given to your actors with a name tag (created via an Anvil), as always in normal Minecraft.
The %await
action is is useful e.g. if you are teleporting your viewer around to show him a scenery,
and need the story to "pause" (to appreciate the beauty of your creation). You do not need to explicitly use this
otherwise, as the story automatically pauses appropriately when narrating, showing titles and chat.
You can obviously mix the order and repeat titles, comments, chats, narrations, commands and actions.
/story <story-name>
plays a story, read fromconfig/storeys/stories/<story-name>.story
/narrate <entityName> Text..
makes an entity "narrate" the Text
./gradlew build
docker build -t minecraft-storeys-maker .
docker run -it --rm -e OPS=73551f35-7acb-45c0-bc65-8083c53eec69 \
-v $HOME/MinecraftData:/data:Z \
-p 25565:25565 -p 8080:8080 -p 7070:7070 minecraft-storeys-maker
Now you can use the /make
(AKA /scratch
) command to get the URL to Scratch where you can "make a plugin".
(The OPS
with your Minecraft ID is required because the command requires permission; alternatively use permissions.)
If you want to run on a diffenent host then localhost, you'll need to set the following environment variables:
storeys_gui = http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:7070/index.html
storeys_eventBusURL = http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:8080/
A Series N1: f1-micro (1 vCPU, 614 MB memory) is too small and crash loops; but a Series N1: g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory) seems to suffice for 1 or 2 player; otherwise a N1 standard or a e2-medium (2 vCPU, 4 GB memory) or more is recommended.
Remember to set the environment variables as above, add a persistent /data
volume, and create an appropriate firewall rule.
TODO Cost: $x VM + $y PD + $7 (?) static IP + $z Ingress+Egress = $TBD.
Seriously, "storeys" (not "stories") Maker, are you mental? Yeah.. just to avoid any possible confusion with Minecraft Story Mode! ;-)
License? Contributions? Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPLv3). Contributions most welcome.