: Set up the package repository for the HashiCorp Stack components
This class installs the hashicorp repository
include hashi_stack::repo
include hashi_stack::repo
package { 'packer':
ensure => installed,
require => Class['Hashi_stack::Repo'],
The following parameters are available in the hashi_stack::repo
Data type: Optional[Integer]
A numeric priority for the repo, passed to the package management system
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The URL of a HTTP proxy to use for package downloads (YUM only)
Default value: 'absent'
Data type: String
GPG key to authenticate Apt package signatures.
Default value: '798AEC654E5C15428C8E42EEAA16FCBCA621E701'
Data type: Stdlib::HTTPSUrl
The location of an existing GPG key file to copy.
Default value: 'https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg'
Data type: String
Repository description
Default value: 'HashiCorp package repository.'
Data type: String
Base URL for the Yum repository
Default value: 'https://rpm.releases.hashicorp.com'
Data type: Integer[0,1]
enables gpg validation of packages from the repo
Default value: 0
Data type: Integer[0,1]
enables/disables the repository
Default value: 1