Simple utilities with little or no dependencies themselves
- Collection related, like CountedIterator, ClosableIterator, SkippingIterator, TransformingList, BatchedReceiver
- Strings related, like TextUtil, HTMLStripper, Strings
- JMX related: nl.vpro.jmx
- CommandExecutor to convientiently call external commands
- …
// initialize
CommandExecutor convert = CommandExecutorImpl
.executablesPaths("/opt/local/bin/convert", "/bin/convert", "/usr/local/bin/convert")
File out = File.createTempFile(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(pdfFileName), ".png");
try (OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(out)) {
int exitCode = convert.execute(zip, outputStream, LoggerOutputStream.error(log));
if (exitCode != 0) {
log.warn("Exit code: {}", exitCode);
If an API provides access to huge set of elements, they often do it with some paging mechanism, or by some 'resumption token' formalism. With nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
this can be morphed into a simple java.util.Iterator
The 'batchGetter' argument should be a java.util.BiFunction
, returning an iterator for the page described by given offset and batch size
Iterator<String> i = BatchedReceiver.<String>builder()
.batchGetter((offset, max) ->
apiClient.getPage(offset, max).iterator()
i.forEachRemaining(string -> {
...<do stuff...>
You simply provide a java.util.Supplier
. A lambda would probably not suffice because you might need the previous result the get the next one. E.g. this (using olingo code)
public Iterator<ClientEntity> iterate(URIBuilder ub) {
return BatchedReceiver.<ClientEntity>builder()
.batchGetter(new Supplier<Iterator<ClientEntity>>() {
ClientEntitySet result;
public Iterator<ClientEntity> get() {
if (result != null) {
result = query(result.getNext());
} else {
result = query(ub);
return result.getEntities().iterator();
At vpro we use to place configuration properties file for all project on similar places.
The can be obtained like this:
nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils#getPropertiesInHome("<my config file>.properties");
Resolves properties in class path and user.home
/conf in a standardized way.
We also support a convention to have properties differ per OTAP environment
Map<String, String> properties =
ConfigUtils.filtered(env, ConfigUtils.getPropertiesInHome(""));
It is also possible to instantiate obects using reflection.
TODO device examples