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Releases: vrchat-community/EasyQuestSwitch

EasyQuestSwitch v1.4.0

25 Mar 23:51
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Compatible with Unity 2022

New releases will be using the VCC only

Make sure to close your project before upgrading

New Features

  • Added a setting to show/hide the prompt that EQS does after you open a scene that isn't set on the correct platform version.
  • Added Bakery components support (Thanks @arranash!)
    Components that were added:
  • Bakery Direct Light
  • Bakery Light Mesh
  • Bakery Point Light
  • Bakery Sky Light

Bug fixes

  • The hierarchy will no longer bug out when deleting an object used in EQS with "Show hierarchy icons" enabled.

Known issues

  • Removing Bakery after adding it will keep the scripting symbol and therefore result in errors, please remove the Bakery scripting symbol manually if you delete it.

Thanks to the translators for this release, @slord399, @RadAurum, @CallMeReznov !

EasyQuestSwitch v1.3.1

23 Feb 01:25
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Compatible with Unity 2022

New releases will be using the VCC only

Make sure to close your project before upgrading

New Features

Bug fixes

  • See release 1.3.0
  • Dialogue to "Apply settings" if the scene was changed is disabled for the time being. (See #13)
  • EQS will now detect that you've updated from 1.2.1 or below to 1.3.1 and will run the import script on "Light" and "Material" objects in EQS to populate the PC & Quest side of the new fields added in 1.3.0 with the values in your scene currently.

Note that this will only automatically work if your project is closed at the time of upgrading, if you've upgraded while your Unity was still open, then do not save the scene, switch to another scene, then back into your main scene so the migration code can execute.

If your data was altered by 1.3.0 and you've applied the EQS changes & saved your scene since, the migration will not be able to work correctly as your scene values have already been altered, manual work may be required to fix "Light" and "Material" components saved within your EQS list.
Here are the fields that were previously not copied from scene by the 1.3.0 release:


  • Light type
  • Range
  • Render mode


  • Main color (Defaulted to black, no alpha)
  • GPU instancing

EasyQuestSwitch v1.3.0

09 Feb 23:01
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It is currently not advised to update existing projects to 1.3.0 if you are using "Light" or "Material" objects in EQS, as described in the Known issues below and in this issue: #24 (comment)

Compatible with Unity 2022

New releases will be using the VCC only

New Features

Bug fixes

  • Fixed lists being unusable in Unity 2022

Known issues

  • Updating from 1.2.1 or below to 1.3.0 will have existing "Light" and "Material" objects in EQS have defaults that don't correspond to the scene (for example Material will have black color & GPU instancing off even if it's different in the scene), that is because EQS 1.3.0 adds new fields to those types and EQS is built to only retrieve the information on all the fields when you first drag & drop an object. As a result, you might have to spend some time fixing that past migration.

EasyQuestSwitch v1.2.0 + package exclusive 1.2.1

22 Aug 19:14
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The older version of the package zip file (1.2.0) was preventing building VRChat worlds, if you added EasyQuestSwitch to your packages manually, please make sure to redownload this release and update to 1.2.1.

New Features

  • Integrated @orels1's PR #8 that adds hierarchy icons for objects that are setup inside EQS & enables drag & drop support
  • When you open a scene, EQS will now detect if the last time you opened it was on a different platform, and if so, will prompt you to apply the changes for the new platform
  • Added Chinese translation (thanks @CallMeReznov)
  • Added French translation

General improvements & bug fixes

  • Scene is now marked dirty after EQS changes
  • Modified every debug logs to include a prefix for easier comprehension

EasyQuestSwitch v1.1.2

11 Nov 09:38
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Notes about migration

If you are migrating from v1.0, you'll have an extra folder called "EQS_Local" in EasyQuestSwitch/Resources after import, it is safe to delete.
If you are already using v1.1, it'll prompt you that some GUIDs are different, that is normal.

Fixed issues:

  • Null reference exception errors when changing build target while not having the EQS window opened (thanks @BocuD).
  • Importing EQS 1.1.2 in an SDK 3 Avatars project will no longer cause any errors or require any special steps.

EasyQuestSwitch v1.1.1

18 Aug 05:37
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This release fixes an issue with migrating from v1.0 to v1.1.

If you are migrating from v1.0, you'll have an extra folder called "EQS_Local" in EasyQuestSwitch/Resources after import, it is safe to delete.
If you are already using v1.1, it'll prompt you that some GUIDs are different, that is normal.

Improved support for components:

Known issues

  • If importing the package in an SDK 3 Avatars project, you will have to delete the EasyQuestSwitch/EQS_Types/VRC folder as it is impossible to differentiate an SDK 3 avatars project from an SDK 3 worlds project

EasyQuestSwitch v1.1

14 Aug 02:18
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New Features

  • New optimized list system by default, the old (slower) list can still be selected in the settings
  • Added support for prefabs
  • Adding a new entry now scrolls down the list
  • Header will now change color depending on the platform
  • It is now possible to access the EQS_Data GameObject for debugging purposes
  • Added Asset Pipeline v2 tip if using 2019 or newer
  • A lot of new components & base fields are now supported (see below)

New supported components:

  • Transform
  • SpriteRenderer
  • Camera
  • SphereCollider
  • Image
  • RawImage
  • LODGroup (Experimental, I could not support the renderers list, it'll use whatever is setup in the LOD group, do not modify the list size)
  • Reflection Probe
  • Canvas scaler
  • Light
  • AudioSource
  • RenderTexture
  • VRC_SpatialAudioSource

New supported base fields:

  • Vector2
  • Vector2Int
  • Vector3Int
  • Vector4
  • Sprite
  • Color
  • RenderTexture
  • Texture
  • AudioClip
  • Quaternion
  • Renderer

General improvements & bug fixes

  • Fixed standard shader materials losing their shader reference, if the shader is missing in EQS, the platform switch will automatically fix it
  • EQS will now keep going down the list during a platform switch even if an object is missing or has an error
  • Now prevents you from putting a component that already exists in the list
  • Fixed issues with the logo
  • Clearer code using scopes in the GUI
  • Types are now removed from the Add Component menu
  • Split VRC scripts into SDK 2 & SDK 3 versions for clarity
  • Simplified the creation of types by creating a method to get the correct PC or Quest field depending on the build target in SharedObject
  • Renamed EQS_Local to EQS_Localizations
  • EQS_Localizations is now static to be called from anywhere within EQS

Known issues

  • If importing the package in an SDK 3 Avatars project, you will have to delete the EasyQuestSwitch/EQS_Types/VRC folder as it is impossible to differentiate an SDK 3 avatars project from an SDK 3 worlds project

EasyQuestSwitch v1.0

29 Apr 00:05
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First release of EasyQuestSwitch, a tool developed for VRChat world creators that aims to facilitate using one project and one scene for a PC & a Quest version of a world.