RxQueue contains RxJava subject and relay types that queue items if no observer is subscribed. Once a subscriber attaches, items in the queue will be drained to that subscriber unless the subscriber is disposed or another subscriber takes its place. If the queue is empty, the observer will continue to receive live events until the subject is terminated or the observer is disposed.
The RxQueue types are most similar to a UnicastSubject, but they allow additional subscribers to take the place of the first subscriber without throwing an exception. Adding a subscriber while a subscription is active will dispose of the first subscriber and any existing events in the queue will be forwarded to the second subscriber. Only one subscriber can be active at a time!
This may be useful in situations where you have a transient observer and when that observer comes back you want to receive any events it may have missed while it wasn't available. You also don't want to repeat any events it has already seen.
The RxQueue types are backed by an unbounded ConcurrentLinkedQueue
// observer will receive all events QueueSubject<Object> subject = QueueSubject.createDefault("initial"); subject.onNext("one"); subject.onNext("two"); subject.subscribe(observer); subject.onNext("three"); // first observer will receive initial event, second observer all subsequent events QueueSubject<Object> subject = QueueSubject.createDefault("initial"); subject.subscribe(firstObserver); subject.subscribe(secondObserver); subject.onNext("one"); subject.onNext("two");
// observer will receive all events QueueRelay<Object> relay = QueueRelay.createDefault("initial"); relay.accept("one"); relay.accept("two"); relay.subscribe(observer); relay.accept("three"); // first observer will receive initial event, second observer all subsequent events QueueRelay<Object> relay = QueueRelay.createDefault("initial"); relay.subscribe(firstObserver); relay.subscribe(secondObserver); relay.accept("one"); relay.accept("two");
implementation 'com.victorrendina:rxqueue2:2.x.y'
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