1.3.2 (2017-06-21)
- Prevent scenario where multiple event loop threads may be active at the same time
- Changed event loop thread priority
- Mark event loop thread as daemon thread
- Introduce timeout into DefaultEventLoopTest.startKilledEventLoop() unit test
- Add listener details to the handleException error message
- added IntelliJ and Mac OS X files to the ignored list
1.3.1 (2017-05-24)
- Fix message in the exception raised to indicate that WriteOnlyClient does not accept new data.
- Fix infinite loop and use faster size computation
- DefaultEventLoop.stop() should immediately decrement refCount and schedule task execution only if refCount drops to 0
1.3.0 (2016-11-15)
- Fix for race condition between SuspendedReadClient and ResumedReadClient registration in the AbstractClient unit test.
- Removed offset from the Slice hash code computation.
- DefaultServer implementation of the AbstractServer.
- AbstractClientListener implementation of the ClientListener interface with the ability to shutdown socket channel input or output.
- Read and write only simplex clients.
- Upgraded japicmp to 0.8.1.
1.2.1 (2016-04-12)
- Fix to not overflow max elements.
- Fix for zero length slice left in sendBuffer4Polls queue when writeBuffer remaining capacity is equal to the slice length.
- Fix for
- Adaptive sleep time.
- Better handling for the case when tasks circular buffer becomes full.
- Added handling for unresolvable host names.
- Changed minimum maven version to 3.0.5.
- Implemented checkstyle plugin to enforce consistent code style.
- Implemented site report with japicmp, checkstyle and findbugs maven plugins.
1.2.0 (2015-09-15)
- Changed policy for handling tasks; They are executed before IO operations in the event loop.
- Introduced createEventLoop factory method for creating the concrete EventLoop class.
- Added Iterable and Cloneable interfaces to the CircularBuffer.FrozenIterator.
- Deprecated suspendRead and resumeRead; Replaced them with suspendReadIfResumed and resumeReadIfSuspended.
- Instrumented the NIO's select call to remove the garbage creation totally with OptimizedEventLoop.
- Tailored Coral Reactor benchmarks for Netty and Netlet and added maven plugins for executing those.
- Added japicmp plugin for checking semantic versioning.
- Added README, CHANGELOG, and travis-ci.org build automation.
1.1.0 (2015-07-30)
- Introduced OptimizedEventLoop which uses mix of select and selectNow to optimize latency.
- Flipped the order of read/write. Now read is invoked before write so that remote disconnections are handled gracefully.
- AbstractClient.discardReadBuffer introduced to encapsulate the logic to discard data read so far. Useful when replacing the business logic to process the data.
- Added OP_READ to interest ops along with OP_CONNECT to address apparent bug in Java NIO of missing OP_CONNECT.
1.0.0 (2015-06-30)
- The very first publicly available version of Netlet!