diff --git a/active-rfcs/0000-forwarding-events.md b/active-rfcs/0000-forwarding-events.md
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+++ b/active-rfcs/0000-forwarding-events.md
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+- Start Date: 2019-02-03
+- Target Major Version: 2.x
+- Reference Issues: N/A
+- Implementation PR:
+# Summary
+Allow *re-emitting* (forwarding) an event that is not intended to be handled in the current component but we want to forward the children event behaviour to a grandparent component.
+This RFC helps reducing boilerplate for a common vue.js pattern.
+Introducing the new `.emit` event modifier. (Name opened to change/discussion)
+# Basic example
+This would be a good case where we could apply this new modifier:
+In above example, `parent-component` does not want/need to handle or add extra behaviour to _click_ event, but it wants to _re-emit_ the event upwards to allow parent components to handle it.
+# More realistic example
+Let's imagine we are building a custom text input. If we want to allow to react to common input events (focus, blur, etc...) we have to handle all the desired events and just _re-emit_ all the events (For the sake of the example, we won't add any custom behaviour to them):
+With the `.emit` modifier this could be simplified as:
+# Motivation
+The main goal of this feature is to reduce boilerplate when building deeply nested components in which you have to emit events upwards through several component layers.
+If we make this process easier, this could help to avoid less visual patterns like `provide/inject`, or a custom event bus.
+# Detailed design
+This RFC is meant to be _only_ syntax sugar for this pattern:
+The new modifier could be chained with the rest of the modifiers too:
+Things to take into consideration when implementing:
+1. At first sight, It doesn't make sense to have a handler with the `.emit` modifier (`@click.emit="onClick"`). Vue should throw a warning indicating that `.emit` modifier is meant to avoid handling the event in the current component and should not receive a value.
+1. The order of the modifiers matters in this case. Check [Chaining with the rest of modifiers](https://github.com/Aferz/rfcs/blob/master/active-rfcs/0000-forwarding-events.md#the-relation-with-the-rest-of-modifiers) in Drawbacks section.
+1. Render function shouldn't be directly affected, but I'd reflect in the docs this is a modifier to implement in userland (Exactly as `.stop` or `.prevent` modifiers).
+# Drawbacks
+##### Another modifier
+It's not really a new concept and it's totally optional but it's something new to learn.
+##### It's less explicit
+Although I think the `.emit` modifier is a readable way of re-emitting an event, I understand that anyone could see this as a way of obfuscating what is happening.
+##### Chaining with the rest of modifiers
+Vue has more modifiers as _key modifiers_, _mouse modifiers_, _system modifiers_, etc... In some edge cases could be confusing because of the verbosity.
+Furthermore, with `.emit`, the order matters:
+This is something could be avoided with a warning, indicating if `.emit` is used, it should be used the last one. The Vue docs already reflect that the order of the modifiers matter, but this might be a very special case.
+# Alternatives
+If this RFC is rejected, the alternative is to keep things as is right now.
+# Adoption strategy
+The strategy is simple. This RFC only adds a feature on top of Vue, so it only needs to be documented and explained (Similar as v-model is explained).
+# Unresolved questions
+##### Template handlers without value
+I'm not really sure if the template engine allows to have handlers without value. I know that `@click.stop` works because I have used it a few times, but I don't know if it's an exception. I'd need any with more expertise to answer this question.
+##### Alternative names of the modifier
+I think the word `emit` makes sense, especially in Vue ecosystem. It's a known word and it's a known behaviour. The word `emit` is directly related to the events, so putting it next to an event handler, makes clear what the component it's trying to do. (`@click.emit`)
+I've thought in different names for the modifier that could be a better option in terms of user engagement:
+1. `.forward`: This could be a better fit because of the meaning of the word. Furthermore, this word can be associated directly with proxies, which this feature tries to mimic.
+2. `.propagate`: Although I like this one, I consider it a bit verbose and I think people could confuse it with the concept of `event.stopPropagation()` (Which is exactly the opposite).