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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 31, 2021. It is now read-only.

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267 lines (195 loc) · 6.99 KB


This repository has been archived and is not supported.

No Maintenance Intended


This projected was owned and maintained by Walmart. This project has reached its end of life and Walmart no longer supports this project.

We will no longer be monitoring the issues for this project or reviewing pull requests. You are free to continue using this project under the license terms or forks of this project at your own risk. This project is no longer subject to Walmart's bug bounty program or other security monitoring.

Actions you can take

We recommend you take the following action:

  • Review any configuration files used for build automation and make appropriate updates to remove or replace this project
  • Notify other members of your team and/or organization of this change
  • Notify your security team to help you evaluate alternative options

Forking and transition of ownership

For security reasons, Walmart does not transfer the ownership of our primary repos on Github or other platforms to other individuals/organizations. Further, we do not transfer ownership of packages for public package management systems.

If you would like to fork this package and continue development, you should choose a new name for the project and create your own packages, build automation, etc.

Please review the licensing terms of this project, which continue to be in effect even after decommission.

Weekly Reports

A survey tool.

Using the package API


npm install walmartlabs/weekly-report


Define the following fields with environmental variables or in the options object. See Sequelize documentation for more information. Defaults to an in-memory sqlite instance but is also setup to use mysql.

database: process.env.DATABASE || options.database || "",
user: process.env.DATABASE_USER || options.user || "",
pass: process.env.DATABASE_PASS || options.pass || "",
dialect: process.env.DATABASE_DIALECT || options.dialect || "sqlite",
storage: process.env.DATABASE_STORAGE || || null,

For example, the following environmental variables are used in Travis CI for mysql DATABASE=app_test DATABASE_USER=root DATABASE_DIALECT=mysql

Define the server PORT: process.env.PORT


Package exports an object with properties:

server        {object}    The Hapi server instance with routes, logger and sqlize loaded
createTables  {function}  Calls and returns Sequelize sync method to create sql tables.
                          Returns a promise.

Example Usage:

var serverPromise = require("weekly-report");
var server;

  .then(function (result) {
	server = result.server;

	// Create sql tables if they don't exist
	// Returns promise
	return result.createTables();
  .done(function () {
  	server.start(function () {
  	  console.log("server started");

See more examples in the server files found at ./test/

Using the Server API

Create new batch of surveys

POST surveys/batch

Accepts on array of survey objects.


periodStart    {string}    "YYYYMMDD"  Start date of survey period.
periodEnd      {string}    "YYYYMMDD"  End date of survey period.
projectId      {string}    User supplied project identifier
projectName    {string}    Name of the project.
creatorEmail   {string}    Email address of creator of surveys.
emails:        {object[]}  Array of email objects of survey participants. Of form:

Email objects of form:

  name: "John Doe".
  email: ""

Example Request:

curl -vs -XPOST -H"content-type: application/json" -d'[{"periodStart":"20141110","periodEnd":"20141117","projectId":"33", "projectName":"project-review","creatorEmail":"","emails":[{"name": "John Doe", "email": ""}]}]' http://localhost:8000/surveys/batch

Example Reponse:

  "surveys": [
      "id": 5,
      "periodStart": "20141110",
      "periodEnd": "20141117",
      "creatorEmail": "",
      "projectName": "project-review",
      "projectId": "33",
      "SurveyBatchId": 4,
      "createdAt": "2014-11-18T23:28:15.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2014-11-18T23:28:15.000Z",
      "Responses": [
          "accomplishments": null,
          "blockers": null,
          "id": 7,
          "token": "a601f4ab1fb91b1",
          "name": "John Doe",
          "email": "",
          "completedAt": null,
          "moralePicker": null,
          "privateFeedback": null,
          "SurveyId": 5,
          "createdAt": "2014-11-18T23:28:15.000Z",
          "updatedAt": "2014-11-18T23:28:15.000Z"
  "tokensByEmail": [
      "email": "",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "tokens": [
  "batchId": 4

Get batch of surveys with responses

GET /surveys/batch/{number}


number                       Id number of the batch to get records for.

Example request:

curl http://localhost:8000/surveys/batch/4

Will return same response as batch POST above.

Get survey response form for participant to fill out.

GET /responses/{tokens}


tokens:                    A '...' separated list of response tokens.

Example Request:

curl http://localhost:8000/response/a601f4ab1fb91b1

Will return survey participant to complete.

Post survey response form**

** Note that the survey response form handles this.

POST /responses


token:            {string}    The response tocken
accomplihsments   {string[]}  Accomplishments
blockers          {string[]}  Blockers
moralePicker      {string}    Result of morale picker.
privateFeedback   {string}    Private feedback.

Example Request:

curl -vs -XPOST -H"content-type: application/json" -d'{"token":"a601f4ab1fb91b1","accomplishments":["accomplished this","accomplished that"]}' http://localhost:8000/responses

Example Reponse:

  "accomplishments": [
    "accomplished this",
    "accomplished that"
  "blockers": null,
  "id": 7,
  "token": "a601f4ab1fb91b1",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "completedAt": "2014-11-18T23:54:15.277Z",
  "moralePicker": null,
  "privateFeedback": null,
  "SurveyId": 5,
  "createdAt": "2014-11-18T23:28:15.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2014-11-18T23:54:15.000Z"

API Development

Dev Server

gulp server:dev - runs dev server with nodemon

Dev for server generated responses view

gulp start - loads database with mock data and launches browser to view responses for one user. Uses livereload!


gulp check - runs jshint, jscs, and mocha tests

Build Status