Renumber code from 10 in increments of 10. Load in memory and assemble, then load or type in the other code and run sys 50176
Mikro code taken directly from Advanced machine code programming for the Commodore 64 by A.P. and D.J. Stephenson, page 69.
10 ! fixed renumber routine
20 ! for mikro 64 assembler
30 ! start line 10 increment 10
40 link=$fb
50 line=$fd
60 *=$c400
70 lda #10
80 sta line
90 lda #0
100 sta line+1
110 lda $2b
120 sta link
130 lda $2c
140 sta link+1
150 loop ldy #0
160 lda (link),y
170 pha
180 iny
190 lda (link),y
200 tax
210 lda line
220 iny
230 sta (link),y
240 lda line+1
250 iny
260 sta (link),y
270 clc
280 lda line
290 adc #10
300 sta line
310 bcc skip
320 inc line+1
330 skip stx link+1
340 pla
350 sta link
360 bne loop
370 txa
380 bne loop
390 rts
400 end