Web Notes Framework Installation guide
WNF requires the following applications
- Python
- MySQL-Python (connector)
- simplejson (for Python 2.4 or lower)
- email (for Python 2.4 or lower)
- pytz (easy_install pytz)
- Apache
- PIL (optional - for image processing (thumbnails etc)
- yum install libjpeg-devel
- yum install python-imaging )
Create a databse instance for your application
Call the install script with the following options. For more options use -h
python [folder]/cgi-bin/webnotes/install_lib/install.py MYSQL_ROOT_LOGIN MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD DBNAME
Setup defs.py
The framework picks up the database details from py/webnotes/defs.py
You need to edit this file and set your database name and other options
- Configuring Apache
see conf/apache.conf
- Login to application
Start Apache, go to your web-browser and point to the folder where you installed the framework
The default logins are:
login: Administrator password: admin
Step by step instructions on CentOS/Fedora: 0.Check out the source code. Modify the v170/cgi-bin/webnotes/defs file to your required settings and rename it to defs.py
$ yum install mysql
$ yum install httpd
$ yum install MySQL-python
$ yum install python-setuptools
$ easy_install pytz
$ easy_install email
$ easy_install simplejson suds
$ easy_install pygeoip (optional for geo ip)
$ yum install libjpeg-devel (optional)
$ yum install python-imaging (optional)
- Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the options as mentioned above.
- from the trunk/v170/cgi-bin folder run python webnotes/install_lib/install.py install