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Hello, Weld!

In this tutorial, we will write a simple Python library using Weld over NumPy's ndarray type. Our library will support elementwise operations over vectors. Specifically, we'll define a class HelloWeldVector, which acts as a wrapper around numpy.ndarray, and has four methods:

  • HelloWeldVector.add(number): Adds number to each element in the vector
  • HelloWeldVector.subtract(number): Subtracts number from each element in the vector
  • HelloWeldVector.multiply(number): Multiplies number with each element in the vector
  • HelloWeldVector.divide(number): Divides out number from each element in the vector

We will also support the Python __str__ function, which will print out the vector.

For pedagogical reasons our library will have some limitations. First, we will only support 1-dimensional arrays (i.e., arrays whose ndim field is set to 1). Next, we will only support ndarray objects whose dtype='int32'. This just prevents some checks we have to do in our library.

Table of Contents


This tutorial assumes you have a Weld installation and a familiarity of Python. See the README for instructions on how to build Weld.

The tutorial also assumes you've installed the Weld Python package, as described here. In particular, make sure you install the Weld packages by running:

$ python $WELD_HOME/python/ install

Setting up the Project

  1. Create a new file called

  2. Import dependencies:

import numpy as np
from weld.weldobject import *
from weld.types import *
from weld.encoders import NumpyArrayEncoder, NumpyArrayDecoder

We need NumPy because we will build our library on top of NumPy's ndarray type. The other imports come from the Weld library; we will revisit them later.

  1. Set up a template for the HelloWeldVector class. We will fill this in as we go. Copy and paste the following, which defines the methods we will implement along with what they do, but provides no implementation:
class HelloWeldVector(object):
    def __init__(self, vector):
        Create a new `HelloWeldVector`, initialized with an existing `numpy.ndarray` 'vector'.
        vector must have ndim=1 and dtype='int32'.

    def add(self, number):
        Add `number` to each element in this vector.

    def multiply(self, number):
        Multiply each element in this vector by `number`.

    def subtract(self, number):
        Subtract `number` from each element in this vector.

    def divide(self, number):
        Divide each element in this vector by `number`.

    def __str__(self):
        Return a string representation of this vector.

Weld Background

Before diving in further, let's discuss how Weld operates.

Weld uses a lazily evaluated API to build up a computation without actually executing. In other words, Weld does not actually execute any code until it absolutely needs to (e.g., when printing a result to the terminal). This allows Weld to perform optimizations like loop fusion, where multiple loops over some data can be fused into a single loop by analyzing a built-up expression.

The primary interface to Weld is WeldObject, which is a Python class which can keep track of a computation we have built so far. We will use WeldObject to make the operations in HelloWeldVector lazy, so they do not produce a result except when the a user prints the value of the vector.

Weld registers computations using a special intermediate representation (IR); think of it as a small functional programming language that can capture parallel programs. We won't discuss the IR in depth in this tutorial, but we will need to use it in order to express computations on our vector.


We will start off by initializing our vector. We need to do a few things here:

  1. Track the vector the user passes in as the "initial vector".
  2. Create a new WeldObject, which we will use to track the computations on the vector.

Add each line described below to the __init__ method.

self.vector = vector

This line tracks the vector the user passes in. Note that we might want to perform some checks here, like making sure the vector is a NumPy ndarray and the dtype is something we can support, but we'll skip that for now.

self.weldobj = WeldObject(NumpyArrayEncoder(), NumpyArrayDecoder())

Here, we are initializing a new WeldObject instance and setting it as a field. WeldObject takes two parameters: an encoder class and a decoder class. These classes specify how a type in Python maps over to a type in Weld (Weld expects a certain in-memory format for each type) and vice versa. The Weld API contains some default encoders and decoders for common types in the weld.encoders module; here, we use the included NumPy array encoder and decoder classes. In a different tutorial we will look at how to write encoders and decoders for custom objects.

name = self.weldobj.update(vector, WeldVec(WeldInt()))

WeldObject instances have an update method which add a dependency to the object. Dependencies are just values which will be passed into Weld when we actually want to compute something. The update method takes two parameters (a value and a type) and returns a string name.

Let's talk about these in more detail. The value is the value to mark as a dependency. The type is the type the value will take on in Weld. Types supported by Weld are available in the weld.types module. In this example, because our value is a NumPy array of integers, the expected Weld type is a WeldVec(WeldInt()) (a vector of 32-bit integer values). The encoder object we discussed earlier is responsible for translating the NumPy array into this type so Weld's execution engine understands it.

The return type of the update function is a string name. The name is how we refer to value in Weld code. Names are unique; no two values will ever be assigned the same name. Here, whenever we want to refer to the vector in our Weld code, we can just use this string as a placeholder to represent the value. WeldObject takes care of tracking which names are mapped to which values.

self.weldobj.weld_code = name

Last line! Here, we're setting the actual Weld IR code of the WeldObject. The weld_code field is just a string which represents some Weld code (in our special Weld IR). Again, we won't discuss the IR itself here, but on this line our code is just the name we assigned to the vector. If we were to execute this code now, Weld would just return the vector we passed in as the result.

Here is what you should have at the end:

  def __init__(self, vector):
      Create a new `HelloWeldVector`, initialized with an existing `numpy.ndarray` 'vector'.
      vector must have ndim=1 and dtype='int32'.
      self.vector = vector
      self.weldobj = WeldObject(NumpyArrayEncoder(), NumpyArrayDecoder())
      name = self.weldobj.update(vector, WeldVec(WeldInt()))
      self.weldobj.weld_code = name

Implementing an Operator

We will now implement an operator. Let's start with add. As before, add each line below to the add method.

template = "map({0}, |e| e + {1})"

template represents some Weld IR, which performs a map function on some vector {0} (this is something we can use Python's format method to replace with another string). The map function adds {1} to each element; in short, template is some Weld code to implement an elementwise add operator.

self.weldobj.weld_code = template.format(self.weldobj.weld_code, str(number))

We are updating the weld_code field of our WeldObject instance using the template; we substitute {0} with the first argument of format, and {1} with the second argument.

The first argument is the weld_code we already had. What does this weld_code represent? Well, if each operation in our library produces a vector, the weld_code must represent a vector too! We are effectively passing in the computation we have done so far as the input to the add operator. If we haven't done any operations on the vector yet, recall that weld_code was initialized to the name of the initial vector from __init__, so we will do the add on that.

The second argument is just the number we want to add to each element.

And that's it! We've implemented the add operator. Note that we never actually compute a result here; rather, we just express what we want to do without actually doing it. Implementing the other operators is similar; we just change the + in the map function to the correct binary operator.

Here's what add looks like at the end:

def add(self, number):
    Add `number` to each element in this vector.
    template = "map({0}, |e| e + {1})"
    self.weldobj.weld_code = template.format(self.weldobj.weld_code, str(number))

Forcing Evaluation

Eventually, we do want to compute a result. In our library, where should this happen? One sensible place to do it is when a user wants to print the vector. Python allows defining custom behavior for how a result is printed by overriding the __str__ method; that is exactly what we will do now.

Copy and paste the following into the __str__ method:

def __str__(self):
    v = self.weldobj.evaluate(WeldVec(WeldInt()))
    return str(v)

There is only one notable line here -- the call to evaluate. Calling evaluate on a WeldObject forces it's evaluation. In other words, calling evaluate will take the dependencies and Weld IR code registered with the WeldObject, generate a callable Weld function, compile it to fast parallel machine code, and run it. It then calls the decoder we specified when creating the WeldObject to marshall Weld's return value into something Python understands; in our case, it will decode a Weld vector into a NumPy array. Note that we need to specify the Weld return type of the computation so the decoder knows what it should marshall; in our case, the return type will always be a Weld vector of 32-bit integers, since that's what our initial vector is and it is also what each of our operations returns.

v is thus a NumPy ndarray. To get a string representation of it, we just call and return str(v).

Putting it all Together

That's it! We now have a minimal implementation for a Weld-enabled library. Let's try it out. Open up a Python shell and import the code you just wrote (along with NumPy):

>>> import numpy
>>> from hello_weld import *

Let's make a new vector initialized with all 0s, and then add some numbers to it:

>>> my_vector = HelloWeldVector(numpy.array([0,0,0,0,0], dtype='int32'))
>>> my_vector.add(5)
>>> my_vector.add(100)

If you'd like, you can see what the Weld IR code looks like so far:

>>> print my_vector.weldobj.weld_code
'map(map(e0, |e| e + 5), |e| e + 100))'

Now, let's print out the vector itself. This will compile the Weld code, pass in our NumPy array into Weld, and compute a result:

>>> print my_vector
[105, 105, 105, 105, 105]

Nice work!

Going From Here

We have a minimal working example of a Weld-enabled library now, but there is still a lot more we can do to make it more efficient/useful! Here are a few ideas:

  • Caching: Right now, we perform the entire computation each time we print the vector; not exactly very efficient. The HelloWeldVector can be extended so computed values can be cached.
  • Supporting More Types: Supporting just the 'int32' type is a bit limiting; extending this example to work with other types is not too difficult.
  • Supporting Other Operators: Elementwise operations are useful, but they're also just one class of operations over vectors. Weld supports all kinds of operations through its IR, and HelloWeldVector is a good starting point for them.

Common Issues

ImportError: No module named weld.weldobject

Make sure the Weld modules are installed:

$ python $WELD_HOME/python/ install

ValueError: Could not compile function ...

Take a look at the language docs; this is a compile error stating that the Weld code could not be compiled.